Release 1.1.0
This release contains following changes:
- Add possibility to add a new column to a CSV row (see #219)
In addition following dependency updates are included:
- shapeless3-deriving 3.0.3
- fs2 3.1.3
- scalafmt 3.0.5
- sbt-scoverage 1.9.0
- scala 2.12.15
- sbt-ci-release 1.5.9
- scala3 3.0.2
- weaver 0.7.6
- sbt-mdoc 2.2.23
- kind-projector 0.13.2
For a complete list of issues and PRs, see the milestone
This release was brought to you by the following contributors:
$ git shortlog -sn --no-merges v1.0.1..v1.1.0
20 Scala Steward
1 Lucas Satabin