- Author: Carl Boettiger
- License: CC0
- Package source code on Github
- Submit Bugs and feature requests
is an R package designed to add dynamic citations to dynamic documents created with Yihui's knitr package.
Install the development version directly from Github
install_github("knitcitations", "cboettig")
Or install the current release from your CRAN mirror with install.packages("knitcitations")
It is usually good to clear the bibliographic environment after loading the library, in case any citations are already stored there.
Cite an article by DOI and the full citation information is gathered automatically.
[1] "(Abrams et. al. 2012)"
Typically this is done with knitr's inline code syntax, creating a parenthetical citation in the text like this (Abrams et. al. 2012). We display the command in code blocks only for documenting purposes here. citep
provides a parenthetical citation; a in-text citation is generated with citet
, such as this sentence cites Abrams et. al. (2012).
Not all the literature we may wish to cite includes DOIs, such as arXiv preprints, Wikipedia pages, or other academic blogs. Even when a DOI is present it is not always trivial to locate. With version 0.4-0, knitcitations
can produce citations given any URL using the Greycite API. For instance, we can use the call
[1] "(Lord, 2012)"
to generate the citation to the Greycite tool.
If we have a bibtex file, we can cite such articles by those keys as well. To demonstrate, let's first create a bibtex file with the citation information for some R packages, using the bibtex
package utilities (a dependency of knitcitations
write.bibtex(c(Yihui2013 = citation("knitr"), Boettiger2013 = citation("knitcitations"),
TempleLang2012 = citation("RCurl")))
bib <- read.bibtex("knitcitations.bib")
Now we can generate citations from bib
[1] "(Boettiger, 2012)"
[1] "(Xie, 2013)"
When the citation is called, a key in the format LastNameYear
is automatically created for this citation, so we can now continue to cite this article without remembering the DOI, using the command:
[1] "(Abrams et. al. 2012)"
Note that a custom key can also be given by naming the DOI, such as citep(c(AbramsEtAl="10.1890/11-0011.1"))
At the end of our document we can generate the traditional "References" or "Works Cited" list in a knitr block using the chunk option results='asis'
to display as text rather than code:
- Peter A. Abrams, Lasse Ruokolainen, Brian J. Shuter, Kevin S. McCann, (2012) Harvesting Creates Ecological Traps: Consequences of Invisible Mortality Risks in Predator–Prey Metacommunities. Ecology 93 10.1890/11-0011.1
- Carl Boettiger, (2012) knitcitations: Citations for knitr markdown files. https://github.com/cboettig/knitcitations
- Yihui Xie, (2013) knitr: A general-purpose package for dynamic report generation in R. http://yihui.name/knitr/
- Phillip Lord, (2012) Greycite. Knowledge Blog http://knowledgeblog.org/greycite
Other formats can be given as options to bibliography
, as described in the help documentation, ?bibliography
. For instance, we can specify the format as "markdown". The custom formats "markdown" and "rdfa" take an additional argument, "ordering", which can specify what elements we want to print and what order they should be given in. For instance, we can omit everything but the authors, year, and journal, given in that order:
bibliography("markdown", ordering = c("authors", "year", "journal"))
- Peter A. Abrams, Lasse Ruokolainen, Brian J. Shuter, Kevin S. McCann, (2012) Ecology
- Carl Boettiger, (2012)
- Yihui Xie, (2013)
- Phillip Lord, (2012) Knowledge Blog
(Note that since version 0.5, "markdown" is the default and can be omitted)
In-text citations are now linked by default to the article. We can turn this on or off in a single citation like so: citep("Abrams2012", linked=TRUE)
, creating the citation (Abrams et. al. 2012). We can toggle this behavior on or off globally using cite_options(linked=TRUE)
at the beginning of our document.
Using the popular javascript library from bootstrap, we can tell knitcitations
to include a javascript tooltip on mouseover. (This effect will not work inside a github repo due the the lack of the javascript library, but can easily be deployed on a website, see Boettiger (2013). This function is off by default can be toggled on or off in the same way, cite_options(tooltip=TRUE)
Additional semantic markup can be added the the citations themselves, such as the reason for the citation. For instance, we can identify that we have used the method from Shotton (2010) with the inline command citet("10.1186/2041-1480-1-S1-S6", cito = "usesMethodIn")
More discussion on using knitcitations
for CITO and semantic markup can be found in Boettiger (2013).