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This Julia package contains my solutions for Advent of Code 2024.


Day Problem Problem type Algorithms / Data structures Time Allocated memory Source
1 Array manipulation Sorting 459.477 μs 461.83 KiB
2 Array manipulation Brute Force, Linear Search 2.070 ms 3.64 MiB
3 String Parsing Regular Expressions, Sliding Window 470.249 μs 376.73 KiB
4 Grid Pattern Matching 1.798 ms 3.06 MiB
5 Graph Topological Sorting 2.104 ms 1.26 MiB
6 Simulation Graph Traversal, Cycle Detection 89.797 ms 38.00 MiB
7 Expression Evaluation Recursion 30.710 ms 1.53 MiB
8 Grid Line Tracing, Grid Traversal 94.050 μs 46.30 KiB
9 Array manipulation Greedy 28.311 ms 9.58 MiB
10 Grid Recursion, DFS 578.868 μs 633.67 KiB
11 Simulation Dynamic Programming, Memoization 15.667 ms 12.60 MiB
12 Grid DFS 4.995 ms 5.97 MiB
13 Linear Algebra Linear Systems 3.101 ms 1.15 MiB
14 Simulation Brute Force 26.443 ms 274.98 KiB
15 Simulation Flood Fill, BFS 1.944 ms 3.16 MiB
16 Path Finding, Grid Dijkstra's Algorithm, BFS, Priority Queue, Deque 20.822 ms 9.21 MiB
17 Virtual Machine Simulation, Reverse Engineering, Backtracking 6.921 ms 706.30 KiB
18 Path Finding BFS, Binary Search 3.007 ms 5.51 MiB
19 Strings Backtracking, Memoization, Recursion 57.908 ms 3.41 MiB
20 Path Finding BFS, Grid Traversal 49.638 ms 701.11 KiB
21 Path Finding, Simulation Memoization, Graph Traversal, Deque 296.609 μs 78.89 KiB
22 Simulation Bitwise operations, Hashing, Memoization 25.522 ms 1.18 MiB
23 Graph DFS, Clique Detection, Adjacency Matrix 4.197 ms 3.82 MiB
24 Logic Topological Sorting, Bitwise Operations 310.021 ms 2.16 MiB
25 Matching Brute Force 2.178 ms 3.47 MiB

The benchmarks have been measured on this machine:

Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
  CPU: 8 × Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-14.0.6 (ORCJIT, skylake)
  Threads: 1 on 8 virtual cores

Installation and Usage

Make sure you have Julia 1.9 or newer installed on your system.


Start Julia and enter the package REPL by typing ]. Create a new environment:

(@v1.8) pkg> activate aoc

Install AdventOfCode2024.jl:

(aoc) pkg> add

Go back to the Julia REPL by pushing the backspace key.


First, activate the package:

julia> using AdventOfCode2024

Each puzzle can now be run with dayXY():

julia> day01()
2-element Vector{Int64}:

This will use my personal input. If you want to use another input, provide it to the dayXY method as a string. You can also use the readInput method to read your input from a text file:

julia> input = readInput("/path/to/input.txt")

julia> AdventOfCode2024.Day01.day01(input)
2-element Vector{Int64}: