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Mirador citation plugin

A Mirador 3 plugin for displaying Harvard-specific citations.



  1. Run nvm use to ensure your version of matches that in the .nvmrc file
  2. Run npm i to install dependencies
  3. Use one of the NPM scripts to perform the actions described below.

NPM scripts

The following are some useful scripts can be ran using npm run <script>. A full list can be seen in package.json

Script Description
clean Removes the dist directories
build Builds the source files into the ./dist directory
serve Runs a local web server where the plugin can be viewed in a vanilla Mirador instance (helpful for testing and development)
test Runs the automated test suites

Installing in Mirador

The mirador-citation-plugin requires an instance of Mirador 3. Visit the Mirador wiki to learn how to install an existing plugin and for additional information about plugins.

Package you will need to install:

npm i @harvard-lts/mirador-citation-plugin


Configurations for this plugin are injected when Mirador is initialized under the miradorCitationPlugin key. See the demo entry for an example of importing and configuring mirador-citation-plugin. Note: the demo entry does not contain a valid citation API endpoint. You must fill it in for the demo to work.

  id: 'mirador',
  miradorCitationPlugin: {
Config Key Type Description
citationAPI string The API endpoint of your custom citation service

Additionally, the aria-label and title of the buttons are injected when Mirador is initialized under the translations key. See the demo entry for an example. The common configuration is also listed below.

  id: 'mirador',
    translations: {
      en: {
        openCompanionWindow_CitationKey: 'Cite',
        openCompanionWindow_RelatedLinksKey: 'Related Links'
Config Key Type Description
openCompanionWindow_CitationKey string The text you wish to appear in the aria-label and title of the Citation button
openCompanionWindow_RelatedLinksKey string The text you wish to appear in the aria-label and title of the Related Links button


Mirador's development, design, and maintenance is driven by community needs and ongoing feedback and discussion. Join us at our regularly scheduled community calls, on IIIF slack #mirador, or the mirador-tech and iiif-discuss mailing lists. To suggest features, report bugs, and clarify usage, please submit a GitHub issue.


A Mirador 3 plugin for displaying Harvard-specific citations







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