GQL is a bioinformatics query language. You can think of it as an SQL with a funny syntax.
It can read and write files on S3 directly.
It can read common bioinformatics files, such as TSV, BAM, BED as tables.
It can handle arbitrarily large files regardless of the memory capacity of the machine. All data processing happens in a streaming fashion.
It supports distributed execution of key functions using bigslice.
GQL language syntax is very different from SQL, but if you squint enough, you can see the correspondence with SQL. GQL syntax differs from SQL for several reasons. First, GQL needs to support hierarchical information. For example, sequencing or quality data in a BAM record is treated as a subtable inside a parent BAM table. SQL handles such queries poorly - for example, SQL cannot read tables whose names are written in a column in another table. Second, some GQL functions, such as
, have no corresponding SQL counterpart.
go install
If you invoke gql
without argument, it starts an interactive prompt,
. Below are list of interactive commands:
: shows a help message. You can also invoke 'help name', where name is a function or a variable name to show the description of the name or the variable. For example, "help map" will show help message formap
builtin function. -
logdir [dir]
: sends log messages to files under the given directory. If the directory is omitted, messages will be sent to stderr. -
: quits gql -
Any other command will be evaluated as an GQL expression. In an interactive mode, a newline will start evaluation, so an expression must fit in one line.
You can also invoke GQL with a file containing gql statements. Directory "scripts" contains simple examples.
When evaluating GQL in a script, an expression can span multiple lines. An expression is terminated by ';' or EOF.
You can pass a sequence of -flag=value
or just -flag
after the script name.
The flag
will become a global variable and will be accessible as flag
in the
script. In the above example, we pass two flags "in" and "out" to the script
gql testdata/convert.gql -in=/tmp/test.tsv -out=/tmp/test.btsv
Imagine you have the following TSV file, gql/testdata/file0.tsv
10 ab0 cd0
11 ab1 cd1
GQL treats a tsv file as a 2D table. Function read loads a TSV file.
# | A | B | C |
0 | 10 | ab0 | cd0 |
1 | 11 | ab1 | cd1 |
The first column, '#' is not a real column. It just shows the row number.
Operator "|" feeds contents of a table to a function. filter is a
selection function. It picks rows that matches expr
and combines them into a
new table. Within expr
, you can refer to a column by prefixing &
. &A
means "value of the column A
in the current row".
"var := expr" assigns the value of expr to the variable.
f0 := read(`gql/testdata/file0.tsv`);
f0 | filter(&A==10)
# | A | B | C |
0 | 10 | ab0 | cd0 |
is a shorthand for|_| _.A==10
, which is a function that takes argument_
and computes_.A==10
. GQL syntactically translates an expression that contains '&' into a function. So you can write the above example asf0 | filter(|_|{_.A==10})
. It produces the same result. We will discuss functions and '&'-expansions in more detail later.
Note: Expression
table | filter(...)
can be also written asfilter(table, ...)
. These two are exactly the same, but the former is usually easier to read. This syntax applies to any GQL function that takes a table as the first argument:A(x) | B(y)
is the same asB(A(x), y)
. Thus:
f0 | filter(&A==11)
# | A | B | C |
0 | 11 | ab1 | cd1 |
Function map projects a table.
f0 | map({&A, &C})
# | A | C |
0 | 10 | cd0 |
1 | 11 | cd1 |
In fact, map
and filter
are internally one function that accepts different
kinds of arguments. You can combine projection and selection in one function,
like below:
f0 | map({&A, &C}, filter:=string_has_suffix(&C, "0"))
# | A | C |
0 | 10 | cd0 |
f0 | filter(string_has_suffix(&C, "0"), map:={&A, &C})
# | A | C |
0 | 10 | cd0 |
Function sort sorts the table by ascending order of the argument. Giving "-&A" as the sort key will sort the table in descending order of column A:
f0 | sort(-&A)
# | A | B | C |
0 | 11 | ab1 | cd1 |
1 | 10 | ab0 | cd0 |
The sort key can be an arbitrary expression. For example, f0 | sort(&C+&B)
sort rows by ascending order of the concatenation of columns C and B.
f0 | sort(&C+&B)
will produce the same table as f0
Imagine file gql/testdata/file1.tsv
with the following contents.
10 ef0 ef1
12 gh0 gh1
Function join joins multiple tables into one table.
f1 := read(`gql/testdata/file1.tsv`);
join({f0, f1}, f0.A==f1.C, map:={A:f0.A, B:f0.B, C: f0.C, D:f1.D})
# | A | B | C | D |
0 | 10 | ab0 | cd0 | ef0 |
The first argument to join is the list of tables to join. It is of the form
{name0: table0, ..., nameN, tableN}
. Tag nameK
can be used to name row
values for tableK
in the rest of the join expression. If you omit the nameI:
part of the table list, join tries to guess a reasonable name from the column
NOTE: See struct comprehension for more details about how column names are computed when they are omitted.
The second argument is the join condition. The optional 'map:=rowspec' argument
specifies the list of columns in the final result. Join will produce Cartesian
products of rows in the two tables, then create a new table consisting of the
results that satisfy the given join condition. For good performance, the join
condition should be a conjunction of column equality constraints (table0.col0 == table1.col0 && ... && table1.col2 == table2.col2
). Join recognizes this form of
conditions and executes the operation more efficiently.
Imagine a file 'gql/testdata/file2.tsv' like below:
cat 1
dog 2
cat 3
bat 4
Function cogroup is a special kind of join, similar to "select ... group by" in SQL. Cogroup aggregates rows in a table by a column. The result is a two-column table where the "key" column is the aggregation key, and "value" column is a subtable that stores the rows wit the given key.
read(`gql/testdata/file2.tsv`) | cogroup(&A)
# | key | value |
0 | bat | [{A:bat,B:4}] |
1 | cat | [{A:cat,B:1},{A:cat,B:3}] |
2 | dog | [{A:dog,B:2}] |
Column '[{A:cat,B:1},{A:cat,B:3}]` is a shorthand notation for the following table:
A | B |
cat | 1 |
cat | 3 |
Function reduce is similar to cogroup, but it applies a user-defined function over rows with the same key. The function must be commutative. The result is a two-column table with nested columns. Reduce is generally faster than cogroup.
read(`gql/testdata/file2.tsv`) | reduce(&A, |a,b|(a+b), map:=&B)
# | key | value |
0 | cat | 4 |
1 | dog | 2 |
2 | bat | 4 |
Functions such as cogroup
and reduce
exist because it is much amenable for
distributed execution compared to generic joins. We explain distributed
execution in a later section
Functions map
, reduce
, cogroup
, sort
, and minn
accept argument
. When set, it causes the functions to execute in parallel. By default
they will run on the local machine, using multiple CPUs. Invoking GQL with the
following flags will cause these functions to use AWS EC2 spot instances.
gql scripts/cpg-frequency.gql
To set bigslice up, follow the instructions in
GQL is a dataflow language, much like other SQL variants. Each table, be it a
leaf table created by read
and other functions, or an intermediate table
created by functions like map
, join
is becomes a dataflow node, and rows
flow between nodes. Consider a simple example for file foo.tsv:
read(`foo.tsv`) | filter(&A > 10) | sort(-&B) | write(`blah.tsv`)
where foo.tsv is something like below:
10 ab0
11 ab1
GQL creates four nodes connected sequentially.
read(`foo.tsv`) ---> filter(&A > 10) ----> sort(-&B) ----> write(`blah.tsv`)
A dataflow graph is driven from the tail. In this example, write
pulls rows
from sort
, which pulls rows from filter
, and so on. Tables are materialized
only when necessary. read
and filter
just pass through rows one by one,
whereas sort
needs to read all the rows from the source and materialize them
on disk.
f0 := read(`f0.tsv`); f1 := read(`f1.tsv`); f2 := read(`f2.tsv`)
join({f0, f1, f2}, f0.A==f1.A && f1.C==f2.C)
function merges nodes.
read(`f0.tsv`) --> sort(f0.A) \
merge(f0.A==f1.A) ---> sort(f1.C) \
read(`f1.tsv`) --> sort(f1.A) / merge(f1.C==f2.C)
read(`f2.tsv`) ----------------------------------> sort(f2.C) /
A function that performs bigslice-based distributed execution ships the code to remote machines. For example:
read(`s3://bucket/f.tsv`) | cogroup({&A}, shards:=1024)
The expression "read(s3://bucket/f.tsv
)" along with all the variable bindings
needed to run the expression is serialized and shipped to every bigslice shard.
toplevelstatements := (toplevelstatement ';')* toplevelstatement ';'?
toplevelstatement :=
'load' path
| expr
| assignment
| 'func' symbol '(' params* ')' expr // shorthand for symbol:=|symbol...| expr
assignment := variable ':=' expr
expr :=
symbol // variable reference
| literal // 10, 5.5, "str", 'x', etc
| expr '(' params* ')' // function call
| expr '|' expr // data piping
| expr '||' expr // logical or
| expr '&&' expr // logical and
| 'if' expr expr 'else' expr // conditional
| 'if' expr expr 'else' 'if' expr 'else' ... // if .. else if .. else if .. else ..
| '{' structfield, ..., structfield '}'
| expr '.' colname
| block
| funcdef
structfield := expr | colname ':' expr
literal := int | float | string | date | 'NA'
string := "foo" | `foo`
date := iso8601 format literal, either 2018-03-01 or 2018-03-01T15:40:41Z or 2018-03-01T15:40:41-7:00
funcdef := '|' params* '|' expr
block := '{' (assignment ';')* expr '}'
'?' means optional, '*' means zero or more repetitions, and (...) means grouping of parts.
When you read a TSV file, GQL internally turns it into a Table. Table contains
a sequence of rows, or structs. We use terms structs and rows
interchangeably. Tables are created by loading a TSV or other table-like files
(*.prio, *.bed, etc). It is also created as a result of function invocation
, join
, etc). Invoking read("foo.tsv")
creates a table from file
"foo.tsv". Function write(table, "foo.tsv")
saves the contents of the table in
the given file. The read
function supports the following file formats:
*.tsv : Tab-separated-value file. The list of columns must be listed in the first row of the file. GQL tries to guess the column type from the file contents.
.prio : Fragment file. Each fragment is mapped into a row of the following format:
Column name | type |
reference | string |
start | int |
length | int |
plusstrandread | int |
duplicate | bool |
corgcount | int |
pvalue | float |
methylationstates | array table of integers |
methylationcoverage | array table |
methylationbasequalitiesread1 | array table of integers |
methylationbasequalitiesread2 | array table of integers |
An array table is a table with two columns, 'position' and 'value'. The position column stores the position of the given value, relative to the reference. For example, imagine that the original fragment object has following fields:
frag := F{
Reference: "chr11",
FirstCpG: 12345,
MethylationStates: []MethylationState{UNMETHYLATED, METHYLATED, VARIANT},
Then, the corresponding GQL representation of methylationstates will be
table({position: 12345, value: 1},
{position: 12346, value: 2},
{position: 12347, value: 4})
Note: In fragment.proto
.bed: BED file, three to four columns
.bincount : bincount file. Each row has the following columns:
Column name | type |
chrom | string |
start | int |
end | int |
gc | int |
count | int |
length | int |
density | float |
.cpg_index : CpG index file
.btsv : BTSV is a binary version of TSV. It is a format internally used by GQL to save and restore table contents.
The write
function currently supports *.tsv
and *.btsv
file types. If
possible, save the data in *.btsv format. It is faster and more compact.
Unlike SQL, rows in a table need not be homogeneous - they can technically have different sets of columns. Such a table can be created, for example, by flattening tables with inconsistent schemata. We don't recommend creating such tables though.
Struct represents a row in a table. We also use the term "row" to means the same thing. We use term "column" or "field" to refer to an individual value in a row. A column usually stores a scalar value, such as an integer or a string. But a column may store a another table. This happens when a column the pathname of another TSV file (or bincounts, BAM, etc). GQL automatically creates a subtable for such columns.
Several builtin functions are provided to manipulate rows. They are described in more detail later in this document.
{col1:expr1, col2:expr2, ..., colN:exprN}
creates a new row with N columns namedcol1
, ...,colN
. See struct comprehension for more details. -
pick(table, expr)
extracts the first row that satisfies expr from a table
GQL supports the following scalar types.
Integer (int64)
Floating point (float64)
Strings are enclosed in either with "doublequotes" or `backquotes`, like in Go. Note that singlequotes are not supported.
Filename: filename is a string that refers to another file. A filename contains a pathname that looks like a table (*.tsv, *.prio, *.bed, etc) are automatically opened as a subtable.
Char: utf8 character. 'x', 'y'.
DateTime (date & time of day)
Date (date without a time-of-day component)
Time (time of day)
Date, DateTime, and Time are written in ISO8601 format. Below are samples:
2018-04-16 2018-04-16T15:19:35Z 2018-04-16T15:19:35-7:00 15:19:35Z 15:19:35-8:00
Null Null is a special value indicating "value isn't there'. A TSV cell with value "NA", "null", or "" becomes a Null in GQL. Symbol "NA" also produce null.
In GQL, a null value is treated as ∞. Thus:
1 < NA 1 > -NA "foo" < NA "foo" > -NA
expr0 || expr1
expr0 && expr1
if expr0 expr1 else expr2
if expr0 expr1 else if expr2 expr3 else ...
These expressions have the similar grammars and meanings to Go's. The 'if' construct is slightly different:
The then and else parts are expressions, and they need not be enclosed in '{...}'.
The 'else' part is required.
'If' is an expression. Its value is that of the 'then' expression if the condition is true, and that of the 'else' expression otherwise. In the below example, the value of y is "bar".
x := 10; y := if x > 10 "foo" else "bar"
{ assignments... expr }
An expression of form { assignments... expr }
introduces local variables. The
following example computes 110 (= 10 * (10+1)). The variables "x" and "y" are
valid only inside the block.
{ x := 10; y := x+1; x * y }
A block is often used as a body of a function, which we describe next.
An expression of form |args...| expr
creates a function. It can be assigned
to a variable and invoked later. Consider the following example:
udf := |row| >= 2018-03-05;
) | filter(|row|udf(row))
It is the same as
read(`foo.tsv`) | filter(&date >= 2018-03-05)
GQL also provides syntax sugar
func udf(row) >= 2018-03-05
It is the same as udf := |row| >= 2018-03-05
The function body is often a code block.
func ff(arg) {
x := arg + 1;
y := x * x
y * 3
The above example will print 75. The variables x and y defined in the body of
are local to the function invocation, just like in regular Go functions.
Note: function arguments are lexically bound. Functions can be nested, and they act as a closure.
The '&'-expressions introduced in earlier examples are syntax sugar for user-defined functions. It is translated into a function by the GQL parser. The translation rules are the following:
'&'-translation applies only to a function-call argument. It is an error for '&' to appear anywhere else.
When a function-call arg contains '&' anywhere, then the entire argument is translated into a function with formal argument named '', and every occurrences of form '&col' is rewritten to become '.col'.
Original: table | map({x:&col0, y:&col1}) After rewrite: table | map(||{x:.col0, y:_.col1})
Original: table | map({x:&col0, y:&col1}) | sort(&x) After rewrite: table | map(||{x:.col0, y:.col1}) | sort(||_.x)
The '&' rule applies recursively to the entire argument, so it may behave nonintuitively if '&' appears inside a nested function call. Consider the following example, which is a bit confusing.
Original: table | map(map(&col)) After rewrite: table | map(||map(.col))
So we recommend using '&' only for simple expressions like the earlier examples.
For nested maps and other complex examples, it's cleaner to use an explicit
function syntax of form |args...|expr
The following expressions are deprecated and will be removed soon.
- '$var"
"$var" is very similar to "&var". Expression table | filter($A==10)
will act
the same as table | filter($A==10)
. The difference is that '$'-rule is
hard-coded into a few specific builtin functions, such as map
, filter
, and
, whereas '&' is implemented as a generic language rule.
- func(args...) { statements... }
This is an old-style function syntax. Use |args...| expr
instead. The
difference between the two is that 'func` syntax requires '{' and '}' even if
the body is a single expression. The '|args...|' form takes '{...}' only when
the body is a code block.
The load statement can be used to load a gql into another gql file.
Assume file file1.gql
has the following contents:
x := 10
Assume file file2.gql
has the following contents:
load `file1.gql`
x * 2
If you evaluate file2.gql, it will print "20".
If a gql file can contain multiple load statements. The load statement must appear before any other statement.
_tbl | map(expr[, expr, expr, ...] [, filter:=filterexpr] [, shards:=nshards])
Arg types:
- expr: one-arg function
- filterexpr: one-arg boolean function (default: ::|_|true::) _ nshards: int (default: 0)
Map picks rows that match filterexpr from tbl, then applies expr to each matched row. If there are multiple _expr_s, the resulting table will apply each of the expression to every matched row in tbl and combine them in the output.
If filterexpr is omitted, it will match any row. If nshards > 0, it enables distributed execution. See the distributed execution section for more details.
Example: Imagine table ⟪t0⟫ with following contents:
col0 | col1 |
Cat | 3 |
Dog | 8 |
t0 | map({f0:&col0+&col0, f1:&col1*&col1})
will produce the following table
f0 | f1 |
CatCat | 9 |
DogDog | 64 |
The above example is the same as below.
t0 | map(|r|{f0:r.col0+r.col0, f1:r.col1*r.col1}).
The next example
t0 | map({f0:&col0+&col0}, {f0:&col0}, filter:=&col1>4)
will produce the following table
f0 |
DogDog |
Dog |
tbl | filter(expr [,map:=mapexpr] [,shards:=nshards])
Arg types:
- expr: one-arg boolean function
- mapexpr: one-arg function (default: ::|row|row::)
- nshards: int (default: 0)
Functions map and filter are actually the same functions, with slightly different syntaxes. ::tbl|filter(expr, map=mapexpr):: is the same as ::tbl|map(mapexpr, filter:=expr)::.
tbl | reduce(keyexpr, reduceexpr [,map:=mapexpr] [,shards:=nshards])
Arg types:
- keyexpr: one-arg function
- reduceexpr: two-arg function
- mapexpr: one-arg function (default: ::|row|row::)
- nshards: int (default: 0)
Reduce groups rows by their keyexpr value. It then invokes reduceexpr for rows with the same key.
Argument reduceexpr is invoked repeatedly to combine rows or values with the same key.
The optional 'map' argument specifies argument to reduceexpr. The default value (identity function) is virtually never a good function, so You should always specify a mapexpr arg.
_reduceexpr_must produce a value of the same type as the input args.
The reduceexpr must be a commutative expression, since the values are passed to reduceexpr in an specified order. If you want to preserve the ordering of values in the original table, use the cogroup function instead.
If the source table contains only one row for particular key, the reduceexpr is not invoked. The 'value' column of the resulting table will the row itself, or the value of the mapexpr, if the 'map' arg is set.
If nshards >0, it enables distributed execution. See the distributed execution section for more details.
Example: Imagine table ::t0:::
col0 | col1 |
Bat | 3 |
Bat | 4 |
Bat | 1 |
Cat | 4 |
Cat | 8 |
::t0 | reduce(&col0, |a,b|a+b, map:=&col1):: will create the following table:
key | value |
Bat | 8 |
Cat | 12 |
::t0 | reduce(&col0, |a,b|a+b, map:=1):: will count the occurrences of col0 values:
key | value |
Bat | 3 |
Cat | 2 |
A slightly silly example, ::t0 | reduce(&col0, |a,b|a+b, map:=&col1*2):: will produce the following table.
key | value |
Bat | 16 |
Cat | 24 |
Note: ::t0| reduce(t0, &col0, |a,b|a+b.col1):: looks to be the same as ::t0 | reduce(&col0, |a,b|a+b, map:=&col1)::, but the former is an error. The result of the reduceexpr must be of the same type as the inputs. For this reason, you should always specify a mapexpr.
flatten(tbl0, tbl1, ..., tblN [,subshard:=subshardarg])
Arg types:
- tbl0, tbl1, ... : table
- subshardarg: boolean (default: false)
::tbl | flatten():: (or ::flatten(tbl)::) creates a new table that concatenates the rows of the subtables. Each table tbl0, tbl1, .. must be a single-column table where each row is a another table. Imagine two tables ::table0:: and ::table1:::
col0 | col1 |
Cat | 10 |
Dog | 20 |
col0 | col1 |
Bat | 3 |
Pig | 8 |
Then ::flatten(table(table0, table1)):: produces the following table
col0 | col1 |
Cat | 10 |
Dog | 20 |
Bat | 3 |
Pig | 8 |
::flatten(tbl0, ..., tblN):: is equivalent to ::flatten(table(flatten(tbl0), ..., flatten(tblN)))::. That is, it flattens each of tbl0, ..., tblN, then concatenates their rows into one table.
Parameter subshard specifies how the flattened table is sharded, when it is used as an input to distributed ::map:: or ::reduce::. When subshard is false (default), then ::flatten:: simply shards rows in the input tables (tbl0, tbl1 ,..., tblN). This works fine if the number of rows in the input tables are much larger than the shard count.
When ::subshard=true::, then flatten will to shard the individual subtables contained in the input tables (tbl0, tbl1,...,tblN). This mode will work better when the input tables contain a small number (~1000s) of rows, but each subtable can be very large. The downside of subsharding is that the flatten implementation must read all the rows in the input tables beforehand to figure out their size distribution. So it can be very expensive when input tables contains many rows.
Arg types:
- tbl: table
::concat(tbl1, tbl2, ..., tblN):: concatenates the rows of tables tbl1, ..., tblN into a new table. Concat differs from flatten in that it attempts to maintain simple tables simple: that is, tables that are backed by (in-memory) values are retained as in-memory values; thus concat is designed to build up small(er) table values, e.g., in a map or reduce operation.
tbl | cogroup(keyexpr [,mapexpr=mapexpr] [,shards=nshards])
Arg types:
- keyexpr: one-arg function
- mapexpr: one-arg function (default: ::|row|row::)
- nshards: int (default: 1)
Cogroup groups rows by their keyexpr value. It is the same as Apache Pig's reduce function. It achieves an effect similar to SQL's "GROUP BY" statement.
Argument keyexpr is any expression that can be computed from row contents. For each unique key as computed by keyexpr, cogroup emits a two-column row of form
{key: keyvalue, value: rows}
where keyvalue is the value of keyexpr, and rows is a table containing all the rows in tbl with the given key.
If argument mapexpr is set, the value column of the output will be the result of applying the mapexpr.
Example: Imagine table t0:
col0 | col1 |
Bat | 3 |
Bat | 1 |
Cat | 4 |
Bat | 4 |
Cat | 8 |
::t0 | cogroup(&col0):: will create the following table:
key | value |
Bat | tmp1 |
Cat | tmp2 |
where table tmp1 is as below:
col0 | col1 |
Bat | 3 |
Bat | 1 |
Bat | 4 |
table tmp2 is as below:
col0 | col1 |
Cat | 4 |
Cat | 8 |
::t0 | cogroup(&col0, map:=&col1):: will create the following table:
key | value |
Bat | tmp3 |
Cat | tmp4 |
Each row in table tmp1 is a scalar, as below
| 3 | | 1 | | 4 |
Similarly, table tmp2 looks like below.
| 4 | | 8 |
The cogroup function always uses bigslice for execution. The shards parameter defines parallelism. See the "distributed execution" section for more details.
tbl | firstn(n)
Arg types:
- n: int
Firstn produces a table that contains the first n rows of the input table.
tbl | minn(n, keyexpr [, shards:=nshards])
Arg types:
- n: int
- keyexpr: one-arg function
- nshards: int (default: 0)
Minn picks n rows that stores the n smallest keyexpr values. If n<0, minn sorts the entire input table. Keys are compared lexicographically. Note that we also have a ::sort(keyexpr, shards:=nshards):: function that's equivalent to ::minn(-1, keyexpr, shards:=nshards)::
The nshards arg enables distributed execution. See the distributed execution section for more details.
Example: Imagine table t0:
col0 | col1 | col2 |
Bat | 3 | abc |
Bat | 4 | cde |
Cat | 4 | efg |
Cat | 8 | ghi |
::minn(t0, 2, -&col1):: will create
col0 | col1 | col2 |
Cat | 8 | ghi |
Cat | 4 | efg |
::minn(t0, -&col0):: will create
col0 | col1 | col2 |
Cat | 4 | efg |
Cat | 8 | ghi |
You can sort using multiple keys using {}. For example, ::t0 | minn(10000, {&col0,-&col2}):: will sort two rows first by col0, then by -col2 in case of a tie.
col0 | col1 | col2 |
Cat | 8 | ghi |
Cat | 4 | efg |
Bat | 4 | cde |
Bat | 3 | abc |
tbl | sort(sortexpr [, shards:=nshards])
::tbl | sort(expr):: is a shorthand for ::tbl | minn(-1, expr)::
join({t0:tbl0,t1:tbl1,t2:tbl2}, t0.colA==t1.colB && t1.colB == t2.colC [, map:={colx:t0.colA, coly:t2.colC}])
Arg types:
- tbl0, tbl1, ..: table
Join function joins multiple tables into one. The first argument lists the table name and its mnemonic in a struct form. The 2nd arg is the join condition. The ::map:: arg specifies the format of the output rows.
Imagine the following tables:
colA | colB |
Cat | 3 |
Dog | 8 |
colA | colC |
Cat | red |
Bat | blue |
- ::join({t0:table0, t1:table1}, t0.colA==t1.colA, map:={colA:t0.colA, colB: t0.colB, colC: t1.colC})::
This expression performs an inner join of t0 and t1.
colA | colB | colC |
Cat | 3 | red |
- ::join({t0:table0, t1:table1}, t0.A?==?t1.A,map:={A:t0.A, A2:t1.A,B:t0.B, c:t1.C})::
This expression performs an outer join of t0 and t1.
A | A2 | B | c |
NA | bat | NA | blue |
cat | cat | 3 | red |
dog | NA | 8 | NA |
The join condition doesn't need to be just "=="s connected by "&&"s. It can be any expression, although join provides a special fast-execution path for flat, conjunctive "=="s, so use them as much as possible.
Caution: join currently is very slow on large tables. Talk to ysaito if you see any problem.
TODO: describe left/right joins (use ==?, ?==) TODO: describe cross joins (set non-equality join conditions, such as t0.colA >= t1.colB)
tbl | transpose({keycol: keyexpr}, {col0:expr0, col1:expr1, .., valcol:valexpr})
Arg types:
keyexpr: one-arg function expri: one-arg function valexpr: one-arg function
Transpose function creates a table that transposes the given table, synthesizing column names from the cell values. tbl must be a two-column table created by cogroup. Imagine table t0 created by cogroup:
key | value |
120 | tmp1 |
130 | tmp2 |
Each cell in the ::value:: column must be another table, for example:
chrom | start | end | count |
chr1 | 0 | 100 | 111 |
chr1 | 100 | 200 | 123 |
chr2 | 0 | 100 | 234 |
chrom | start | end | count |
chr1 | 0 | 100 | 444 |
chr1 | 100 | 200 | 456 |
chr2 | 100 | 200 | 478 |
::t0 | transpose({sample_id:&key}, {&chrom, &start, &end, &count}):: will produce the following table.
sample_id | chr1_0_100 | chr1_100_200 | chr2_0_100 | chr2_100_200 |
120 | 111 | 123 | 234 | NA |
130 | 444 | 456 | NA | 478 |
The keyexpr must produce a struct with >= 1 column(s).
The 2nd arg to transpose must produce a struct with >= 2 columns. The last column is used as the value, and the other columns used to compute the column name.
tbl | gather(colname..., key:=keycol, value:=valuecol)
Arg types:
- colname: string
- keycol: string
- valuecol: string
Gather collapses multiple columns into key-value pairs, duplicating all other columns as needed. gather is based on the R tidyr::gather() function.
Example: Imagine table t0 with following contents:
col0 | col1 | col2 |
Cat | 30 | 31 |
Dog | 40 | 41 |
::t0 | gather("col1", "col2, key:="name", value:="value"):: will produce the following table:
col0 | name | value |
Cat | col1 | 30 |
Cat | col2 | 31 |
Dog | col1 | 40 |
Dog | col2 | 41 |
tbl | spread(keycol, valuecol)
Arg types:
- keycol: string
- valuecol: string
Spread expands rows across two columns as key-value pairs, duplicating all other columns as needed. spread is based on the R tidyr::spread() function.
Example: Imagine table t0 with following contents:
col0 | col1 | col2 |
Cat | 30 | 31 |
Dog | 40 | 41 |
::t0 | spread("col1", "col2, key:="col1", value:="col2"):: will produce the following table:
col0 | 30 | 40 |
Cat | 31 | |
Dog | 41 |
Note the blank cell values, which may require the use the function to contains to test for the existence of a field in a row struct in subsequent manipulations.
tbl | collapse(colname...)
Arg types:
- colname: string
Collapse will collapse multiple rows with non-overlapping values for the specified columns into a single row when all of the other cell values are identical.
Example: Imagine table t0 with following contents:
col0 | col1 | col2 |
Cat | 30 | |
Cat | 41 |
::t0 | collapse("col1", "col2"):: will produce the following table:
col0 | col1 | col2 |
Cat | 30 | 41 |
Note that the collapse will stop if one of the specified columns has multiple values, for example for t0 below:
col0 | col1 | col2 |
Cat | 30 | |
Cat | 31 | 41 |
::t0 | collapse("col1", "col2"):: will produce the following table:
col0 | col1 | col2 |
Cat | 30 | |
Cat | 30 | 41 |
srctable | joinbed(bedtable [, chrom:=chromexpr]
[, start:=startexpr]
[, end:=endexpr]
[, length:=lengthexpr]
[, map:=mapexpr])
Arg types:
- bedtable: table (
- chromexpr: one-arg function (default: ::|row|row.chrom)
- startexpr: one-arg function (default: ::|row|row.start)
- endexpr: one-arg function (default: ::|row|row.end)
- lengthexpr: one-arg function (default: NA)
- mapexpr: two-arg function (srcrow, bedrow) (default: ::|srcrow,bedrow|srcrow::)
Joinbed is a special kind of join operation that's optimized for intersecting srctable with genomic intervals listed in bedtable.
bed := read("test.bed")
bc := read("test.bincount.tsv")
out := bc | joininbed(bed, chrom:=$chromo))
Optional args chromexpr, startexpr, endexpr, and lengthexpr specify how to extract the coordinate values from a srctable row. For example:
bc := read("test.bincount.tsv")
bc | joinbed(bed, chrom:=&chromo, start=&S, end=&E)
will use columns "chromo", "S", "E" in table "test.bincount.tsv" to construct a genomic coordinate, then checks if the coordinate intersects with a row in the bed table.
At most one of endexpr or lengthexpr arg can be set. If endexpr is set, [startexpr, endexpr) defines a zero-based half-open range for the given chromosome. If lengthexpr is set, [startexpr, startexpr+lengthexpr) defines a zero-based half-open coordinate range. The
The BED table must contain at least three columns. The chromosome name, start and end coordinates are extracted from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd columns, respectively. Each coordinate range is zero-based, half-open.
Two coordinate ranges are considered to intersect if they have nonempty overlap, that is they overlap at least one base.
mapexpr describes the format of rows produced by joinbed. If mapexpr is omitted, joinbed simply emits the matched rows in srctable.
For example, the below example will produce rows with three columns: name, chrom and pos. the "name" column is taken from the "featname" in the BED row, the "pos" column is taken "start" column of the "bc" table row.
bc := read("test.bincount.tsv")
bc | joinbed(bed, chrom:=&chromo, start=&S, end=&E, map:=|bcrow,bedrow|{name:bedrow.featname, pos: bcrow.start})
The below is an example of using the "row" argument. It behaves identically to the above exampel.
bc := read("test.bincount.tsv")
bc | joinbed(bed, row:=bcrow, chrom:=bcrow.chromo, start=bcrow.S, end=bcrow.E, map:=|bcrow,bedrow|{name:bedrow.featname, pos: bcrow.start})
tbl | count()
Count counts the number of rows in the table.
Example: imagine table t0:
col1 |
3 |
4 |
8 |
::t0 | count():: will produce 3.
tbl | pick(expr)
Arg types:
- expr: one-arg boolean function
Pick picks the first row in the table that satisfies expr. If no such row is found, it returns NA.
Imagine table t0:
col0 | col1 |
Cat | 10 |
Dog | 20 |
::t0 | pick(&col1>=20):: will return {Dog:20}. ::t0 | pick(|row|row.col1>=20):: is the same thing.
Arg types:
- expr: any
Table creates a new table consisting of the given values.
Usage: readdir(path)
readdir creates a Struct consisting of files in the given directory. The field name is a sanitized pathname, value is either a Table (if the file is a .tsv, .btsv, etc), or a string (if the file cannot be parsed as a table).
tbl |table_attrs()
t := read("foo.tsv")
table_attrs(t).path (=="foo.tsv")
Table_attrs returns table attributes as a struct with three fields:
- Field 'type' is the table type, e.g., "tsv", "mapfilter"
- Field 'name' is the name of the table. It is some random string.
- Field 'path' is name of the file the table is read from. "path" is nonempty only for tables created directly by read(), tables that are result of applying map or filter to table created by read().
tbl | force()
Force is a performance hint. It is logically a no-op; it just produces the contents of the source table unchanged. Underneath, this function writes the source-table contents in a file. When this expression is evaluated repeatedly, force will read contents from the file instead of running tbl repeatedly.
Usage: {col1:expr1, col2:expr2, ..., colN:exprN}
{...} composes a struct. For example,
x := table({f0:"foo", f1:123}, {f0:"bar", f1:234})
creates the following table and assigns it to $x.
f0 | f1 |
foo | 123 |
bar | 234 |
The "colK:" part of each element can be omitted, in which case the column name is auto-computed using the following rules:
If expression is of form "expr.field" (struct field reference), then "field" is used as the column name.
Similarly, if expression is of form "$field" (struct field reference), then "field" is used as the column name.
If expression is of form "var", then "var" is used as the column name.
Else, column name will be "fN", where "N" is 0 for the first column, 1 for the 2nd column, and so on.
For example:
x := table({col0:"foo", f1:123}, {col1:"bar", f1:234})
y := 10
x | map({$col0, z, newcol: $col1})
col0 | z | newcol |
foo | 10 | 123 |
bar | 10 | 234 |
The struct literal expression can contain a regex of form
"expr" must be another struct. "expr" is most often "_". "{var./regex/}" is equivalent to a struct that contains all the fields in "var" whose names match regex. Using the above example,
x | map({_./.*1$/})
will pick only column f1. The result will be
f1 |
123 |
234 |
As an syntax suger, you can omit the "var." part if var is "". So "map($x,
{./.*1$/})" can also be written as "map(
unionrow(x, y)
Arg types:
- x, y: struct
Example: unionrow({a:10}, {b:11}) == {a:10,b:11} unionrow({a:10, b:11}, {b:12, c:"ab"}) == {a:10, b:11, c:"ab"}
Unionrow merges the columns of the two structs. If one column appears in both args, the value from the second arg is taken. Both arguments must be structs.
Usage: optional_field(struct, field [, default:=defaultvalue])
This function acts like struct.field. However, if the field is missing, it returns the defaultvalue. If defaultvalue is omitted, it returns NA.
optionalfield({a:10,b:11}, a) == 10 optionalfield({a:10,b:11}, c, default:12) == 12 optionalfield({a:10,b:11}, c) == NA
contains(struct, field)
Arg types:
- struct: struct
- field: string
Contains returns true if the struct contains the specified field, else it returns false.
read(path [, type:=filetype])
Arg types:
- path: string
- filetype: string
Read table contents to a file. The optional argument 'type' specifies the file format. If the type is unspecified, the file format is auto-detected from the file extension.
Extension ".tsv" or ".bed" loads a tsv file. If file "path_data_dictionary.tsv" exists, it is also read to construct a dictionary. If a dictionary tsv file is missing, the cell data types are guessed.
Extension ".prio" loads a fragment file.
Extension ".btsv" loads a btsv file.
Extension ".bam" loads a BAM file.
Extension ".pam" loads a PAM file.
If the type is specified, it must be one of the following strings: "tsv", "bed", "btsv", "fragment", "bam", "pam". The type arg overrides file-type autodetection based on path extension.
Example: read("blahblah", type:=tsv) .
Usage: write(table, "path" [,shards:=nnn] [,type:="format"] [,datadictionary:=false])
Write table contents to a file. The optional argument "type" specifies the file format. The value should be either "tsv", "btsv", or "bed". If type argument is omitted, the file format is auto-detected from the extension of the "path" - ".tsv" for the TSV format, ".btsv" for the BTSV format, ".bed" for the BED format.
For TSV, write a dictionary file "path_data_dictionary.tsv" is created by default. Optional argument datadictionary:=false disables generation of the dictionary file. For example:
read("foo.tsv") | write("bar.tsv", datadictionary:=false)
When writing a btsv file, the write function accepts the "shards" parameter. It sets the number of rangeshards. For example,
read("foo.tsv") | write("bar.btsv", shards:=64)
will create a 64way-sharded bar.btsv that has the same content as foo.tsv. bar.btsv is actually a directory, and shard files are created underneath the directory.
Usage: writecols(table, "path-template", [,datadictionary:=false], [gzip:=false])
Write table contents to a set of files, each containing a single column of the table. The naming of the files is determined using a templating (golang's text/template). For example, a template of the form:
will have .Name replaced with name of the column and .Number with the index of the column. So for a table with two columns 'A' and 'B', the files will cols-A-0.ctsv and cols-B-1.cstv. Note, that if a data dictionary is to be written it will have 'data-dictionary' for .Name and 0 for .Number.
Files may be optionally gzip compressed if the gzip named parameter is specified as true. .
expr0 == expr1
expr0 > expr1
expr0 >= expr1
expr0 < expr1
expr0 <= expr1
max(expr1, expr2, ..., exprN)
min(expr1, expr2, ..., exprN)
expr0 ?== expr1
expr0 ==? expr1
expr0 ?==? expr1
These predicates can be applied to any scalar values, including ints, floats, strings, chars, and dates, and nulls. The two sides of the operator must be of the same type, or null. A null value is treated as ∞. Thus, 1 < NA, but 1 > -NA
Predicates "==?", "?==", "?==?" are the same as "==", as long as both sides are non-null. "X==?Y" is true if either X==Y, or Y is null. "X?==Y" is true if either X==Y, or X is null. "X?==?Y" is true if either X==Y, or X is null, or Y is null. These predicates can be used to do outer, left, or right joins with join builtin.
isnull returns true if expr is NA (or -NA). Else it returns false.
Istable returns true if expr is a table.
Isstruct returns true if expr is a struct.
expr0 + expr1
The "+" operator can be applied to ints, floats, strings, and structs. The two sides of the operator must be of the same type. Adding two structs will produce a struct whose fields are union of the inputs. For example,
{a:10,b:20} + {c:30} == {a:10,b:20,c:30}
{a:10,b:20,c:40} + {c:30} == {a:10,b:20,c:30}
As seen in the second example, if a column appears in both inputs, the second value will be taken.
The unary "-" can be applied to ints, floats, and strings. Expression "-str" produces a new string whose sort order is lexicographically reversed. That is, for any two strings A and B, if A < B, then -A > -B. Unary "-" can be used to sort rows in descending order of string column values.
expr0 * expr1
expr0 % expr1
expr0 - expr1
expr0 / expr1
The above operators can be applied to ints and floats. The two sides of the operator must be of the same type.
string_count(str, substr)
Arg types:
- str: string
- substr: string
Example: string_count("good dog!", "g") == 2
Count the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substr in str.
Usage: regexp_match(str, re)
Example: regexp_match("dog", "o+") == true regexp_match("dog", "^o") == false
Check if str matches re. Uses go's regexp.MatchString (
regexp_replace(str, re, replacement)
Arg types:
- str: string
- re: string _ replacement: string
Example: regexp_replace("dog", "(o\S+)" "x$1y") == "dxogy"
Replace occurrence of re in str with replacement. It is implemented using Go's regexp.ReplaceAllString (
Arg types:
- str: string
Example: string_len("dog") == 3
Compute the length of the string. Returns an integer.
string_has_suffix(str, suffix)
Arg types:
- str: string
- suffix: string
Example: string_has_suffix("dog", "g") == true
Checks if a string ends with the given suffix
string_has_prefix(str, prefix)
Arg types:
- str: string
- prefix: string
Example: string_has_prefix("dog", "d") == true
Checks if a string starts with the given prefix
string_replace(str, old, new)
Arg types:
- str: string
- old: string _ new: string
Example: regexp_replace("dogo", "o" "a") == "daga"
Replace occurrence of old in str with new.
substring(str, from [, to])
Substring extracts parts of a string, [from:to]. Args "from" and "to" specify byte offsets, not character (rune) counts. If "to" is omitted, it defaults to ∞.
Arg types:
- str: string
- from: int _ to: int, defaults to ∞
Example: substring("hello", 1, 3) == "ell" substring("hello", 2) == "llo"
sprintf(fmt, args...)
Arg types:
- fmt: string
- args: any
Example: sprintf("hello %s %d", "world", 10) == "hello world 10"
Builds a string from the format string. It is implemented using Go's fmt.Sprintf The args cannot be structs or tables.
Examples: string(123.0) == "123.0" string(NA) == "" string(1+10) == "11"
The string function converts any scalar expression into a string. NA is translated into an empty string.
Int converts any scalar expression into an integer. Examples: int("123") == 123 int(1234.0) == 1234 int(NA) == 0
NA is translated into 0. If expr is a date, int(expr) computes the number of seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01). If expr is a duration, int(expr) returns the number of nanoseconds.
The float function converts any scalar expression into an float. Examples: float("123") == 123.0 float(1234) == 1234.0 float(NA) == 0.0
NA is translated into 0.0. If expr is a date, float(expr) computes the number of seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01). If expr is a duration, float(expr) returns the number of seconds.
Arg types:
- arg: any
Example: hash64("foohah")
Compute the hash of the arg. Arg can be of any type, including a table or a row. The hash is a positive int64 value.
land(x, y)
Arg types:
- x, y: int
Example: land(0xff, 0x3) == 3
Compute the logical and of two integers.
Usage: lor(x, y) Example: lor(0xff, 0x3) == 255
Compute the logical or of two integers.
isset(x, y)
Arg types:
- x, y: int
Example: isset(0x3, 0x1) == true
Compute whether all bits in the second argument are present in the first. Useful for whether flags are set.
print(expr... [,depth:=N] [,mode:="mode"])
Print the list of expressions to stdout. The depth parameters controls how nested tables are printed. If depth=0, nested tables are printed as "[omitted]". If depth > 0, nested tables are expanded up to that level. If the depth argument is omitted, print fully expands nested tables to the infinite degree.
The mode argument controls the print format. Valid values are the following:
- "default" prints the expressions in a long format.
- "compact" prints them in a short format
- "description" prints the value description (help message) instead of the values themselves.
The default value of mode is "default".
Invoking R functions inside GQL.
Invoking GQL inside R.
Reading VCF and other non-tsv files.