A Linux user-space fan control daemon
- System, DELL and NVIDIA GPU fan control support
- %, RPM or PWM custom speed-temperature curve configuration
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hbriese/fancon; sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install fancon
wget https://github.com/hbriese/fancon/releases/latest/download/fancon_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i ./fancon*.deb; sudo apt install -f
wget https://github.com/hbriese/fancon/releases/latest/download/fancon.x86_64.rpm
sudo yum –nogpgcheck install ./fancon*.rpm
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/fancon.git; cd fancon
makepkg -sirc
/etc/fancon.conf is automatically created on first run once the tests complete
Only 'sensor' & 'temp_to_rpm' for each fan is required to be manually configured
config {
1000 #Milliseconds between updating fan speeds dynamic
: true #Interpolate speeds between temps e.g(30 : 800, 50 : 1200)
results in 1000
@40 smoothing_intervals : 3 #Intervals over which to smooth RPM changes
top_stickiness_intervals : 2 #Intervals to wait before decreasing
RPM temp_averaging_intervals : 3 #Intervals to average
temperatures over -
eliminating temp spikes
devices {
fan {
SYS #One of : SYS(default), DELL, NVIDIA;
may excluded if SYS label : "hwmon3/fan1" #Name of device -
anything you want sensor
: "CPU Package" #Sensor to read -
specify by label temp_to_rpm : "39: 0%, 40: 1%, 75: 50%, 90: 100%"
#temp(optional : f | F; default °C) : RPM(optional : % | PWM; default RPM)
# 40 : 0 % Stopped at or below 40°C(°C is used if F is omitted)
# 50 : 1 % Lowest running speed at 50°C
# 75 : 50 % 50 % of max RPM at 75°C, \
could also be written as 75 : 180PWM in this case
# 194f : 100 % Full speed at 194°F(194f = 90°C)
: "0: 0, 3206: 128, 4954: 180, 7281: 255" #Mappings of RPM to PWM
start_pwm : 128 #PWM at which the fan starts
#interval : 500 #Fan - specific update time; increasing improves test accuracy
: false #Don't control or test device; may be excluded if false
#Following only applicable to SYS &DELL devices
driver_flag : 2 #Driver flag to enable manual control pwm_path
: "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/pwm1" #Path to read /
write PWM rpm_path
: "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/fan1_input" #Path to read RPM
#Following only applicable to SYS devices
: "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/pwm1_enable" #Path to enable PWM control
type : NVIDIA label : "980_Ti" sensor : "980_Ti_temp"
temp_to_rpm : "54: 0%, 55: 1%, 90: 100%" rpm_to_pwm : "850: 0, 3832: 255"
start_pwm : 128 interval : 500 id : 0 #Only applicable to NVIDIA devices
} sensor {
SYS #One of : SYS(default), NVIDIA;
may excluded if SYS label : "CPU Package" #Name of device -
anything you want input_path
: "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/temp1_input" #Path to
read(only applicable to SYS devices)
sensor {
"980_Ti_temp" id : 0 #Only applicable to NVIDIA devices
fancon arg [value] ...
h help Show this help
s status Status of all fans
e enable Enable control of all fans
e enable [fan] Enable control of the fan
d disable Disable control of all fans
d disable [fan] Disable control of the fans
t test Test all (untested) fans
t test [fan] Test the fan (forced)
f force Test even already tested fans (default: false)
m monitor Monitor all fans
m monitor [fan] Monitor the fan
r reload Reload config
c config [file] Config path (default: /etc/fancon.conf)
service Start as service
daemon Daemonize the process (default: false)
stop-service Stop the service
i sysinfo [file] Save system info to file (default: sysinfo.txt)
recover Recover control of enabled devices
nv-init Init nvidia devices
v verbose Debug logging level
a trace Trace logging level
sudo systemctl status fancon
sudo systemctl start fancon
sudo fancon service
fancon monitor
journalctl -u fancon
fancon verbose
fancon trace
First try detecting devices using lm-sensors
sudo sensors-detect
- You may need to reboot if unloaded kernel modules were added
Check to see if your device is detected
Devices (fans & sensors) that:
- Expose a sysfs like interface but are not found by lm-sensors
- Are reported as not having the required features but they do
May be configurable by altering their configuration
X11 access is required for NVIDIA control
You will need to configure the unset environmental variable.
Manually configure the unset environmental variable(s)
Inside /etc/profile
export XAUTHORITY=...
; You can find the XAuthority file by runningxauth info
xhost si:localuser:root
; May be necessary on Wayland
sudo apt install clang cmake lm-sensors libsensors5 libsensors4-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-log-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev libpstreams-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libgrpc++-dev protobuf-compiler protobuf-compiler-grpc libxnvctrl-dev libx11-dev
git clone https://github.com/hbriese/fancon.git && cd fancon; mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DNVIDIA_SUPPORT=ON .. && make -j && sudo make install
sudo apt install clang cmake lm-sensors libsensors5 libsensors4-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-log-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev libpstreams-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libgrpc++-dev protobuf-compiler protobuf-compiler-grpc
git clone https://github.com/hbriese/fancon.git && cd fancon; mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DNVIDIA_SUPPORT=OFF .. && make -j && sudo make install
CMake Option | Default | Description |
PROFILE | OFF | Support for Google Perf Tools CPU & heap profilers |
LINT | OFF | Run Clang-Tidy |