This project was set up as a simple front end challenge for HacktoberFest 2020 event.
The goal is to create your personal profile card and style it any way you'd like. Make them funny or make them pretty - up to you!
Before you start, please have a look at a couple of rules I've set up. Not following the set rules might get your pull request rejected.
- You're not allowed to submit offensive/disturbing text, images, videos and links of any kind.
- You're not allowed to use copyrighted or promotional content not owned by yourself.
- You're not allowed to use auto play feature for any videos submitted.
- You're not allowed to copy and reuse already existing profile cards from this repository.
- You're not allowed to override existing CSS classes.
- You're not allowed to import additionsl libraries and frameworks without asking first.
- You are only allowed to post personal links to your portfolios, projects or social media.
- You are only allowed to use personally owned images or videos. (Videos via embeds).
- You are only allowed to take on additional tasks after your PR has been accepted.
- You are allowed to use any human spoken language of your choice when creating your profile card.
- Make a new branch and name it after yourself
- Leave a commit message explaining your changes
- Review meta description and add remaining relevant SEO features
- Change typeface of hero section to Neucha
- Center 'rules container' on mobile devices
- Display footer paragraph on one line if viewed on mobile devices
Hosted on GitHub Pages: