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Add tree query compiler implementation #428

merged 11 commits into from
Jan 11, 2023
38 changes: 37 additions & 1 deletion build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -57,6 +57,13 @@ val commonSettings = List(
scalacOptions := scalacOptions.value.filterNot(_ == "-source:3.0-migration"),
scalacOptions ++= PartialFunction
.condOpt(CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion.value)) {
case Some((2, _)) => List("-Ypatmat-exhaust-depth", "40")
case _ => Nil
scalacOptions ++= PartialFunction
.condOpt(CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion.value)) {
case Some((2, 12)) =>
@@ -436,7 +443,36 @@ lazy val finiteState = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform, NativePlatform)
name := "fs2-data-finite-state",
description := "Streaming finite state machines",
tlVersionIntroduced := Map("3" -> "1.6.0", "2.13" -> "1.6.0", "2.12" -> "1.6.0")
tlVersionIntroduced := Map("3" -> "1.6.0", "2.13" -> "1.6.0", "2.12" -> "1.6.0"),
mimaBinaryIssueFilters ++= List(
// all filters related to esp.Rhs.Captured* come from converting it from case class to case object
// rules now only have number of parameters
scalaJSLinkerConfig ~= (_.withModuleKind(ModuleKind.CommonJSModule))
tlVersionIntroduced := Map("3" -> "1.5.1", "2.13" -> "1.5.1", "2.12" -> "1.5.1")
30 changes: 19 additions & 11 deletions finite-state/shared/src/main/scala/fs2/data/esp/ESP.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import scala.annotation.tailrec
* catch all rules, no matter what the state or depth is.
private[data] class ESP[F[_], Guard, InTag, OutTag](init: Int,
val params: Map[Int, List[Int]],
val params: Map[Int, Int],
val rules: DecisionTree[Guard, Tag[InTag], Rhs[OutTag]])(implicit
F: RaiseThrowable[F]) {

@@ -40,9 +40,8 @@ private[data] class ESP[F[_], Guard, InTag, OutTag](init: Int,
TT: Tag2Tag[InTag, OutTag],
G: Evaluator[Guard, Tag[InTag]]) =
params.get(q).liftTo[Pull[F, Nothing, *]](new ESPException(s"unknown state $q")).flatMap { params =>
if (params.size === args.size) {
if (params === args.size) {
.foldLeftM(env) { case (env, (arg, param)) =>
step(env, arg, in).map { rhs =>
env.updated(param, rhs)
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ private[data] class ESP[F[_], Guard, InTag, OutTag](init: Int,
} else {
Pull.raiseError(new ESPException(
s"wrong number of argument given in state $q reading input $in (expected ${params.size} but got ${args.size})"))
s"wrong number of argument given in state $q reading input $in (expected $params but got ${args.size})"))

@@ -101,7 +100,7 @@ private[data] class ESP[F[_], Guard, InTag, OutTag](init: Int,
case Rhs.SelfCall(q, params) =>
.traverse(eval(env, depth, in, _))
.flatMap(params => call(env, q, 0, params, in))
.flatMap(call(env, q, 0, _, in))
case Rhs.Param(i) =>
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ private[data] class ESP[F[_], Guard, InTag, OutTag](init: Int,
case Rhs.Tree(tag, inner) =>
eval(env, depth, in, inner)
.map(inner => Expr.Open(Out.makeOpen(tag), Expr.concat(inner, Expr.Close(Out.makeClose(tag), Expr.Epsilon))))
case Rhs.CapturedTree(_, inner) =>
case Rhs.CapturedTree(inner) =>
eval(env, depth, in, inner).flatMap { inner =>
in.flatMap(select(_, Selector.Cons(Selector.Root(), Tag.Open, 0)))
.liftTo[Pull[F, Nothing, *]](new ESPException("cannot capture eos"))
@@ -122,10 +121,18 @@ private[data] class ESP[F[_], Guard, InTag, OutTag](init: Int,
case Rhs.Leaf(v) =>
Pull.pure(Expr.Leaf(Out.makeLeaf(v), Expr.Epsilon))
case Rhs.CapturedLeaf(_) =>
case Rhs.CapturedLeaf =>
in.flatMap(select(_, Selector.Cons(Selector.Root(), Tag.Leaf, 0)))
.liftTo[Pull[F, Nothing, *]](new ESPException("cannot capture eos"))
.map(v => Expr.Leaf(Out.makeLeaf(TT.convert(v)), Expr.Epsilon))
case Rhs.ApplyToLeaf(f: (OutTag => Either[String, OutTag]) @unchecked) =>
in.flatMap(select(_, Selector.Cons(Selector.Root(), Tag.Leaf, 0)))
.liftTo[Pull[F, Nothing, *]](new ESPException("cannot capture eos"))
.flatMap(v =>
.leftMap(new ESPException(_))
.liftTo[Pull[F, Nothing, *]]
.map(t => Expr.Leaf(Out.makeLeaf(t), Expr.Epsilon)))
case Rhs.Concat(rhs1, rhs2) =>
(eval(env, depth, in, rhs1), eval(env, depth, in, rhs2)).mapN(Expr.concat(_, _))
@@ -181,8 +188,9 @@ private[data] class ESP[F[_], Guard, InTag, OutTag](init: Int,
case None =>
step(env, e, none).map(squeezeAll(_)).flatMap { case (e, s) =>
e match {
case Expr.Epsilon => Pull.output(Chunk.seq(s))
case _ => Pull.raiseError(new ESPException(s"unexpected end of input $e"))
case Expr.Epsilon =>
case _ => Pull.raiseError(new ESPException(s"unexpected end of input $e"))
@@ -197,6 +205,6 @@ private[data] class ESP[F[_], Guard, InTag, OutTag](init: Int,
Out: Conversion[OutTag, Out],
TT: Tag2Tag[InTag, OutTag],
G: Evaluator[Guard, Tag[InTag]]): Pipe[F, In, Out] =
transform(Chunk.empty, 0, _, Map.empty, Expr.Call(init, 0, Nil), new ListBuffer).stream
transform[In, Out](Chunk.empty, 0, _, Map.empty, Expr.Call(init, 0, Nil), new ListBuffer).stream

13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions finite-state/shared/src/main/scala/fs2/data/esp/Expr.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@


import cats.Show
import cats.syntax.foldable._

sealed trait Expr[+Out]
object Expr {
case class Call[Out](q: Int, depth: Int, params: List[Expr[Out]]) extends Expr[Out]
@@ -34,4 +38,13 @@ object Expr {
case (Leaf(v, Epsilon), _) => Leaf(v, e2)
case (_, _) => Concat(e1, e2)

implicit def show[Out: Show]: Show[Expr[Out]] = {
case Call(q, d, ps) => show"q${q}_$d(${(ps: List[Expr[Out]]).mkString_(", ")})"
case Epsilon => ""
case Open(o, next) => show"$o $next"
case Close(c, next) => show"$c $next"
case Leaf(l, next) => show"$l $next"
case Concat(e1, e2) => show"$e1 $e2"
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions finite-state/shared/src/main/scala/fs2/data/esp/Rhs.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -41,13 +41,16 @@ object Rhs {
case class Tree[OutTag](tag: OutTag, inner: Rhs[OutTag]) extends Rhs[OutTag]

/** Builds a tree with the captured node tag in pattern. */
case class CapturedTree[OutTag](name: String, inner: Rhs[OutTag]) extends Rhs[OutTag]
case class CapturedTree[OutTag](inner: Rhs[OutTag]) extends Rhs[OutTag]

/** Emits a leaf value. */
case class Leaf[OutTag](value: OutTag) extends Rhs[OutTag]

/** Emits the captured input value. */
case class CapturedLeaf(name: String) extends Rhs[Nothing]
case object CapturedLeaf extends Rhs[Nothing]

/** Applies the function to a leaf value. */
case class ApplyToLeaf[OutTag](f: OutTag => Either[String, OutTag]) extends Rhs[OutTag]

/** Concatenates two RHS. */
case class Concat[OutTag](fst: Rhs[OutTag], snd: Rhs[OutTag]) extends Rhs[OutTag]
229 changes: 221 additions & 8 deletions finite-state/shared/src/main/scala/fs2/data/mft/MFT.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -22,12 +22,20 @@ import esp.{Depth, ESP, Rhs => ERhs, Pattern, PatternDsl, Tag => ETag}

import cats.{Defer, MonadError}
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.Show
import scala.annotation.tailrec

sealed trait Forest
object Forest {
case object Self extends Forest
case object First extends Forest
case object Second extends Forest

implicit val show: Show[Forest] = {
case Self => "x0"
case First => "x1"
case Second => "x2"

sealed trait EventSelector[Guard, InTag]
@@ -41,7 +49,11 @@ object EventSelector {

sealed trait Rhs[+OutTag] {
def ~[OutTag1 >: OutTag](that: Rhs[OutTag1]): Rhs[OutTag1] =
Rhs.Concat(this, that)
(this, that) match {
case (Rhs.Epsilon, _) => that
case (_, Rhs.Epsilon) => this
case (_, _) => Rhs.Concat(this, that)
object Rhs {
case class Call[OutTag](q: Int, x: Forest, parameters: List[Rhs[OutTag]]) extends Rhs[OutTag]
@@ -51,7 +63,22 @@ object Rhs {
case class CopyNode[OutTag](children: Rhs[OutTag]) extends Rhs[OutTag]
case class Leaf[OutTag](value: OutTag) extends Rhs[OutTag]
case object CopyLeaf extends Rhs[Nothing]
case class ApplyToLeaf[OutTag](f: OutTag => Either[String, OutTag]) extends Rhs[OutTag]
case class Concat[OutTag](fst: Rhs[OutTag], snd: Rhs[OutTag]) extends Rhs[OutTag]

implicit def show[O: Show]: Show[Rhs[O]] = {
case Call(q, x, Nil) => show"q$q($x)"
case Call(q, x, ps) => show"q$q($x${(ps: List[Rhs[O]]).mkString_(", ", ", ", "")})"
case Epsilon => ""
case Param(i) => show"y$i"
case Node(tag, children) => show"<$tag>($children)"
case CopyNode(children) => show"%t($children)"
case Leaf(value) => show"<$value>"
case CopyLeaf => "%t"
case ApplyToLeaf(_) => "<leaf-function>"
case Concat(l, r) => show"$l $r"

/** A Macro Forest Transducer, as described in _Streamlining Functional XML Processing_.
@@ -60,7 +87,163 @@ object Rhs {
* An MFT is an intermediate structure towards a compiled [[ Events Stream Processor]]
private[data] class MFT[Guard, InTag, OutTag](init: Int, rules: Map[Int, Rules[Guard, InTag, OutTag]]) {
private[data] class MFT[Guard, InTag, OutTag](init: Int, val rules: Map[Int, Rules[Guard, InTag, OutTag]]) {

/** Returns an MFT that has the same behavior, but only propagates
* parameters that actually contribute to the output.
def removeUnusedParameters: MFT[Guard, InTag, OutTag] = {
def bareOccurences(rhs: Rhs[OutTag]): Set[Int] =
rhs match {
case Rhs.Param(i) => Set(i)
case Rhs.Node(_, children) => bareOccurences(children)
case Rhs.CopyNode(children) => bareOccurences(children)
case Rhs.Concat(rhs1, rhs2) => bareOccurences(rhs1) ++ bareOccurences(rhs2)
case _ => Set.empty

def findAllCalls(rhs: Rhs[OutTag]): List[Rhs.Call[OutTag]] =
rhs match {
case Rhs.Call(q, x, ps) => Rhs.Call(q, x, ps) :: ps.flatMap(findAllCalls(_))
case Rhs.Node(_, children) => findAllCalls(children)
case Rhs.CopyNode(children) => findAllCalls(children)
case Rhs.Concat(fst, snd) => findAllCalls(fst) ++ findAllCalls(snd)
case _ => Nil

val usedParams =
rules.fmap { case Rules(_, rhss) => { case (_, rhs) => bareOccurences(rhs) }.combineAll

def findAllUsedParams(usedParams: Map[Int, Set[Int]]): Map[Int, Set[Int]] = {
val newUsed = usedParams.combine(rules.fmap { case Rules(_, rhss) =>
rhss.flatMap { case (_, rhs) =>
findAllCalls(rhs).flatMap { case Rhs.Call(q1, _, args) =>
val usedInQ1 = usedParams.getOrElse(q1, Set())
args.zipWithIndex.collect {
case (rhs, i) if usedInQ1.contains(i) =>
if (newUsed == usedParams)

val allUsedParams = findAllUsedParams(usedParams)

def dropUnused(rhs: Rhs[OutTag], usedParams: Set[Int]): Rhs[OutTag] =
rhs match {
case Rhs.Call(q, x, args) =>
.collect {
case (a, i) if allUsedParams.getOrElse(q, Set.empty).contains(i) =>
dropUnused(a, usedParams)
case Rhs.Node(tag, children) => Rhs.Node(tag, dropUnused(children, usedParams))
case Rhs.CopyNode(children) => Rhs.CopyNode(dropUnused(children, usedParams))
case Rhs.Concat(rhs1, rhs2) => Rhs.Concat(dropUnused(rhs1, usedParams), dropUnused(rhs2, usedParams))
case Rhs.Param(i) => Rhs.Param(usedParams.count(_ < i))
case _ => rhs

val rules1 = rules.map2(allUsedParams) { case (Rules(_, rhss), usedParams) =>
Rules(usedParams.size, { case (sel, rhs) => (sel, dropUnused(rhs, usedParams)) })

new MFT(init, rules1)

/** Returns an MFT that has the same behavior but with stay moves inlined when possible. */
def inlineStayMoves: MFT[Guard, InTag, OutTag] = {
// first we gather all the stay states, for which the RHS is only calling other states on self
// and is the same for all cases.
def hasOnlySelfCalls(rhs: Rhs[OutTag]): Boolean =
rhs match {
case Rhs.Call(_, Forest.Self, _) => true
case Rhs.Call(_, _, _) => false
case Rhs.Node(_, children) => hasOnlySelfCalls(children)
case Rhs.CopyNode(children) => hasOnlySelfCalls(children)
case Rhs.Concat(rhs1, rhs2) => hasOnlySelfCalls(rhs1) && hasOnlySelfCalls(rhs2)
case _ => true

val stayStates = rules.mapFilter { rules =>
if (rules.isWildcard)
rules.tree.headOption.collect { case (_, rhs) if hasOnlySelfCalls(rhs) => rhs }

def subst(rhs: Rhs[OutTag], x: Forest, args: List[Rhs[OutTag]]): Rhs[OutTag] =
rhs match {
case Rhs.Call(q, _, args1) => Rhs.Call(q, x,, x, args)))
case Rhs.Param(i) => args.lift(i).getOrElse(Rhs.Epsilon)
case Rhs.Node(t, children) => Rhs.Node(t, subst(children, x, args))
case Rhs.CopyNode(children) => Rhs.CopyNode(subst(children, x, args))
case Rhs.Concat(rhs1, rhs2) => Rhs.Concat(subst(rhs1, x, args), subst(rhs2, x, args))
case _ => rhs

def inlineStayCalls(rhs: Rhs[OutTag]): Rhs[OutTag] =
rhs match {
case Rhs.Call(q, x, args) =>
stayStates.get(q) match {
case Some(rhs) =>
subst(rhs, x,
case None => rhs
case Rhs.Node(t, children) => Rhs.Node(t, inlineStayCalls(children))
case Rhs.CopyNode(children) => Rhs.CopyNode(inlineStayCalls(children))
case Rhs.Concat(rhs1, rhs2) => Rhs.Concat(inlineStayCalls(rhs1), inlineStayCalls(rhs2))
case _ => rhs

val rules1 = rules.fmap { case Rules(nparams, rhss) =>
Rules(nparams, { case (sel, rhs) =>
(sel, inlineStayCalls(rhs))

new MFT(init, rules1)

/** Returns an MFT that has the same behavior but without states
* that are never called from the initial state.
def removeUnreachableStates: MFT[Guard, InTag, OutTag] = {
def reachable(toProcess: List[Int], processed: Set[Int]): Set[Int] =
toProcess match {
case q :: qs =>
if (processed.contains(q)) {
reachable(qs, processed)
} else {
def calledStates(rhs: Rhs[OutTag]): List[Int] =
rhs match {
case Rhs.Call(q, _, args) => q :: args.flatMap(calledStates(_))
case Rhs.Node(_, children) => calledStates(children)
case Rhs.CopyNode(children) => calledStates(children)
case Rhs.Concat(rhs1, rhs2) => calledStates(rhs1) ++ calledStates(rhs2)
case _ => Nil
val newStates = rules.get(q).map(
reachable(newStates ++ qs, processed + q)
case Nil => processed

val reachableStates = reachable(List(init), Set.empty)

new MFT(init, rules.filter { case (k, _) => reachableStates.contains(k) })

/** Compiles this MFT into an ESP.
* The generated ESP contains one decision tree encoding all the patterns
@@ -79,9 +262,10 @@ private[data] class MFT[Guard, InTag, OutTag](init: Int, rules: Map[Int, Rules[G
case Rhs.Param(i) => ERhs.Param(i)
case Rhs.Epsilon => ERhs.Epsilon
case Rhs.Node(tag, inner) => ERhs.Tree(tag, translateRhs(inner))
case Rhs.CopyNode(inner) => ERhs.CapturedTree("in", translateRhs(inner))
case Rhs.CopyNode(inner) => ERhs.CapturedTree(translateRhs(inner))
case Rhs.Leaf(v) => ERhs.Leaf(v)
case Rhs.CopyLeaf => ERhs.CapturedLeaf("in")
case Rhs.CopyLeaf => ERhs.CapturedLeaf
case Rhs.ApplyToLeaf(f) => ERhs.ApplyToLeaf(f)
case Rhs.Concat(rhs1, rhs2) => ERhs.Concat(translateRhs(rhs1), translateRhs(rhs2))

@@ -107,18 +291,47 @@ private[data] class MFT[Guard, InTag, OutTag](init: Int, rules: Map[Int, Rules[G
val dflt = translateRhs(rhs)
List(state(q, 0)(close) -> dflt, state(q)(eos) -> dflt)
} ++ List(
state(q)(open) -> ERhs.Call(q, Depth.Increment,,
state(q)(open) -> ERhs.Call(q, Depth.Increment, List.tabulate(params)(ERhs.Param(_))),
state(q, 0)(close) -> ERhs.Epsilon,
state(q)(close) -> ERhs.Call(q, Depth.Decrement,,
state(q)(value) -> ERhs.Call(q, Depth.Copy,,
state(q)(close) -> ERhs.Call(q, Depth.Decrement, List.tabulate(params)(ERhs.Param(_))),
state(q)(value) -> ERhs.Call(q, Depth.Copy, List.tabulate(params)(ERhs.Param(_))),
state(q)(eos) -> ERhs.Epsilon

val compiler =
new pattern.Compiler[F, Guard, ETag[InTag], Pattern[Guard, InTag], ERhs[OutTag]]

compiler.compile(cases).map(new ESP(init, rules.fmap(_.params), _))
compiler.compile(cases).map(new ESP(init, rules.fmap(_.nparams), _))


object MFT {

implicit def show[G: Show, I: Show, O: Show]: Show[MFT[G, I, O]] = { mft =>
.map { case (src, rules) =>
val params =
if (rules.nparams == 0)
List.tabulate(rules.nparams)(i => s"y$i").mkString(", ", ", ", "")
implicit val showSelector: Show[EventSelector[G, I]] = {
case EventSelector.AnyNode(g) => show"(<%t>$params)${g.fold("")(g => show" when $g")}"
case EventSelector.Node(t, g) => show"(<$t>$params)${g.fold("")(g => show" when $g")}"
case EventSelector.AnyLeaf(g) => show"(<%t />$params)${g.fold("")(g => show" when $g")}"
case EventSelector.Leaf(t, g) => show"(<$t />$params)${g.fold("")(g => show" when $g")}"
case EventSelector.Epsilon() => show"$params)"
.map { case (pat, rhs) =>
show"q$src$pat -> $rhs"

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ class MFTBuilder[Guard, InTag, OutTag] private[mft] {
sealed trait PatternBuilder
sealed trait Guardable extends PatternBuilder {
def when(guard: Guard): PatternBuilder
def when(guard: Option[Guard]): PatternBuilder =
private[mft] object PatternBuilder {
case class Any(guard: Option[Guard]) extends Guardable {
@@ -76,6 +78,6 @@ class MFTBuilder[Guard, InTag, OutTag] private[mft] {

def build: MFT[Guard, InTag, OutTag] =
new MFT(initial, { st => st.q -> Rules(List.range(0, st.nargs), st.rules.result()) }.toMap)
new MFT(initial, { st => st.q -> Rules(st.nargs, st.rules.result()) }.toMap)

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -16,4 +16,9 @@


case class Rules[Guard, InTag, OutTag](params: List[Int], tree: List[(EventSelector[Guard, InTag], Rhs[OutTag])])
case class Rules[Guard, InTag, OutTag](nparams: Int, tree: List[(EventSelector[Guard, InTag], Rhs[OutTag])]) {
def isWildcard: Boolean = == Set(EventSelector.AnyLeaf(None),
EventSelector.Epsilon()) && == 1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -79,4 +79,7 @@ package object mft {
def copy: Rhs[Nothing] =

def applyToLeaf[OutTag](f: OutTag => Either[String, OutTag]) =

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
* Copyright 2022 Lucas Satabin
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.



/* An abstract representation of query language that consists of
* nested for loops over some paths and tagged element construction.
* ''Note for implementers'': a path is always relative to the closes enclosing `for` clause.
sealed trait Query[Tag, Path]
object Query {
case class Empty[Tag, Path]() extends Query[Tag, Path]
case class ForClause[Tag, Path](variable: String, source: Path, result: Query[Tag, Path]) extends Query[Tag, Path]
case class LetClause[Tag, Path](variable: String, query: Query[Tag, Path], result: Query[Tag, Path])
extends Query[Tag, Path]
case class Ordpath[Tag, Path](path: Path) extends Query[Tag, Path]
case class Variable[Tag, Path](name: String) extends Query[Tag, Path]
case class Node[Tag, Path](tag: Tag, child: Query[Tag, Path]) extends Query[Tag, Path]
case class Leaf[Tag, Path](tag: Tag) extends Query[Tag, Path]
case class Sequence[Tag, Path](elements: NonEmptyList[Query[Tag, Path]]) extends Query[Tag, Path]
case class LeafFunction[Tag, Path](f: Tag => Either[String, Tag]) extends Query[Tag, Path]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
* Copyright 2022 Lucas Satabin
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package mft
package query

import pfsa.{Candidate, Pred, Regular}
import cats.Eq
import cats.syntax.all._

/** This compiler can be used to compile to an MFT any query language that can be represented by nested for loops.
* The compiler is based on the approach described in [[ _XQuery Streaming by Forest Transducers_]]
* and generalized for the abstract query language on trees.
private[fs2] abstract class QueryCompiler[Tag, Path] {

type Matcher
type Pattern
type Guard

/** A single char to be matched in a path */
type Char

implicit def predicate: Pred[Matcher, Char]

implicit def candidate: Candidate[Matcher, Char]

implicit def charsEq: Eq[Matcher]

/** Creates a regular expression given a path. */
def path2regular(path: Path): Regular[Matcher]

/** Create (ordered) pattern matching cases with guards for a given matcher.
* Guard is expressed as a conjunction of atomic guard operations.
* If a case has no guard, returns an empty list for this case.
* Cases will be matched in ordered, the first matching case will be taken.
def cases(matcher: Matcher): List[(Pattern, List[Guard])]

/** Return the constructor tag of this pattern, or `None` if it is a wildcard. */
def tagOf(pattern: Pattern): Option[Tag]

def compile(query: Query[Tag, Path]): MFT[NonEmptyList[Guard], Tag, Tag] = {
val mft = dsl[NonEmptyList[Guard], Tag, Tag] { implicit builder =>
val q0 = state(args = 0, initial = true)
val qinit = state(args = 1)
val qcopy = state(args = 0)

qcopy(anyNode) -> copy(qcopy(x1)) ~ qcopy(x2)
qcopy(anyLeaf) -> copy ~ qcopy(x1)
qcopy(epsilon) -> eps

// input is copied in the first argument
q0(any) -> qinit(x0, qcopy(x0))

def translatePath(path: Path, start: builder.StateBuilder, end: builder.StateBuilder): Unit = {
val regular = path2regular(path)
val dfa = regular.deriveDFA
// resolve transitions into patterns and guards
val transitionCases = { case (transitions, src) =>
transitions.flatMap { case (cond, tgt) =>
cases(cond).map { case (pat, guard) =>
(pat, NonEmptyList.fromList(guard), tgt)
// we can apply the DFA to MFT translation now
transitionCases.foldLeft(Map(dfa.init -> start)) { case (states, (src, transitions)) =>
val initialSrc = src === dfa.init
val (q1, states1) =
states.get(src) match {
case Some(q1) => (q1, states)
case None =>
val q1 =
if (initialSrc)
state(args = start.nargs)
(q1, states.updated(src, q1))
val copyArgs = List.tabulate(q1.nargs)(y(_))
val states2 =
transitions.foldLeft(states1) { case (states, (pattern, guard, tgt)) =>
val finalTgt = dfa.finals.contains(tgt)
val (q2, states1) =
states.get(tgt) match {
case Some(q2) => (q2, states)
case None =>
val q2 = state(args = q1.nargs)
(q2, states.updated(tgt, q2))
val pat: builder.Guardable = tagOf(pattern).fold(anyNode)(aNode(_))
if (!finalTgt) {
q1(pat.when(guard)) -> q2(x1, copyArgs: _*) ~ q1(x2, copyArgs: _*)
} else {
q1(pat.when(guard)) -> end(x1, (copyArgs :+ copy(qcopy(x1))): _*) ~ q2(x1, copyArgs: _*) ~
q1(x2, copyArgs: _*)
q1(anyLeaf) -> eps
q1(epsilon) -> eps
}: Unit

def translate(query: Query[Tag, Path], vars: List[String], q: builder.StateBuilder): Unit =
query match {
case Query.Empty() =>
q(any) -> eps

case Query.ForClause(variable, source, result) =>
val q1 = state(args = q.nargs + 1)

// compile the variable binding path
translatePath(source, q, q1)

// then the body with the bound variable
translate(result, variable :: vars, q1)

case Query.LetClause(variable, query, result) =>
val qv = state(args = q.nargs)
val q1 = state(args = q.nargs + 1)

// compile the variable binding query
translate(query, vars, qv)
// then the body with the bound variable
translate(result, variable :: vars, q1)

// bind everything
val copyArgs = List.tabulate(q.nargs)(y(_))
q(any) -> q1(x0, (copyArgs :+ qv(x0, copyArgs: _*)): _*)

case Query.Ordpath(path) =>
val q1 = state(args = q.nargs + 1)

// compile the path
translatePath(path, q, q1)

// emit the result
q1(any) -> y(q.nargs)
case Query.Node(tag, child) =>
val q1 = state(args = q.nargs)

// translate the child query
translate(child, vars, q1)

// bind it
val copyArgs = List.tabulate(q.nargs)(y(_))
q(any) -> node(tag)(q1(x0, copyArgs: _*))

case Query.Leaf(tag) =>
// just emit it
q(any) -> leaf(tag)

case Query.Variable(name) =>
// variable named are pushed on top of the list, so indexing is reversed
q(any) -> y(vars.size - 1 - vars.indexOf(name))

case Query.Sequence(queries) =>
val copyArgs = List.tabulate(q.nargs)(y(_))

// compile and sequence every query in the sequence
val rhs =
queries.foldLeft[Rhs[Tag]](eps) { (acc, query) =>
val q1 = state(args = q.nargs)

// translate the query
translate(query, vars, q1)

acc ~ q1(x0, copyArgs: _*)

// emit rhs for any input
q(any) -> rhs

case Query.LeafFunction(f) =>
q(anyLeaf) -> applyToLeaf(f)

translate(query, List("$input"), qinit)
// apply some optimizations until nothing changes or credit is exhausted
def optimize(mft: MFT[NonEmptyList[Guard], Tag, Tag], credit: Int): MFT[NonEmptyList[Guard], Tag, Tag] =
if (credit > 0) {
val mft1 = mft.removeUnusedParameters.inlineStayMoves.removeUnreachableStates
if (mft1.rules == mft.rules)
optimize(mft1, credit - 1)
} else {
optimize(mft, 50)

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -206,12 +206,12 @@ class Compiler[F[_], Expr, Tag, Pat, Out](implicit
if (nonTrivialIdx >= 0) {
// there are non trivially true guards after the first one
specialize(col, Pat.trueTag, Nil, matrix.take(1 + nonTrivialIdx)).map { smat =>
(g, Map(Pat.trueTag -> ((false, Nil, smat))), (false, matrix.drop(1 + nonTrivialIdx)).some)
(g, Map(Pat.trueTag -> ((false, Nil, smat))), (true, matrix.drop(1 + nonTrivialIdx)).some)
} else {
// only trivially false guard afterwards
specialize(col, Pat.trueTag, Nil, matrix).map { smat =>
(g, Map(Pat.trueTag -> ((false, Nil, smat))), (false, defaultMatrix(col, matrix)).some)
(g, Map(Pat.trueTag -> ((false, Nil, smat))), (true, defaultMatrix(col, matrix)).some)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@


import cats.Show

/** Describes the structure of an expression in term of constructor
* trees that can be selected.
@@ -42,6 +44,9 @@ object Evaluator {
* To be used when a pattern language has no guards.
sealed trait NoGuard
object NoGuard {
implicit val show: Show[NoGuard] = => "")

object Selectable {
def apply[Expr, Tag](implicit ev: Selectable[Expr, Tag]): Selectable[Expr, Tag] =
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
* limitations under the License.



import cats.Eq
import{Conversion, Tag}
import{ConstructorTree, Selectable}
import cats.Show

sealed trait MiniXML
object MiniXML {
@@ -56,4 +56,13 @@ object MiniXML {


implicit object MiniXMLShow extends Show[MiniXML] {
def show(node: MiniXML): String =
node match {
case Open(name) => s"<$name>"
case Close(name) => s"</$name>"
case Text(t) => t

27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions finite-state/shared/src/test/scala/fs2/data/MiniXPath.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Copyright 2022 Lucas Satabin
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.



case class MiniXPath(steps: NonEmptyList[Step])

sealed trait Step
object Step {
case class Child(name: Option[String]) extends Step
case class Descendant(name: Option[String]) extends Step
761 changes: 761 additions & 0 deletions finite-state/shared/src/test/scala/fs2/data/mft/QuerySpec.scala

Large diffs are not rendered by default.