注意事项:每次新添加一个烧录器,都需要在 scripts 目录下新建一个目录,用于存放 program_flash.sh 烧录脚本,目录名就是 下面的
type definition:
export interface ShellFlasherIndexItem {
* tool id (lower case, without whitespace)
* format:
* '<mcu_class>.<interface_protocol>.<tool_name>'
* interface_protocol:
* uart
* swim
* swd
* jtag
* example:
* 'mcs51.uart.stcflash'
* 'w801.uart.wm_tool'
* 'stm8.swim.stm8flash'
id: string;
* human readable name
name: string;
* detail for this tool
detail?: string;
* provider (auther)
provider?: string;
* platform requirement, like: win32, linux, darwin ...
platform: string[];
* eide shell flasher config, refer: src/HexUploader.ts -> CustomFlashOptions
flashConfigTemplate: {
bin: string;
commandLine: string;
eraseChipCommand: string;
* scripts install path (default is workspace folder)
scriptInstallDir?: string;
* binary resources (optional)
resources: {
// platform require, like: win32, linux, darwin ...
[platform: string]: {
url: string; // zip, 7z direct download link (https), like: 'https://test.com/gcc.zip'
zipType: 'zip' | '7z' | 'none'; // if zipType == 'none', field 'url' will be ignored
locationType: 'workspace' | 'global';
* if 'locationType' == 'workspace', Install Dir is '${workspaceFolder}/<location>'
* if 'locationType' == 'global', Install Dir is '${userHome}/.eide/tools/<location>'
location: string;
setupCommand?: string; // (optional) This command will be execuate after resource has been unziped