This a ros package for multi lidar calibration improved qh's previous appearance-based work. Several method are to be implemented:
- PCL 1.8 (
- Eigen 3
- Boost
- libpointmatcher (
- Ceres-solver (
- YAML (
Test on Ubuntu 16.04, ROS Kinetic
- Create a yaml file
into a fold, please follow ../data/example/top_tail/cfg.yaml to write - Preproces raw pointcloud to keep points with only planes. You can use the below function or CloudCompare software like this:
rosrun lidar_appearance_calibration calib_preprocess ../data/example/raw/ref.pcd ../data/example/raw/data.pcd ../data/example/raw/ref_filter.pcd ../data/example/raw/data_filter.pcd
- Extract planes from pointcloud
rosrun lidar_appearance_calibration calib_plane_extraction pcd ../data/example/top_front/cfg.yaml
rostopic pub /contact/icp std_msgs/String "data: ''"
rviz -d ../rviz/plane_extraction
- Visualize and check the extracted plane order
rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud ../data/example/top_front/plane/ref_planes.pcd 1
rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud ../data/example/top_front/plane/data_planes.pcd 1
rviz -d ../rviz/plane_extraction
- Implement ICP to minimize Plane-to-Plane error
- Auto initialization
rosrun lidar_appearance_calibration calib_icp ../data/example/top_front/ref_cfg.yaml ../data/example/top_front/data_cfg.yaml a
- Manual initialization
rosrun lidar_appearance_calibration calib_icp ../data/example/top_front/ref_cfg.yaml ../data/example/top_front/data_cfg.yaml m
- Call the program
rostopic pub /contact/save_plane std_msgs/String "data: ''"
- Auto initialization
- Visualize the calibration result
pcl_viewer ../data/example/top_front/merged_opt.pcd
- ICP(point-plane minimizer, libpointmatcher)
- plane fitting optimization(single shot)
- auxiliary objects(plane, stick)
- Automatic plane selection and correspondence matching
- Order normal
- Find rotation between three pairs of normals
- Minimize point-to-plane error