In default configuration gem5 will dump 1000+ statistics to stats.txt
file but in most of the cases we want only few of these stats for our exploration. Furthermore, when you're doing benchmarking or exploration with many configurations the stats.txt
files will grow rapidly. You can use this python script to summarize gem5 stats over many configurations in to a single csv file.
- python3
- pandas
First you have to specify the full stat name in targetStats
file separated by new lines. Examples stats are in targetStats
If you have following file structure in m5out folder of gem5:
└─── FFT
│ └─── config 1
│ │ │ stats.txt
│ │
│ └─── config 2
│ │ │ stats.txt
│ │
└─── RADIX
└─── config 1
│ │ stats.txt
└─── config 2
│ │ stats.txt
Following command will output csv file with for all configurations in FFT folder.
python ./m5out/FFT ./output/FFT.csv
output :