The ios_webkit_debug_proxy (aka iwdp) proxies requests from usbmuxd daemon over a websocket connection, allowing developers to send commands to MobileSafari and UIWebViews on real and simulated iOS devices.
iOS WebKit Debug Proxy works on Linux, MacOS & Windows.
It's easiest to install with homebrew:
brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy
It's easiest to install with scoop:
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install ios-webkit-debug-proxy
Note: you also need the latest version of iTunes installed.
Install dependencies available in apt repository:
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libplist-dev libtool libssl-dev
Build and install dependencies that require more recent versions:
Install dependencies:
sudo dnf install autoconf automake libusb1-devel libusb-compat-0.1-devel libtool openssl-devel
If you do not want to build and install the most recent versions of the noted libs:
sudo dnf install libplist-devel usbmuxd libimobiledevice-devel libimobiledevice-utils libimobiledevice-glue-devel
Build and install ios-webkit-debug-proxy
git clone
cd ios-webkit-debug-proxy
sudo make install
On Linux, you must run the usbmuxd
daemon. The above install adds a /lib/udev rule to start the daemon whenever a device is attached.
To verify that usbmuxd can list your attached device(s), ensure that libimobiledevice-utils
is installed and then run idevice_id -l
The iOS Simulator is supported, but it must be started before the proxy. The simulator can be started in XCode, standalone, or via the command line:
# Xcode changes these paths frequently, so doublecheck them
$SIM_APP -SimulateApplication $SDK_DIR/iPhoneSimulator8.4.sdk/Applications/
Your attached iOS devices must have ≥1 open browser tabs and the inspector enabled via:
Settings > Safari > Advanced > Web Inspector = ON
for verbose output.--frontend
to specify a frontend--help
for more options.Ctrl-C
to quit. Also, the proxy can be left running as a background process.
ios_webkit_debug_proxy can be used with many tools such as Chrome DevTools and Safari Web Inspector.
In recent versions of Chrome and Safari there're major discrepancies between Chrome Remote Debugging Protocol and Webkit Inspector Protocol, which means that newer versions of Chrome DevTools aren't compatible with Safari.
You can use Safari Web Inspector extracted from Webkit sources, e.g. artygus/webkit-webinspector or HimbeersaftLP/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit.
Another option is mozilla/valence which enables Firefox DevTools to be used with iOS.
Navigate to localhost:9221. You'll see a listing of all connected devices.
Click through to view tabs available on each, and click through again to open the DevTools for a tab.
Chrome DevTools UI used as a default frontend:
You can use the -f
argument to specify different frontend source, like Chrome's local DevTools, a local
Chromium checkout or another URL:
# examples:
ios_webkit_debug_proxy -f chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html
ios_webkit_debug_proxy -f ~/chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/devtools/front_end/inspector.html
ios_webkit_debug_proxy -f
If you use -f chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html
, you won't be able to click the links shown in localhost:9222
as Chrome blocks clicking these URLs. However, you can copy/paste them into the address bar.
Just the same, you can apply the appropriate port (9222) and page (2) values below.
The -f
value must end in ".html". Due to security reasons, https
URLs will not work; use http
or force-allow with the URL bar's shield icon. As of Chrome 45, the primary URL changed from devtools.html
to inspector.html
To disable the frontend proxy, use the --no-frontend
The default configuration works well for most developers. The device_id-to-port assignment defaults to:
:9221 for the device list
:9222 for the first iOS device that is attached
:9223 for the second iOS device that is attached
:9322 for the max device
If a port is in use then the next available port will be used, up to the range limit.
The port assignment is first-come-first-serve but is preserved if a device is detached and reattached, assuming that the proxy is not restarted, e.g.:
- start the proxy
- the device list gets :9221
- attach A gets :9222
- attach B gets :9223
- detach A, doesn't affect B's port
- attach C gets :9224 (not :9222)
- reattach A gets :9222 again (not :9225)
The port assignment rules can be set via the command line with -c
. The default is equivalent to:
ios_webkit_debug_proxy -c null:9221,:9222-9322
where "null" represents the device list. The following example restricts the proxy to a single device and port:
ios_webkit_debug_proxy -c 4ea8dd11e8c4fbc1a2deadbeefa0fd3bbbb268c7:9227
/usr/bin/ld: ios_webkit_debug_proxy-char_buffer.o: undefined reference to symbol 'log10@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
Run this before make
: ./configure LIBS="-lm"
ios_webkit_debug_proxy: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Run sudo ldconfig
The idevice_id
executable may be found as part of the libimobiledevice-utils package.
Remove and rebuild libimobiledevice.
Could not connect to lockdownd. Exiting.: No such file or directory. Unable to attach inspector ios_webkit_debug_proxy
Check the device for a prompt to trust the connected computer. Choose "Trust" and try again.
Could not connect to lockdownd. Exiting.: Broken pipe. Unable to attach inspector
Could not connect to lockdownd, error code -<number>. Exiting.
Make sure you're using latest version of ios-webkit-debug-proxy
Make sure you're using latest version of ios-webkit-debug-proxy
- Make sure you started simulator before the proxy
- Check that webinspector switch is enabled (Settings -> Safari -> Advanced -> Web Inspector)
- Most likely simulator's web inspector daemon listens on ipv6 interface, check that you have
::1 localhost
line in/etc/hosts
libimobildevice formulae depends on [email protected], which is key-only and requires the following env paths for the build
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/lib/pkgconfig"
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/include"
Lastly, always try replugging in the USB cable.
JSON-formatted APIs are provided for programmatic clients.
- http://localhost:9221/json will list all devices
- http://localhost:9222/json to list device ":9222"'s tabs
- ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/1 to inspect a tab.
See the examples/README for example clients: NodeJS, C, clientside JS, websocket and more.
View the design document for an overview of the source layout and architecture.
Google BSD license Copyright 2012 Google Inc. [email protected]
The proxy uses the following open-source packages: