API For the Open Bus Stride project
- Please report issues and feature requests here
- To get updates about the system status and for general help join Hasadna's Slack #open-bus channel (Hasadna Slack signup link)
See our contributing docs if you want to suggest changes to this repository.
This is the easiest option to start development, follow these instructions: https://github.com/hasadna/open-bus-pipelines/blob/main/README.md#stride-api
For local development, see the additional functionality section: Develop stride-api from a local clone
It's much easier to use the Docker Compose environment, but the following can be refferd to for more details regarding the internal processes and for development using your local Python interpreter.
Create a virtualenv (using Python 3.8)
python3.8 -m venv venv
Update pip
venv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip
You should have a copy of open-bus-stride-db repository at ../open-bus-stride-db
Install dependencies
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
You need a DB to connect to, there are 2 options here:
- Start the stride-db from open-bus-pipelines docker-compose environment
- Connect to the production DB using the Redash read-only credentials
- Create a
file with the following, replacing the url to the production redash read-only url:export SQLALCHEMY_URL=postgresql://postgres:123456@localhost
- Source the .env:
. .env
- Create a
Activate virtualenv
. venv/bin/activate
Start the FastAPI server with automatic reload on changes
uvicorn open_bus_stride_api.main:app --reload
See the API docs at http://localhost:8000/docs
All existing APIs from the docs are defined under open_bus_stride_api/routers/<base_router_name>.py
Follow this example to create or edit a simple API for a specific table with filters:
@router.<http_method>("/<api_path>", tags=[<file_name>], response_model=<pydantic_response_model>) //
def name(<filtering_params>, limit, offset): # always include limit & offest to allow easy iteration on the data
return common.get_list(
<db_model>, limit, offset,
{'type': <filter_type>, 'field': <db_stcruct>.<specific_id>, 'value': <filter_param>},
Filter types are defined at open_bus_stride_api/routers/common.py -> get_list_query_filter_<filter_type>
(e.g.: 'equal', 'date_in_range')
Install for local development as described above.
Install test requirements:
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
To run the tests you need to connect to a DB with full stride data, easiest way is to connect to the production DB as described above by setting the SQLALCHEMY_URL env var accordingly.
Run all tests with full output, exiting on first error:
pytest -svvx
Pytest has many options, see the help message for details.