Haxe externs for the Brackets editor (http://brackets.io). These externs can be used to create extensions for brackets.
To create a new extension all you have to do is create a subclass of the Extension class, override the initialize() method and then, in the Main() method, just instantiate the extension.
The Hello-World extension from the Brackets wiki (https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Simple-%22Hello-World%22-extension) would look like this in Haxe:
class HelloWorldExtension extends Extension {
private static inline var MYCOMMAND_ID = "helloworld.sayhello";
public function new() { super(); }
override public function initialize():Void {
// Get the modules we will need.
var commandManager:CommandManager = Brackets.getModule("command/CommandManager");
var menus:Menus = Brackets.getModule("command/Menus");
// Register our command with brackets so it will know about it when we click the
// menu item which will be created below.
commandManager.register("Hello World", MYCOMMAND_ID, this.handleHelloWorld);
// Create a new menu item in the file menu and associate it with the command we created above.
var menu:Menu = menus.getMenu(menus.AppMenuBar.FILE_MENU);
* Called when the user clicks the menu item that the extension creates.
public function handleHelloWorld():Void {
Browser.window.alert("Hello, world!");
And the Main would look like this:
class Main {
public static function main():Void {
var extension:Extension = new HelloWorldExtension();
This is still very incomplete but should be enough to write some simple extensions. Please let me know if there is a certain API that you would like me to include. And, of course, pull requests are more than welcome.