🌺 Ukuleleweb is a simple Wiki implementation in the style of the original WikiWikiWeb / C2 wiki.
You can see it in action on wiki.gnoack.org, where you can also find some documentation.
The only dependencies are a markdown renderer and Peter Bourgon's
library for storage.
Wiki pages are simply stored in a directory, where file names are page names and each file contains the page's markdown source. This way, you can never lose your data, and it's also easy to put it under version control.
- Recognizes WikiLinks in the classic WikiWikiWeb style (just CamelCasedWords).
- Recognizes go-link syntax (go/ukuleleweb)
- Displays reverse links at the bottom of each page. (Reverse links are recalculated when saving a page.)
- Each wiki page is a file on disk, it's easy to add small analysis scripts externally, or to generate new Wiki pages.
Ukuleleweb does not have user management, nor an authentication mechanism. To keep your wiki confidential, place it behind a reverse proxy.
To run Ukuleleweb, create an empty directory where it can store data,
and point it to that directory using the -store_dir
go run cmd/ukuleleweb/main.go -store_dir=/some/empty/directory
or, to install it:
$ go install github.com/gnoack/ukuleleweb/cmd/ukuleleweb@latest
$ go/bin/ukuleleweb -store_dir=/some/emtpy/directory