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- December 22-23th,2018:SECCON YOROZU 2018
- March 28th,2019:Black Hat ASIA 2019 Arsenal
- Installation
- Usage
- Tips
- Demonstration (Youtube)
The new GyoiThon (version 0.0.4) can list up your subdomain facing on the internet. And if the subdomain is published as a Web service, then GyoiThon executes a health check that a non-destructive vulnerability assessment.
Note |
New function uses a Google custom search API. So if you use a new function, then you have to prepare a API key of Google Custom search. |
- ex) Listing up your subdomain.
First, you have to prepare thedomain_list.csv
is following:
"Domain Name"
And you execute following command.
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -i --domain_list
As a result, you get a list of sundomains associated with the specified domain.
Index | Domain | Sub-Domain | IP Address | Access Status (http) | Location (http) | Access Status (https) | Location (https) | Whois records |
1 | mbsd.jp | mbsd.jp | [''] | 301 | https://www.mbsd.jp/ | 301 | https://www.mbsd.jp/ | *** |
2 | mbsd.jp | www.mbsd.jp | [''] | 301 | https://www.mbsd.jp/ | 200 | - | - |
3 | mbsd.jp | www2.mbsd.jp | [''] | 301 | https://www.mbsd.jp/ | 200 | - | - |
- ex) Listing up your subdomain and executing health check.
GyoiThon executes a list up your subdomain and if the subdomain is published as a Web service (with port 80 or 443 open), then GyoiThon execute a health check that a non-destructive vulnerability assessment.
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -i --domain_list --through_health_check --safety
As a result, you get a list of subdomains and assessment report.
Index | Domain | Sub-Domain | IP Address | Access Status (http) | Location (http) | Access Status (https) | Location (https) | Whois records | Assessment results |
1 | mbsd.jp | mbsd.jp | [''] | 301 | https://www.mbsd.jp/ | 301 | https://www.mbsd.jp/ | *** | *** |
2 | mbsd.jp | www.mbsd.jp | [''] | 301 | https://www.mbsd.jp/ | 200 | - | - | *** |
3 | mbsd.jp | www2.mbsd.jp | [''] | 301 | https://www.mbsd.jp/ | 200 | - | - | *** |
GyoiThon is Intelligence Gathering tool for Web Server.
GyoiThon execute remote access to target Web server and identifies product operated on the server such as CMS, Web server software, Framework, Programming Language etc,. And, it can execute exploit modules to identified products using Metasploit. GyoiThon fully automatically execute above action.
GyoiThon's main features are following.
Remote access/Fully automatic
GyoiThon can fully automatically gather the information of target Web server using only remote access. You only execute GyoiThon once for your operation. -
Non-destructive test
GyoiThon can gather information of target Web server using only normally access.
But, when you use a part of option, GyoiThon execute abnormally access such as sending exploit modules. -
Gathering various information
GyoiThon has various intelligence gathering engines such as Web crawler, Google Custom Search API, Censys, explorer of default contents, examination of cloud services etc,. By analyze gathered information using strings pattern matching and machine learning, GyoiThon can identify product/version/CVE number operated on the target web server, unnecceary html comments/debug messages, login page etc,. -
Examination of real vulnerability
GyoiThon can execute exploit modules to identified products using Metasploit.
As a result, it can examine real vulnerability of target web server.
Note |
If you are interested, please use them in an environment under your control and at your own risk. |
- git clone GyoiThon's repository.
root@kali:~# git clone https://github.com/gyoisamurai/GyoiThon.git
- Get python3-pip.
root@kali:~# apt-get update
root@kali:~# apt-get install python3-pip
- install required python packages.
root@kali:~# cd GyoiThon
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# pip3 install -r requirements.txt
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# apt install python3-tk
- Edit config.ini of GyoiThon.
You have to edit yourconfig.ini
More information is Usage.
By using default mode without option and combination of several options, GyoiThon can gather various information of target web server.
.\gyoithon.py [-s] [-m] [-g] [-e] [-c] [-p] [-l --log_path=<path>] [--no-update-vulndb]
.\gyoithon.py [-d --category=<category> --vendor=<vendor> --package=<package>]
.\gyoithon.py [-i]
.\gyoithon.py -h | --help
-s Optional : Examine cloud service.
-m Optional : Analyze HTTP response for identify product/version using Machine Learning.
-g Optional : Google Custom Search for identify product/version.
-e Optional : Explore default path of product.
-c Optional : Discover open ports and wrong ssl server certification using Censys.
-p Optional : Execute exploit module using Metasploit.
-l Optional : Analyze log based HTTP response for identify product/version.
-d Optional : Development of signature and train data.
-i Optional : Explore relevant FQDN with the target FQDN.
-h --help Show this help message and exit.
- Edit target file
You have to write target web server to thehost.txt
Writting format isprotocol FQDN(or IP address) Port Crawling_root_path
- Example.
https gyoithon.example.com 443 /
If you want to indicate multiple target information, you have to write below.
https gyoithon.example.com 443 /
http 80 /vicnum/
https www.example.com 443 /catalog/
Note |
You insert / at the beginning and end of Root Path. |
- Edit configuration file
Parameters to be changed by the user are defined in the setting fileconfig.ini
If you want to change parameters, editconfig.ini
Detail ofconfig.ini
is here.
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py
The default mode gathers following minimum information.
- Gathering of HTTP responses by Web crawling.
- Identification of product/version using string pattern matching.
- Examination of CVE number (from NVD) for identified products.
- Examination of unneccesary HTML/JavaScript comments.
- Examination of unneccesary debug messages.
- Examination of login pages.
- Crawling setting
GyoiThon usesScrapy
that Python's library.
By change the parameters inconfig.ini
, you can change setting of Scrapy.
Category | Parameter | Description |
Spider | depth_limit | Maximum depth of crawling. Default value is 2 layer. |
delay_time | Delay time of crawling. Default value is 3 (sec). |
time_out | Spider close option. Timeout of crawling. Default value is 600 (sec). |
item_count | Spider close option. Maximum items. Default value is 300 . |
page_count | Spider close option. Maximum items per page. Default value is 0 (no limit). |
error_count | Spider close option. Maximum errors. Default value is 0 (no limit). |
- Examination speed setting
The examination number and HTTP response size greatly affect examination times.
By change the parameters inconfig.ini
, you can adjust examination speed.
Category | Parameter | Description |
Common | max_target_url | Maximum examination URL number. If the URL number gathered by Web Crawling exceeds this parameter value, excess URL number is discarded. Default value is 100 . 0 is unlimited. |
max_target_byte | Maximum examination response size. If the response size exceeds this parameter value, excess response size is discarded. Default value is 10000 byte. 0 is unlimited. |
scramble | The URL list gathered by Web crawling is randomly ordered. Default value is 1 (validity). 0 is invalid. |
Note |
The examination speed and accuracy are trade-off. |
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -s
By add -s
option, GyoiThon identifies target web server uses cloud service or not in addition to default mode.
Before execution, you must change the below parameter of config.ini
Category | Parameter | Description |
CloudChecker | azure_ip_range | Source URL of Azure Datacenter IP Ranges. |
This parameter is source URL of Azure Datacenter IP range. This URL is changed a few per day. So, you must get the latest URL from link "click here to download manually" of page "Microsoft Azure Datacenter IP Ranges" and set it to above parameter before execute GyoiThon.
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -m
By add -m
option, GyoiThon identifies products/version using Machine Learning (Naive Bayes) in addition to default mode.
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -g
By add -g
option, GyoiThon identifies products/version using Google Custom Search API in addition to default mode. Before execution, you must set API key and Search engine ID to the below parameters.
Category | Parameter | Description |
GoogleHack | api_key | API key of Google Custom Search API. |
search_engine_id | Google search engine ID. |
Note |
You can use free Google Custom Search API of 100 queries per day. But, if you want to use more than 100 queries, you must pay fee the Google Custom Search API service. |
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -e
By add -e option, GyoiThon explores the default contents of products such as CMS, Web server software in addition to default mode.
By change the parameters in config.ini
, you can change setting of exploration.
Category | Parameter | Description |
ContentExplorer | delay_time | Delay time of exploration. Default value is 1 (sec). |
Note |
When you use this option, may be affected to heavy load of server because of GyoiThon execute numerous accesses (hundreds accesses) against the target web server. In addition, by numerous 404 error logs are wrote to access log, it may be to caught by SOC (Security Operation Center). So, if you use this option, please notify person concerned such as SOC, administrator and use them in an environment under your control and at your own risk and. |
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -c
By add -c
option, GyoiThon examines open port number and server certification using Censys.
Before execution, you must set API key and Secret key to the below parameters.
Category | Parameter | Description |
Censys | api_id | API key of Censys. |
secret | Secret key of Censys. |
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -p
By add -p
option, GyoiThon examines real vulnerabilities such as DoS and backdoor using Metasploit in addition to default mode.
Before execution, you must launch RPC server of Metasploit and set below parameters in config.ini
Category | Parameter | Description |
Exploit | server_host | Allocated IP address to the RPC Server (msgrpc ). |
server_port | Allocated port number to the RPC Server (msgrpc ). |
msgrpc_user | User ID for authorization of msgrpc . |
msgrpc_pass | Password for authorization of msgrpc . |
LHOST | Allocated IP address to the RPC Server (msgrpc ). |
Note |
When you use this option, may be heavily affected to server operation because of GyoiThon execute the exploit against the target web server. In addition, this option may be caught by SOC (Security Operation Center) because of exploits are like a real attacks. So, if you use this option, please notify person concerned such as SOC, administrator and use them in an environment under your control and at your own risk and. |
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -l --log_path="Full path of stored logs"
By add -l
option, GyoiThon executes various examination using stored HTTP responses without web crawling.
This mode assumes the web application that GyoiThon cannot execute web crawling.
GyoiThon can execute various examination similar web crawling of default mode using stored HTTP responses gathered by local proxy tool.
Note |
Log file's extension is .log . |
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -s -m
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -s -g
Combination of "Examination of cloud services mode", "Machine Learning analysis mode" and "Google Hacking mode".
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -s -m -g
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -s -m -g -e -c -p -l --log_path="Full path of stored logs"
root@kali:~/GyoiThon# python3 gyoithon.py -d --category=CMS --vendor=joomla! [email protected]@_origin.tar.zip
By add -d
option, GyoiThon generates signatures/train data for detecting Web products operated on the target Web Server.
The options is following.
Option | Description | Example |
--category | Product's category in signature/train data. | OS or WEB or FRAMEWORK or CMS . |
--vendor | Product's vendor name in signature/train data. | wordpress , joomla! , drupal . |
--package | Importing target package file name. You have to separate three fields that product name, version and extension using @ . |
[email protected]@.tar.gz , [email protected]@_origin.tar.zip , [email protected]@.tar.gz . |
After finished execution of GyoiThon, reports of each target are generated to the following path.
root@kali:~/GyoiThon/report# ls
GyoiThon generates following two types report.
gyoithon_report_target FQDN(or IP address)_Port number_Root Path.csv
This is main report that mainly including product name, version, cve etc,.
Report format isgyoithon_report_target FQDN(or IP address)_Port number_Root Path.csv
Each column's detail is following.
Column | Description | Example |
fqdn | FQDN of target web server. | www.gyoithon.example.com |
ip_addr | IP address of target web server. | |
port | Port number of target web server. | 80 |
cloud_type | Cloud service name (Azure or AWS or GCP or Unknown). | AWS |
method | Examination way of GyoiThon. | Crawling |
url | Accessed URL. | |
vendor_name | Vendor name of identified products. | apache |
prod_name | Identified products. | http_server |
prod_version | Version of identified products. | 2.2.14 |
prod_trigger | Trigger of identified products. | Apache/2.2.14 |
prod_type | Product category (Web or CMS or Framework etc..). | Web |
prod_vuln | CVE number according to identified products (desc CVSS score). | CVE-2017-3167, CVE-2017-3169, CVE-2017-7668 ... |
origin_login | Login page is existing or not (Log: Analysis using Machine Leaerning, Url: Analysis using string pattern matching in URL. | Log : 37.5 %\nUrl : 100.0 % |
origin_login_trigger | Trigger of identifed login page. | Log : name",<input type="password"\nUrl : login |
wrong_comment | Identified unnecessary comments. | パスワードは「password1234」です。 |
error_msg | Identified unnecessary debug messages. | Warning: mysql_connect() ..snip.. in auth.php on line 38 |
server_header | Server header of HTTP response. | Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) mod_mono/2.4.3 PHP/5.3.2 |
log | Path of raw data. | /usr/home/~snip~/http_192.168.220.129_80_20181112170525765.log |
date | Examination date. | 2018/11/12 17:05:25 |
gyoithon_censys_report_target FQDN(or IP address)_Port number_Root Path.csv
This is search result report using Censys that including open ports, certification information etc,.
Report format isgyoithon_censys_report_target FQDN(or IP address)_Port number_Root Path.csv
Each column's detail is following.
Column | Description | Example |
fqdn | FQDN of target web server. | www.gyoithon.example.com |
ip_addr | IP address of target web server. | |
category | Information category. | Server Info or Certification Info |
open_port | Open web port. | 443 |
protocol | Protocol of open web port. | https |
sig_algorithm | Signature algorithm of certification. | SHA256-RSA |
cname | Common name of certification. | www.gyoithon.example.com |
valid_start | Validity start date of certification. | 2018-08-15T00:00:00Z |
valid_end | Validity end date of certification. | 2019-09-16T12:00:00Z |
organization | Organization name of certification. | GyoiThon coorporation, Inc. |
date | Examination date. | 2018/11/22 11:19:36 |
Note |
Because Censys needs several days to several weeks to survey the entire Internet, the information obtained from Censys may not be up-to-date. |
path includes below files.
root@kali:~/GyoiThon/signatures/ ls
This is string matching patterns for identification of product in default mode.
If you want to add new string matching pattern, you have to write it such following format.
Format: field1@field2@field3@field4@field5
Type | Field# | Description | Example |
Required | 1 | Product Category. | CMS |
Required | 2 | Vendor name. | drupal |
Required | 3 | Product name. | drupal |
Optional | 4 | Version binded with this signature. | 8.0 |
Required | 5 | Regex of identifying product. | .*(X-Generator: Drupal 8).* |
If you don't need optional field, you must set *
to this field.
- Example
CMS@wordpress@wordpress@*@.*(WordPress ([0-9]+[\.0-9]*[\.0-9]*)).*
CMS@drupal@[email protected]@.*(X-Generator: Drupal 8).*
Note |
If you want to extract product version, you write two regex groups (the second regex is used for version extraction). |
This is string matching patterns for identification of product in Exploration of default contents mode.
If you want to add new string matching pattern, you have to write it such following format.
Format: field1@field2@field3@field4@field5@field6@field7@field8
Type | Field# | Description | Example |
Required | 1 | Product Category. | CMS |
Required | 2 | Vendor name. | sixapart |
Required | 3 | Product name. | movabletype |
Optional | 4 | Version binded with this signature. | * |
Required | 5 | Explore path | /readme.html |
Optional | 6 | Regex of to confirm product. | .*(Movable Type).* |
Optional | 7 | Regex of identifying version. | (v=([0-9]+[\.0-9]*[\.0-9]*)) |
Required | 8 | Login page or not. | Login page is 1 , Not login page is 0 |
If you don't need optional field, you must set *
to this field.
- Example
CMS@sixapart@movabletype@*@/readme.html@.*(Movable Type).*@(v=([0-9]+[\.0-9]*[\.0-9]*))@0
Note |
If you want to extract product version, you write two regex groups (the second regex is used for version extraction). |
Note |
If GyoiThon cannot confirm the product by just Explore path , you need to indicate the Regex of to confirm product field. GyoiThon accesses the URL that Explore path and examines the HTTP response using Regex of to confirm product . If this regex matches, GyoiThon judges that the product exists. |
This is Google Custom Search query for identification of product in Google Hacking mode.
If you want to add new query, you have to write it such following format.
Format: field1@field2@field3@field4@field5@field6@field7@field8
Type | Field# | Description | Example |
Optional | 1 | Product Category. | CMS |
Optional | 2 | Vendor name. | sixapart |
Optional | 3 | Product name. | movabletype |
Optional | 4 | Version binded with this signature. | * |
Required | 5 | Google Custom Search query | inurl:/readme.html |
Optional | 6 | Regex of to confirm product. | .*(Movable Type).* |
Optional | 7 | Regex of identifying version. | (v=([0-9]+[\.0-9]*[\.0-9]*)) |
Optional | 8 | Login page or not. | Login page is 1 , Not login page is 0 |
If you don't need optional field, you must set *
to this field.
- Example
CMS@sixapart@movabletype@*@inurl:/readme.html@.*(Movable Type).*@(v=([0-9]+[\.0-9]*[\.0-9]*))@0
Note |
If you want to extract product version, you write two regex groups (the second regex is used for version extraction). |
Note |
If GyoiThon cannot confirm the product by just Google Custom Search query , you need to indicate the Regex of to confirm product field. GyoiThon accesses the URL included in the execution result of Google Custom Search API and examines the HTTP response using Regex of to confirm product . If this regex matches, GyoiThon judges that the product exists. |
This is string matching patterns for identification of unnecessary comments in default mode.
If you want to add new string matching pattern, you have to write it such following format.
Format: field1
Type | Field# | Description |
Required | 1 | Regex of unnecessary comment. |
- Example
This is string matching patterns for identification of unnecessary debug message in default mode.
If you want to add new string matching pattern, you have to write it such following format.
Format: field1
Type | Field# | Description |
Required | 1 | Regex of unnecessary debug message. |
- Example
This is string matching patterns for URL based identification of page type in default mode.
If you want to add new string matching pattern, you have to write it such following format.
Format: field1@field2
Type | Field# | Description |
Required | 1 | Page type. |
Required | 2 | Regex of identifying page type. |
- Example
Note |
Above vendor name and product name must be match a name in CPE format. |
path includes two train data for Machine Learning.
root@kali:~/GyoiThon/modules/train_data/ ls
This is train data for Machine Learning analysis in Machine Learning mode.
If you want to add new train data, you have to write it such following format.
Format: field1@field2@field3@field4
Type | Field# | Description | Example |
Required | 1 | Vendor name. | joomla |
Required | 2 | Product name. | joomla\! |
Optional | 3 | Version binded with this train data. | * |
Required | 4 | Feature of product expressed by regex. | (Set-Cookie: [a-z0-9]{32}=.*); |
If you don't need optional field, you must set *
to this field.
- Example
joomla@joomla\!@*@(Set-Cookie: [a-z0-9]{32}=.*);
joomla@joomla\!@*@(Set-Cookie: .*=[a-z0-9]{26,32});
heartcore@heartcore@*@(<meta name=["']author["'] content=["']{2}).*
Note |
Above vendor name and product name must be match a name in CPE format. |
This is train data for identifying page type usin Machine Learning in default mode.
If you want to add new train data, you have to write it such following format.
Format: field1@field2
Type | Field# | Description |
Required | 1 | Category. |
Required | 2 | Feature of page expressed by regex. |
- Example
When GyoiThon exploits, it uses default value of Exploit module options.
If you want to change option values, please input any value to "user_specify"
in exploit_tree.json
as following.
root@kali:~/GyoiThon/modules/data/ ls
root@kali:~/GyoiThon/modules/data/ vim exploit_tree.json
"unix/webapp/joomla_media_upload_exec": {
"targets": {
"0": [
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"advanced": false,
"evasion": false,
"desc": "The base path to Joomla",
"default": "/joomla",
"user_specify": "/my_original_dir/"
Above example is to change value of TARGETURI
option in exploit module "exploit/unix/webapp/joomla_media_upload_exec
" to "/my_original_dir/
" from "/joomla
GyoiThon can access to target server via proxy server.
If you want to use proxy server, please input proxy server information in config.ini
Category | Parameter | Description |
Common | proxy | Proxy server information. Format is scheme://hostname:port (ex: http://proxy-example:8083 ). |
proxy_user | If you need the proxy authentication, please input auth user. | |
proxy_pass | If you need the proxy authentication, please input auth password. |
Note |
Now, GyoiThon is implemented only Basic Authentication. |
- Kali Linux 2018.2 (for Metasploit)
- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U 2.20GHz
- Memory: 8.0GB
- Metasploit Framework 4.16.48-dev
- Python 3.6.6