Package re combines regular expression matching with fmt.Scan like extraction of sub-matches into caller-supplied objects. Pointers to variables can be passed as extra arguments to re.Scan. These variables are filled in with regular expression sub-matches. The sub-matches are parsed appropriately based on the type of the variable. E.g., if a *int is passed in, the sub-match is parsed as a number (and overflow is detected).
For example, the host and port portions of a URL can be extracted as follows:
var host string
var port int
reg := regexp.MustCompile(`^https?://([^/:]+):(\d+)/`)
if err := re.Scan(reg, url, &host, &port); err == nil {
Process(host, port)
A "func([]byte) error" can also be passed in as an extra argument to provide custom parsing.
go get
See godoc for further documentation and examples.