To build a synthetic asset tracking the Kovan RAI redemption rate movements using UMA.
UMA is a fast, flexible and secure way to create synthetic assets on Ethereum. UMA has defined a novel architecture that enables anyone to create a synth asset that can track virtually anything from stock markets in Iran to gas fees on Ethereum safely and securely.
In this challenge I created a synth asset RR-RAI-APR21
tracking RAI redemption rate.
Also a DApp(fork of UMAProtocol/emp-tools) to interact with my EMP and manage/create their positions.
is the rate at which RAI is being devalued or revalued, it can therefore be negative as well. It is stored as redemptionRate
in OracleRelayer
relayer contract. Mathematically,
redemptionRate = Redemption_Rate + 1
Therefore redemptionRate
is bound in (0,2) which makes it a sensible candiadate to track our synthetic asset. But redemptionRate
changes very slowly and is almost constant upto few decimals. For example, these are some consecutive value for redemptionRate
0.999999999848547411861463422, // Starting 10 decimals are almost consatnt
To mitigate this for somme extent we can use annualizedRate
which is scaled version of redemptionRate.
annualizedRate = (redemptionRate) ^ (365 * 12 * 30 * 24 * 3600)
Lastly, to prevent market manuplation due to flash loans and other factors which can make Redemption_Rate
volatile for very short period (which can casue sudden liquidations) we will take Time Weighted Average Price (TWAP) of annualizedRate
Source of data :-
Event fromRateSetter
The full implementation of price feed with unit tests is contained in UMA protocol repo's fork.
RaiRedemptionPriceFeed - here
Unit tests - here
UMA's Networker
class does not support sending POST requests which was nesseary in order to query subgraphs. To add support for POST requests I made few small changes to it. Here is the PR UMAprotocol/protocol#2691
code has been tested with unit tests in the fork repo.- EMP UMA Contract (along with Synth Token) has been deployed to Kovan Testnet
- Default price-feed configuration for has been added for bots to work with minimal configuration - eacb633
- Uniswap Swap Pool (RAI-Synth) has been made to trade synths - here
- Deployed a Dapp to interact with EMP, manage position, deposit collateral, redeem synth and view positions or liquidations. (Fork from emp-tools) - Here
Added buy UMA team to AddressWhitelist
. through this transaction
Added by UMA Team to IdentifierWhitelist
through this transaction
syntheticName: "RAI Redemption Rate [RR April 2021]",
syntheticSymbol: 'RR-RAI-APR21',
Token Deployed (by EMP) at
Expiry date: 30/04/2021, 16:30:00 UTC
Price identifier: RaiRedemptionRate
Collateral requirement: 1.25
Unique sponsors: 1
Minimum sponsor tokens: 100.0 RR-RAI-APR21
EMP Contract Deployed to Kovan using launch-emp scipts provided by UMA at
Deployed -
Source -
A Simple DApp to interact with EMP, manage position, deposit collateral, redeem synth and view positions or liquidations. (Fork from emp-tools)
- Disbale DevMining interfaces
- Replace Old EMP ABI methods with updated one.
- Add dummy price config for
- Setup
- Local install
- EMP on net
- Kovan addresses
- Bot parametrization