Releases: greyovo/PicQuery
Releases · greyovo/PicQuery
- 修复 启动APP时的闪退问题
- 修复 索引照片时的闪退问题
请注意:在 Release 中下载的APK,与 Google Play 中的签名是不一致的,不可覆盖升级。Google Play 的审核需要约 7 天。
大陆用户可以使用镜像站加速下载:将APK的下载链接复制到 GitHub Proxy 中下载
- Fixed a crash in launching App.
- Fixed a crash in indexing photos.
Note: The APK downloaded in Release is inconsistent with the signature in Google Play and cannot be overwritten for upgrade. It takes about about 7 days for Google Play to review.
Full Changelog: v1.1...v1.1.2