A small library providing helpers to create Alfred Workflow
- Workflow & Item - Helper to build and generate feedbacks
- Storage - Helper to CRUD data
- Settings - Helper to CRUD settings, store password securely
- Utils - Helper to filter arrays, run applesripts, etc...
npm install "alfred-workflow-nodejs"
npm test
- Download default workflow from here: https://github.com/giangvo/alfred-workflow-nodejs/raw/master/AlfredNodejsWorkflow.alfredworkflow
- Import it to Alfred
- Navigate to workflow folder and run
npm install
- Update module name (in package.json) and workflow name (in main.js) - Optional but recommend
- Edit main.js to add your logic.
Workflow command
/usr/local/bin/node main.js "action" "query"
var AlfredNode = require('alfred-workflow-nodejs');
var actionHandler = AlfredNode.actionHandler;
var workflow = AlfredNode.workflow;
var Item = AlfredNode.Item;
(function main() {
actionHandler.onAction("action1", function(query) {
// your code to handle action 1 here
actionHandler.onAction("action2", function(query) {
// your code to handle action 2 here
actionHandler.onMenuItemSelected("action2", function(query, selectedTitle, selectedData) {
// your code to handle manu item selected of action 2 here
- Workflow is used to build and generate feedbacks
var workflow = AlfredNode.workflow;
// set name for workflow (you SHOULD set name for your wf)
- Item is class that prepresent data of a feedback:
- uid
- title
- subtitle
- arg (support variables in arg, alfred 3)
- icon
- valid(true/false, default is false)
- autocomplete
- type
- quicklookurl
- text
- mods
var Item = AlfredNode.Item;
var item1 = new Item({
title: "item 1",
subtitle: "sub 1"
var item2 = new Item({
uid: "uid",
title: "item 1",
subtitle: "sub 1",
valid: true,
icon: "icon.png",
arg: "arg",
autocomplete: "autocomplete"
var item3 = new Item({
title: "item 3",
subtitle: "sub 3",
mods: {
cmd: {
valid: true,
arg: "cmd arg",
subtitle: "pressing cmd"
alt: {
valid: false,
arg: "alt arg",
subtitle: "pressing alt"
// generate feedbacks
- Generate info/warning/error message
workflow.info("title", "subtitle");
workflow.warning("title", "subtitle");
workflow.error("title", "subtitle");
- Set variables via script output
AlfredNode.utils.generateVars({arg: 'xyz', variables: {key: value}};
// output
'{"alfredworkflow": {"arg": "xyz", "variables": {"key": "value"}}}'
- Set variables via wf feedback item
var Item = AlfredNode.Item;
var item = new Item({title: "item 1", arg: {arg: 'xyz', variables: {key: value}}});
// output:
{"items": [
"title": "item 1",
"arg": "{\"alfredworkflow\": {\"arg\": \"xyz\", \"variables\": {\"key\": \"value\"}}}"
- Get sub items by using
key when select a feeback - Set
to true when create feeback item - require - Set data of item to use later to build sub items by using
- optional - Implement handler for menu item selected
* query: the query
* selectedItemTitle: title of selected item
* selectedItemData: data of selected item
actionHandler.onMenuItemSelected("action", function(query, selectedItemTitle, selectedItemData){...})
Open Alfred and type "menu" => 2 feedbacks are generated: "Feedback A" and "Feeback B"
=> use arrow key to navigate to "Feedback B" and press TAB
=> Alfred search bar will now become "Feedback A $>" and display menu items of "Feedback A": "Item 1 of Feedback A" and "Item 2 of Feedback A"
--Code to handle "menuExample" action to generate feedback A and B
actionHandler.onAction("menuExample", function(query) {
var Item = AlfredNode.Item;
// generate feeback A
var item1 = new Item({
title: "Feedback A",
subtitle: "Press tab to get menu items",
arg: "Feedback A",
hasSubItems: true, // set this to true to tell that this feedback has sub Items
valid: true,
data: {alias: "X"} // we can set data to item to use later to build sub items
// generate feeback B
var item2 = new Item({
title: "Feedback B",
subtitle: "Press tab to get menu items",
arg: "Feedback B",
hasSubItems: true, // set this to true to tell that this feedback has sub Items
valid: true,
data: {alias: "Y"} // we can set data to item to use later to build sub items
// generate feedbacks
--Code to handle selection of "Feeback" by using TAB
* query: the query
* title: selected title
* data: data of selected item
actionHandler.onMenuItemSelected("menuExample", function(query, title, data) {
var Item = AlfredNode.Item;
var item1 = new Item({
title: "Item 1 of " + title,
arg: "item 1 of " + title + " which has alias " + data.alias,
subtitle: data.alias, // we can get data of selected item
valid: true
var item2 = new Item({
title: "Item 2 of " + title,
arg: "item 2 of " + title + " which has alias " + data.alias,
subtitle: data.alias,
valid: true
// generate feedbacks
Download example workflow and test with keyword menuexample
for more info
- set(key, value, [ttl])
- key: string
- value: string/object
- ttl: long (milisecond) // time to live
- get(key)
- remove(key)
- clear() : clear all data, be carefull!!!
var storage = AlfredNode.storage;
storge.set("key", "value");
storage.set("key", {name: "node"}, 1000);
Helpers to store string key/value settings, store password into Mac keychain
- set(key, value, [ttl])
- key: string
- value: string
- get(key)
- remove(key)
- clear() : clear all settings, be carefull!!!
- setPassword(username, password) : store password to Mac keychain (workflow name is used here as keychain service)
- getPassword(username, callback(error,password)) : get password of username from Mac keychain
- username
- callback(error, password): callback function that is called after password is returned
var settings = AlfredNode.settings;
settings.set("key", "stringValue");
settings.clear(); //clear all settings!!!
settings.setPassword("username", "password"); // store passwork into keychain
// get password from settings, async function
settings.getPassword("username", function(error, password){
Some utilities
- filter(query, list, keyBuilder) : filter list of object using fuzzy matching
- query
- list
- keyBuilder : function to build key to compare from items in list
var utils = AlfredNode.utils;
// filter array of string/object using fuzzy matching
utils.filter("a", ["a", "b", "c"], function(item){return item});
// => return ["a"]
utils.filter("pen", [{name: "pencil"}, {name: "pen"}, {name: "book"}], function(item){ return item.name});
// => return [{name: "pencil"}, {name: "pen"}]
- generateVars: set variables via script output (see "Setting variables" section above for usage)
- envVars: methods for enviroment variables
- set(key, value) - value can be string or object. If value is object, it is stored as json string
- get(key) - if stored value is object, this method will parse json string to object and return
- wfVars: methods for workflow variables
- set(key, value, [callback])
- key: variable name
- value: need to be string (object value is not supported)
- callback: callback(error) - optional
- get(key, callback)
- key: variable name
- callback: callback(error, value)
- remove(key, callback)
- key: variable name
- callback: callback(error) - optional
- clear(key, callback) - Clear all wf variables
- key: variable name
- callback: callback(error) - optional
- set(key, value, [callback])
Icons are from "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources"
You can look at some tests in test folder in source code get more about usage
- 0.x.x -> 1.x.x : for Alfred 2 workflow
- 2.0: Alfred 3 workflow
- Return feedback as JSON
- Support variables in 'arg' of feedback items
- Add Utils.generateVars method to set variables
- Add: Utils.envVars with set/get methods to set/get enviroment variables
- Add: Utils.wfVars with set/get/remove/clear to set/get/remove/clear wf variables
- 2.0.1: Use "node-persist" version 0.0.11 (latest version of "node-persist" is not compatible with this lib)
- 2.0.3: Fix vulnerabable dependencies.
- 2.0.4: Upgrade dependencies.