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Harvard Patterns Gem

The Harvard Patterns Gem provides built assets from Harvard Library's design system patterns, including fonts and stylesheets, and customizations for a Bootstrap 5 application. This gem makes it easy to integrate these assets into your Ruby projects, such as Rails applications, without needing to manually manage individual files.

Loosely based on these tutorials:

Table of Contents


  • Fonts: Includes Harvard Library's custom fonts.
  • Stylesheets: Provides precompiled stylesheets for quick integration.
  • Bootstrap 5 Customizations: Incorporates variable names and Harvard Library customizations based on Bootstrap 5.
  • Modular Development: Link the gem for local development to customize or extend the assets.


Add the gem to your project's Gemfile with the most up-to-date or appropriate version:

gem 'harvard-patterns-gem', git: '', tag '1.1.0'

Run bundle install to install the gem.

Check your Gemfile.lock to confirm the gem has been added.


1. Adding Stylesheets and Fonts

Include the gem's stylesheets in your project. In your Rails app, add the following line to your application stylesheet file (app/assets/stylesheets/application.css or similar):

@import "harvard-patterns";

This will include all the stylesheets from the Harvard Patterns Gem. If you only want a subset, you can also import them individually.

Ensure the fonts provided by the gem are being served correctly. Rails will automatically include fonts placed in the asset pipeline.

2. Referencing Images

Images should be referenced using standard Rails asset helpers:

In ERB Views:

<%= image_tag "logo.png" %>


.your-component {
  background: image-url("logo.png");

In JavaScript:

const logoPath = asset_path("logo.png");

Note: Images may also need to be declared in your manifest.js file:

//= link your-image-name.png
//= link your-image-game.svg

Local Development

If you want to modify the gem for local development and test it in another project, follow these steps:

1. Make Changes in a New Branch

Create a new branch and add your changes there. Commit changes.

2. Link the Gem

In the target project's Gemfile, link the gem to your branch name:

gem "harvard-patterns-gem", git: "", branch: "BRANCH-NAME"

Run bundle install to use this version of the gem.

Check your Gemfile.lock to confirm the change has been made. You should see the branch name.

Changes will immediately reflect in the project using this version of the gem after a restart or asset recompile.

3. Iterate on Changes (optional)

I recommend the following steps after every new commit you want to test to ensure you are testing the newest changes.

In the gem:

  • Make and commit additional changes.
  • Update the version of your gem in version.rb (can be anything, just different from the previous version). This helps to visually recognize that you are using the most up-to-date code in your branch.

In the target project:

  • Remove your Gemfile.lock.
  • Reinstall with bundle install and confirm the new Gemfile.lock includes the version you just created.
  • Restart the gem to view your changes.

4. Revert to Remote Version

Once you're done with local development and testing, switch back to the remote gem in the Gemfile:

gem 'harvard-patterns-gem', git: '', tag: '1.1.0'

Run bundle install to apply the change.

Check your Gemfile.lock to confirm the change has been made. You should see a tag number instead of a branch name.

Creating a New Version and Updating in Projects

1. Bump the Version

Update the version in the gem's version.rb file. Best practice is to have this align with your Git tag.

# lib/harvard/patterns/gem/version.rb
module HarvardPatternsGem
  VERSION = '1.1.0' # Update to the new version

Commit the version bump using your terminal or the GitHub interface:

git commit -am "Bump version to 1.1.0"

2. Tag the Release

Create a new Git tag for the version using your terminal or the GitHub interface:

git tag -a 1.1.0 -m "Release version 1.1.0"
git push origin 1.1.0

3. Update the Gem in Your Projects

In your project’s Gemfile, specify the new version tag from the GitHub repository:

gem 'harvard-patterns-gem', git: '', tag: '1.1.0'

Run bundle install to use the updated version.

4. Verify the Update

Ensure that the project is using the updated version:

bundle list | grep harvard-patterns-gem

Test the integration in your project to confirm that the new version works as expected.


Ruby Gem with built assets from Harvard Patterns







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