Releases: gramps-project/gramps-web
Improved DNA Match View
The DNA match view introduced in the previous release has been significantly improved: for matches with known relationship, it now shows a relationship diagram visualizing the connection between the matches.
The table of matches is now sortable, even on mobile devices where the table view automatically adapts to a layout suitable for small screens. This enhanced table experience will be rolled out to all the tables in Gramps Web over the next releases.
Improved login and registration form
@DanielMorsch has overhauled the login and registration forms, introducing improved labels, modernized web components, and a password confirmation field reducing the probability of losing access by mistyping a password. 🚀
Other improvements
Translations have been updated, thanks to the Weblate community!
Meanwhile, under the hood, the management of the global app state has been overhauled, laying the groundwork for future features.
This release brings some visual enhancements to the popular relationship graph. In particular, you will notice that the connecting lines are now smoother, similar to those in other tree charts.
As usual, also many translations have been updated.
Happy New Year and welcome to the first 2025 release of Gramps Web!
New DNA View 🧬
Entering and viewing DNA match data, including an interactive chromosome browser, has been possible in Gramps Web for a while already. However, this feature was well hidden in the right-most subtab of the person view, which made it very difficult to work with, in particular if there are multiple people with DNA data in a tree. Moreover, entering data was quite difficult, requiring to first add a person association of type DNA, then add a note and link it to the association.
The new DNA view, accessible from the main menu, makes the list of matches and the chromosome browser readily available, with the following improvements:
- The view has a dropdown allowing to select any person in the tree that has DNA match data
- There is a new add/edit match dialog showing an instant preview of the raw data in tabular form
- The view is now more mobile friendly
- The raw data editor now understands many more formats of raw DNA match data
- Displaying the match data is now much faster
The last two points are thanks to improvements in Gramps Web API v2.8.0
This is just the beginning of more planned improvements to working with DNA data in Gramps Web. Stay tuned!
Deleting users 🗑️
Hopefully not a feature you will need often, but still good to have: @DanielMorsch added a button to the administration settings that allows to irrevocably delete a user from your tree.
Translation updates 🔠
As usual, new strings have been translated in record speed by the Weblate community 🚀
2024, it's a wrap! 🎆
This is the last release of 2024 and it brings two features and two fixes.
Incremental semantic search indexing
In the admin settings page, there are now two buttons for reindexing semantic search:
- "Recreate semantic search index" creates the entire index from scratch
- "Update semantic search idnex" does an incremental update, only generating missing entries.
While the first option is needed e.g. if the embedding model was changed, the second option comes in handy e.g. when an indexing process (which can take many hours to complete) was aborted halfway. #551
Support for open date spans
Gramps 5.2 introduced the concept of open date spans, such as "from 2018" or "to 2006". These can now finally be used in all places where dates can be entered in Gramps Web.
Welcome to the first december release, which might not yet be the last release of this year!
- The user settings now finally display your user name and user group; also the systems info page now shows your tree ID. Thanks to @letsjustfixit for the contribution!
- Translations have been update – thanks to the Gramps weblate community
Project updates
As the community is growing 🎉, we started improving some of the documentation & guidelines, for instance
- A code of conduct has been added
- Issue templates have been created
- We've opted in to a beta feature of Github issues, introducing issue types (bug/feature/task) and sub-issues. You might see some reorganization of existing issues.
New features in this release
- The maximum number of images in the relationship chart (previously hard-coded to 50) can now be configured, so you can display large relationship charts with a large number of images! Implemented by @geostag in #524
Other improvements
- Translation updates - thanks to all the translators!
- Ignore index.html in service worker cache by @MrTrustor in #522
AI Chat
This release adds a new "chat" view that gives access to an AI-powered chat assistant allowing to retrieve information about objects in the family tree database.
Please see the Gramps Web API v2.5.0 release notes as well as the documentation (set up chat, chat user guide) for technical details, limitations, how to set it up, and how to use it.
Other improvements
An issue was solved that caused problems with editing a note after pasting content containing HTML code (#490).
Lots of translations have been updated!