is a tool meant to speed up development of applications that utilises
graphql. Granate
takes a graphql schema
and outputs code based on the
specified language.
- Go
go get
requires a config yaml file granate.yaml
to provide some basic
information about the project.
# Select language to output
language: go
# Output locations (and some options)
# Output target directory (value can be empty,
# but the option is currently required)
target: <target-dir>
# Name of the package
# Name of the package to generate for the schema
schema: schema
# Name of the package to generate for the models
models: models
# Schemas to use for the code generator
- schema.graphql
A schema is also required, you can provide multiple schemas in the schemas
section of the config file. Here is a simple todo.graphql
# A user in the system
type User {
id: ID
name: String
todos: [Todo]
# A todo
type Todo {
id: ID
title: String
description: String
# Root query
type Query {
# Get the current loged in user
viewer: User
By simply running granate
in the same folder as the granate.yaml
or placing
//go:generate granate
at the top of your main.go
file and running go generate
, three files will be created.
- definitions.go
- adapters.go
- provider.go
The definitions.go
file is where all the graphql specific code is.
provides a set of interfaces to use for implementing the logic.
contains a set of function to bootstrap the graphql schema as
well as providing a graphiql interface to test your schema with.
For a more in depth overview of how to use Granate
, check out the simple example under the example
We support most graphql features. These are examples of things you can't yet generate with granate.
# Define interfaces (the only interface you can use for now is Node, which exists)
interface Entity {
id: ID!
name: String
# Define scalars
scalar URL
# Define unions
union Animal = Dog | Snake
# Define schemas
# You shouldn't need to do this
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: ...
See the GraphQL cheat sheet for reference.