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Idiomatic and purely functional discrete event-simulation


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Event-driven engine for Clojure(script) heavily borrowing ideas from discrete-event simulation and hybrid dynamical systems.

Uniquely useful for programs involving time or prioritization, in some way or another. Data science, simulations, games, animations, etc. Any program where any state needs to evolve methodically over time, over some order.

(inspired by the contrapuntal works of J.S. Bach)

Socratic rationale

Framing most of our programs as simulations opens up a new perspective that many software developers do not consider. However, Clojure already holds a special place when it comes to having notions about how values evolve over time. Starting slowly, step by step, we shall try to build a deeper understanding of time in the majority of programs we write. After a few entertaining examples, we hope the reader will reach an "Aha!" moment. We won't lie to you, it might need more than one read, but we believe that it is useful and that anyone can benefit from reconsidering the role of time in computation.

One might not have to strictly read linearly and might attempt to jump to sections of interest. After reading the first few sections, at least.

Ensuring you grabbed a nice cup of coffee, let us require what we need for our special hammock time to come:

(require '[dvlopt.dsim :as dsim])

Or clone this repo:

$ git clone
$ cd dsim.clj
$ clj -A:dev:test

# and your favorite REPL

Knowing our priorities

In one way or another, what is time but an information about ordering? In its simplest definition, time unravels as a sequence of events. A simple way to order function in Clojure would be to use sorted maps.

(sorted-map 41 event-1
            42 (sorted-map 1 event-2
                           2 event-3))

By using a sorted map, it is trivial to "schedule" an event for any moment, supposing that keys represent some point in time. By nesting them, it is trivial to have higher-order prioritization. We can say that each event has ranks, a lower rank meaning a higher priority. For instance, event-3 is ranked at [42 2].

Mixing time and space

For given ranks, more than one event might occur. We need to differentiate them.

(sorted-map 41 {:asteroids {:b-612 sunset}}
            42 (sorted-map 1  {:characters {:little-prince watch-sunset}
                           37 {:characters {:little-prince feeling-happy}
                               :baobab     grow}))

Instead of mere event functions, we now have nested unsorted maps of event functions. Following ranks and then a path, the event we discover is now located both in time and space. We can say that the feeling-happy event happens to [:characters :little-prince] (which is the path, space) exactly at [42 2] (which are ranks, time). A the same time, a :baobab is growing.

Such a data structure is what we decided to call a ranked tree, as our unsorted maps are indeed "ranked" using sorted ones. Those ranked trees are the core of DSim engines but are also available as an external library:


At the same time, but not exactly

Following the previous excerpt, we know that :little-prince first watches the sunset and then feels happy. What really matters is that relative order. Instead of using further ranking within [42], it would actually be best using a queue.

(sorted-map 42 {:characters {:little-prince (dsim/queue watch-sunset
                :baobab     grow})

A queue is simply a Clojure persistent queue, a lesser known data structure, more convenient than a vector as we shall demonstrate all along. Besides clarity, they bring safety. Indeed, if something fails and :little-prince is unable to watch the sunset as intended, he will not feel happy because the whole queue will fail.

While sorted maps provide precise timing towards the roots of our tree, queues as leaves allow several events to be grouped at the same path, same ranks, while usefully providing sequential ordering.

When modelling events happening conceptually at the same time, sometimes it is still required to execute them in some sequence. We understand that :little-prince feels happy right from the moment he stars watching the sunset, virtually at the same time, but without watching it he would not be happy. Feeling happy is dependent on watching the sunset, whereas :baobab growing has nothing to do with all that and is independent from what is happening to the :little-prince.

Modelling dependencies using a queue as a leaf is like saying: "Event B happens only after Event A".

Modelling dependencies using further ranking, as in our previous version, is like saying: "Event B happens no matter what, but if Event A happens, it must execute before Event B".

Creating time in our universe

We have not discussed what those events actually do. What does it mean to feel happy? How does it impact the world, anything?

(defn feeling-happy
  (assoc-in ctx
            (conj (dsim/path ctx)

(def ctx
     (dsim/e-conj {}
                  [:characters :little-prince]

Our universe is called a ctx (context). It contains some state as well as the events modifying that state through time. Starting from an empty map, we have scheduled happiness for path [:characters :little-prince] at ranks [42], and void transformed into world. The API provides several e-XXX functions for scheduling, removing, or retrieving events.

An event takes a ctx and returns an updated ctx. When it is executed, an event has access to its path (a call to dvlopt.dsim/path suffice), meaning it knows where it happens, what for. Feeling happy is not specific to the :little-prince, we can easily reuse it for anyone else as evidenced by the implementation.

Events scheduling events

Because an event modifies a ctx and a ctx contains all scheduled events, it stands to reason an event can schedule other events.

(defn feeling-happy
  (let [path         (dsim/path ctx)
        future-ranks (update (dsim/ranks ctx)
    (-> ctx
        (assoc-in (conj path
        (dsim/e-conj future-ranks

Happiness is addictive. When someone feels happy, it is automatically rescheduled in the future, at the same path. An event can easily retrieve its ranks (calling dvlopt.dsim/ranks) and update them, just as happiness is here rescheduled for 100 time units later.

Setting the universe into motion

Like Isaac Newton's god, after designing our universe, scheduling first events, we need to set it into motion. We shall use the "ptime engine". It considers that the first rank represent a specific point in time and applies additional contraints. For instance, that point in time can only increase and never decrease as one cannot go back in time. Following that first rank, it jumps from point in time to point in time, executing everything there is for a given point in time while respecting further ranking (if any).

(def run

(def ctx
     (run (dsim/e-conj {}

(= ctx
   {:me           {:mood :happy}
    ::dsim/events (sorted-map 142 {:me (dsim/queue feeling-happy)})
    ::dsim/ptime  42})

After our first run happening at point in time 42 (as indicated by the ::dsim/ptime key in the ctx), I now feel happy for the first time. We can see that it is already rescheduled for 100 time units later as expected.

A history of the universe

Instead of calling our engine repeatedly, we can modify it and pump it up.

(def lazy-run
     (dsim/historic (dsim/ptime-engine)))

(def history
     (lazy-run ctx))

Now, history contains all points in time that happened. It is easily navigable, it is just a sequence. We could even stop at some point, grab the ctx, change a few things, and do a lazy run from now. Have different timelines. Extremely useful for data science purposes and many more creative applications.

That sequence we created is endless as we are rescheduling happiness without question. Let us add an unpredictable event which could disrupt that.

(defn covid-19
  (if (< (rand)
    (-> ctx
        (assoc :pandemic?
        (assoc-in [:me :mood]
    (dsim/e-conj ctx
                 (update (dsim/ranks ctx)
                         (rand-int 404))

(def ctx-2
     (dsim/e-conj ctx

(= (last (lazy-run ctx-2))
   {:me          :still-happy-nonethelesss
    :pandemic?   true
    ::dsim/ptime some-future-point-in-time})

There is a tiny chance the pandemic will happen, but not 0. If it does not happen, it is rescheduled, risk remains. If it does happen, the world comes to a halt, all scheduled events are removed (dvlopt.dsim/stop). There is nothing left to run and thus stops the history of our universe until you, its creator, add other events and start running them again.

That covid-19 function does something awfully common: scheduling something later at the same path as now. We could refactor it like so, making it more general and usable for any virus:

(defn virus [probability]

  (fn possible-outbreak [ctx]
    (if (< (rand)
      (-> ctx
          (assoc :pandemic?
      (dsim/rel-conj ctx
                     (dsim/rank+ (rand-int 404))

Our virus function takes a probability and returns an event function. If it is not the time for an outbreak, that event function reschedules itself using dvlopt.dsim/rel-conj at the same path. When? It accepts a function ctx -> ranks to decide so. We conveniently use dvlopt.dsim/rank+ which provides such a function, returning current ranks, summing the first one (point in time) with what is given.

Those ctx -> ranks functions are used in a few places in the API. They provide great flexibility.

Discrete-event simulation

Congratulations, we have reinvented discrete-event simulation (DES).

Indeed, we check the distinctive features of DES:

  • An event is an instantaneous change in state having no duration.
  • An event happens at one specific point in time.
  • Time moves by jumping from event to event and from point in time to point in time. Between two points in time, in the absence of events, nothing happens, no matter how long the time interval.

In addition:

  • Events happen at a specific path, making it easier to organize our data spatially as well.
  • We acknowledge the fact that events at a point in time can be dependent (further ranking and queues solve that problem).
  • By making events part of the context they act upon, we mimick a common Clojure idiom (Pedestal's interceptors, Coffee Grinders, ...)

Programmatic time

Time in our programs can be of any unit. In a game, it would probably be actual milliseconds. In an animation, probably frames to draw. In a simulation, maybe minutes, days, or years.

We have used integers to denote points in time. In reality, we can use real numbers. In DES, time behaves discreetly but is itself not discreet. In other words, it jumps to the next point in time, as opposed to flowing continuously, but that point in time can be any future number, whole or real. For instance, in an animation, it is perfectly normal to schedule something for a fractional frame (eg. frame 42.404).


In DES terminology, an activity is a sequence of events typically dispatched in time. Assuming a world where 1 time unit represents 1 hour:

(def sun-activity
     (dsim/queue sunrise
                 (dsim/wq-delay (dsim/rank+ 12))

First, the sun rises. Right away, dvlopt.dsim/wq-delay grabs the rest of the queue and schedules it for later. When? It accepts a function ctx -> ranks and once again we use dvlopt.dsim/rank+ which returns such a function that will find the current ranks and update the first one (denoting the point in time, here in hours) by adding 12 (hours).

It is best to use a queue here. We know that sunset happens after sunrise, but without a sunrise there should be no sunset.

Working queues and flat events

Queues can be nested. In more complex scenarios, it can be useful having queues of queues of event functions. No matter how nested or not, the engine momentarily creates a special map in the ctx at :dvlopt.dsim/e-flat.

{::e-flat {::path  "Current path, as returned by dvlopt.dsim/path"
           ::queue "Current working queue"
           ::ranks "Current ranks, as returned by dvlopt.dsim/ranks"}}

The term "flat event" reminds the fact that whatever is at a given path and given ranks is virtually executed as one event, no matter how many functions and nested queues it actually implies. They are all executed in the context of the same ::e-flat. If we need to share some state between functions of a same event, this is the place to do so. After execution, ::e-flat is effectively removed and everything inside is garbage-collected.

This leads us to a recursive definition of an event: an event is a function or a queue of events.

Even when an event is a single function, the same setup applies, and the provided working queue is an empty one where further events for immediate execution can be enqueued.

An inner queue has only access to itself in [::e-flat ::queue]. This is a useful property that will become more obvious with experience, as it provides isolation: an inner queue cannot impact an outer queue.

All e-XXX functions have arities both for the current working queue in ::e-flat and future events kept at ::events. For instance, we have used e-conj up to now:

;; Enqueues an event in the current working queue
(dsim/e-conj ctx

;; Enqueues an event in the future event tree
(dsim/e-conj ctx
             [:some :path]

;; Fetches the current working queue, maybe for modifying it and using 
;; `e-assoc` to put it back.
(dsim/e-get ctx)

;; Fetches an event scheduled at [42] for path [:some :path].
(dsim/e-dissoc ctx
               [:some :path])

Also, useful wq-XXX functions are meant to work directly on the working queue or used as events in order to manipulate that working queue. When discussing activities, we have already discovered how to create delays via dvlopt.dsim/wq-delay.

Knowing when to stop

We have already seen dvlopt.dsim/stop which removes all events and anything currently executing (if any), meaning the engine has nothing left to run.

In order to stop the currently executing flat event only, one can call dvlopt.dsim/e-dissoc. Further, in order to stop the current working queue only, one can call dvlopt.dsim/wq-dissoc.

Nesting queues for safety and timing

Inner queues working in complete isolation from outer ones, besides safety, provide a useful property when it comes to timing. Let us consider:

(dsim/queue (dsim/queue event-a
                        (dsim/wq-delay (dsim/rank+ 500))

What event gets executed when? What you see is what you get.

The engine finds the first queue which becomes the working queue. Immediately, it recognizes the first event as being a queue as well. That inner queue momentarily becomes the working queue, while the outer one is paused. The engine can now execute the first event function event-a. After completion, it hits a delay of 500 time units. That delay, remember, grabs the rest of the (inner) working queue (which now has only event-b left) and reschedules it for later at the same path in the event tree. Without anything left to execute for that inner queue, the engine now restores the outer queue and thus can execute event-c straight away.

The fact that the activity (ie. that inner queue) we schedule has a delay does not impact anything outside of it (ie. the outer queue containing event-c). No matter the order we add the activity or event-c in, we know the activity will perform as intented, undisturbed, and we know event-c will execute when intented without any delay.

The only thing that could have happened is that the activity, as a whole, could have been cancelled by a prior function event by popping it out of its outer queue.

Such properties emerge from the simple fact that we treat queues as strict FIFO (First-In First-Out) datastructure. Once we add an element to the end, we can only pop the first element at the beginning. In other words, we cannot modify any element without rebuilding a whole new queue, which we do not in DSim.

Being meta about managing event state across time

Suppose an activity such as:

(dsim/queue event-a
            (dsim/wq-delay (dsim/rank+ 500))

What if event-a produces some state that is needed later by event-b? Where should we keep it? Not in ::e-flat as it is removed after current execution, way before event-b happens (being rescheduled in the future).

We could keep that state directly in the ctx, in the global state, so to say. But what if, for some reason, event-b which needed it and was supposed to clean it is not executed? That would result in memory leaks.

Instead, we can rely on an understated but brilliant feature of Clojure: metadata. An executing event function always has access to its queue, the current working queue. By storing state needed by the queue in its own metadata, that state will be garbage-collected whenever the queue is disposed of. Wherever the queue goes, its metadata follows. It does not pollute the global state in the ctx.

Besides the usual meta and vary-meta provided by Clojure, siblings are provided to work directly on the current working queue:

(def ctx-2 (dsim/wq-vary-meta ctx

(= {:dope? true}
   (dsim/wq-meta ctx-2))

Periodicity and repetition

Often, events, activities or part of them, repeat in time. We can use the convenient dvlopt.dsim/wq-capture function which saves in the metadata of the queue, the queue itself at the moment of capturing. So meta. We can then replay that queue from that moment when we want.

For instance, an activity automatically repeating itself 500 time units after it ends:

(dsim/queue dsim/wq-capture
            (dsim/wq-delay (dsim/rank+ 500))
            (dsim/wq-replay (fn pred? [ctx]

dvlopt.dsim/wq-replay takes a stateless (fn [ctx] boolean) which decides whether to replay the last captured state of the queue or not. If not, then that captured queue is cleaned.

dvlopt.dsim/wq-sreplay is a stateful version (fn [ctx seed] state). Returning nil means not repeating. Returning anything but nil is considered as a new state for that predicate. dvlopt.dsim/pred-repeat is an example of such a function for repeating a captured queue n times:

(dsim/queue dsim/wq-capture
            (dsim/wq-delay (dsim/rank+ 500))
            (dsim/wq-sreplay dsim/-pred-repeat

That last queue will be executed once and will repeat twice (thus executing 3 times in total).

A queue can be captured at any time and capturing can be nested, which can lead to complex sequences unfolding in time:

(dsim/queue dsim/wq-capture
            (dsim/wq-sreplay dsim/wq-pred-repeat
            (dsim/wq-sreplay dsim/wq-pred-repeat

;; Will execute: event-a, event-b
;;                        event-b
;;                        event-b, event-c
;;                                 event-a, event-b,
;;                                          event-b,
;;                                          event-b, event-c

That way of capturing and replaying does not seem that useful in the last example. It looks like a glorified inner loop. However, it becomes extremely useful when delays are added. We can repeat things that began way back in the past and it would be extremely tricky to implement without storing a queue in its own metadata.

Generally speaking, this is a practical example of why it can be useful to store information in the metadatas of queues.

Error handling

Error handlers are located at the level of queues. When an event function throws an exception, the engine looks for an error handling function located at ::on-error in the metadata of the queue. If it does not find one, the exception bubbles up to the outer queue (if there is one) and the process repeats. If it does find one, then it calls it with :

{::ctx       "The `ctx`, safe to use"
 ::ctx-inner "Only present if the exception has been thrown in an inner queue
              that did not handle it. Can be used to know the state of the `ctx`
              right before the exception. Should be discard beyond that use
              as there is no point running that broken context."
 ::error     "The catched exception"}

If an error handler returns nil instead of a ctx, then the engine keeps looking for another handler in outer queues. If none is found, it ultimately rethrows the exception.

Determined to be stochastic

Some simulation are purely deterministic, meaning that given the same initial parameters, they will always produce the same results. Others are stochastic, relying on some random parameters.

For instance, the textbook example of discrete-event simulation is modelling a waiting queue at some bank. Clients come at some random interval and a bank teller handles them during a random interval of time, we are interested in how that waiting queue evolves.

Modelling randomness is a huge topic. One thing is certain, generating random values usually follows a particular statistical distribution in order to be more realistic and more representative of the real world.

If you know what this is all about, then we point you to the excellent kixi.stats library and more specifically to the kixi.stats.distribution namespace which provides ways for randomly sampling common statistical distributions.

If you do not know what this is all about, you probably do not need it at the moment. Which does not mean you should not be curious and research the topic.

Continuous and hybrid simulation

In a continuous simulation, time does not jump. It gradually and constantly flows, much like in our universe. Remember that in discrete-event simulation, between events at two consecutive points in time, nothing happens, regardless of how long the interval in between. In a continuous simulation, because time flows, between two points in times resides an infinity of points in time and thus, an infinity of states. The fall of a ball is an example of a continuous phenomenon.

One problem arises: our computers are digital machines. On a digital machine, there is no such thing as continuous, instructions are executed in a discrete fashion. It follows that continuous phenomena, although described by continuous functions, must be discretized in some way. A straightforward way would be to sample those functions at a needed rate. This is what we do in any sort of animation where there are plenty of continuous phenomena being sampled, computed only for each frame, as one cannot compute an infinity of states on a digital machine (and does not need to, there is nothing to draw between two frames).

Luckily, using our discete-event methodology, we can simply decide that sampling such a continuous function is itself a scheduled event. Given a few additionals twists, the next section about "flows" provides details.

Finally, some phenomena are hybrid. Going further, that ball falling in a continuous motion will bounce when it hits the ground. Hitting the ground can be modelled as an instantaneous change in behavior happening at one specific moment. Yes, modelled as a discrete event. That ball, having two continuous "modes", falling and bouncing, and one discrete transition in between, is indeed hybrid. Because we start from the idea that everything is an event, we are already good to go.

Glide through time with finite and infinite flows

"Flow" is the shorter name we give to a continuous phenomenon. It is created using an event, sampled using events, but lives outside the event tree for the course of its duration. More precisely, it located in the flow tree (under ::flows in the ctx)

Some flows are infinite. Either there are indeed endless, or we simply do not know yet when they end. Maybe when the ctx satisfies some condition. Maybe some sort of stochastic condition. It typically looks like this:

(e-conj {}
        [:some :path]
        (queue (infinite (fn my-flow [ctx]
                           (let [ctx-2 (something-something ctx)]
                             (if (some-condition ctx-2)
                               (end-flow ctx-2)
                               (rel-conj ctx-2
                                         (rank+ ...later...)

Creating our infinite flow is an event itself. It will be automatically sampled (executed) a first time at creation. In addition, when created, the rest of the queue is temporarily paused and will resume when the flow ends. In other words, an-event will be executed only after the flow. That way, it is trivial to chain flows and events by simply putting them on the same queue.

That flow and all the information it needs, such as that its paused queue, now lives in the flow tree. The structure of the flow tree mimicks the event tree. When sampled, a flow can access its path within ctx like so:

(= [::flows :some :path]
   (flow-path ctx))

Everything located at that path lives as long as the flow. We see that if some-condition is satisfied, we use dvlopt.dsim/end-flow on our latest ctx. This function cleans the state associated with the flow and resumes the rest of the queue (if any). Which means that if we have some state to store in order to run our flow, it is the best place to do so as we know it will be garbage-collected by the engine. We need not to store it elsewhere in the ctx just so we can pollute it and have to worry about managing it ourselves.

Other times, flows are finite. We know in advance when they end. A finite flow created using dvlopt.dsim/finite, besides initialization, will also automatically schedule a sample for when it ends.

Flows have a notion of a relative point in time located at [::e-flat ::ptime] and returned by the dvlopt.dsim/ptime function. For infinite ones, that relative ptime starts at 0 when the flow is created and represents its "age". For finite ones, because we know when they end, we are often interested in where we are relative to their forseen lifetime. Thus, the relative ptime of finite flows is a percentage of completion, a value between 0 and 1 (inclusive). The global point in time of the ctx remains always accessible under ::ptime.

For instance, suppose this simple animation: an object moving on its X axis from pixel 200 to pixel 800 during 2000 milliseconds, in a universe where time units are indeed milliseconds. Using our infrastructure, it is a matter of barely a few lines of code to write a flow that can move anything from A to B.

To make things even simpler, we use the dvlopt.dsim/scale function which can scale any percent value:

(defn move
  [pixel-a pixel-b ctx]
  (assoc-in ctx
            (path ctx)
            (scale pixel-a
                   (ptime ctx))))

(e-conj ctx
        [:scene :objects :ball :x]
        (finite 2000
                (partial move

Samplers and flow deduplication

Damn, we did create our moving object but we forgot to sample it. As such, it will only be sampled (executed) at creation and at completion.

In order to write code that is more flexible, it is often best to sample flows using an external sampler. As always, everything is an event, thus creating a sampler is an event.

(e-conj ctx
        [:scene :objects :ball :x]
        (queue (sampler (rank+ (/ 1000
               (finite 2000
                       (partial move

Our sampler will repeatly sample that path every (/ 1000 60) units of time. Why so specific? Our chosen time units are milliseconds and we are drawing an animation at 60 frames per second. We have to know the state of that object every 1/60 of a second in order to know what to draw.

However, that would be a poor animation. Probably, you will want to add gazillions of objects. Caring about sampling each and every element would surely lead to a burnout. As it turns out, you can create a sampler at any path and it would actually sample a whole subtree of the flow tree. Actually, for an animation, knowing we have to sample everything, we can provide no path at all so that the whole flow tree is sampled at once.

(e-conj ctx
        [0 1000000]
        (sampler (rank+ (/ 1000

Convenient, isn't?

In addition, flows are deduplicated. For a given point in time, it is garanteed that a flow will always be sampled at most once. Meaning that several samplers can sample the same parts of the flow tree without worrying about a flow being executed several times for a same point in time, which could lead to a disaster if it is not idempotent.

The observant reader might have noticed that when scheduling the creation of our sampler, besides a point in time of 0, we specified a second rank of 1000000. That second rank provide a higher ordering within that point in time designated by the first rank. We could go on, add a third, and a fourth one, and many more. However, in practise, two or three levels is the most that is needed. When our events are independent, we do not even need any further ranking beyond the point in time.

By adding that high second rank (meaning a very low priority, remember that 0 is the highest priority), we want that "sample-everything" sampler to run last at the points in time of all the samples it does. This is a safety measure. By doing so, we are saying: "sample everything that has not been sampled yet". We do not disturb other samplers, or samplings of specific flows, that might need to happen in a particular order, but we ensure that everything is sampled at the end of each point in time we need to draw a frame for.

Offline and online animations

Those are not the exact terms employed in the litterature, but they are meaningful to the programmer.

In an offline simulation, events are planned in the beginning, some parameters configured, and then the engine does its thing. Events create other events, usually, and there it goes. As seen, we can use dvlopt.dsim/historic on an engine in order to obtain a lazy sequence of all intermediary steps (points in time when using a ptime-engine). This is perfect for a whole category of scientific endaveours like optimization problems, or for drawing non-interactive animations.

In an online simulation, our virtual world interacts with the real world. Games are a perfect example. For instance, in the browser, we dont know exactly at what moment the next frame will be drawn, we wait for it to happen, and there is a clear interaction between the gamer and the virtual world.

When it comes to the huge topic of any form of animation, offline or online ones, the Clojure community is well endowed by having the Quil library. Nonetheless, such a library typically provides the "view" and the "view" only. Using DSim, we have a concrete framework for the "model" and how state evolves over time, taking care of what it is that we need to "view".

For instance, here is an example of a automated piano visualizer drawn with Quil and modelled using DSim where played notes are discrete events creating flows (anything that moves on screen):

Shostakovich - E-Minor Prelude

Serialization using dvlopt/fdat

Leveraging the dvlopt/fdat library

There are many uses cases for which we would like to be able to serialize a ctx. Saving the whole state of a game to a file, sharing a simulation with a colleague, saving a long running simulation once in a while, distributed computing, etc.

However, how could one serialize such a ctx? It contains a whole lot of events, or flows, a whole lotta opaque functions.

The dvlopt/fdat library orginates from the DSim project. It proposes a somewhat novel solution for serializing functions and other impossible things such as infinite sequences.

dvlopt.dsim/serializable provides functions that need to be registered if serialization is needed. Naturally, it is assumed the user is familiar with dvlopt/fdat in the first place.

When using Transit

The dvlopt/fdat library currently supports Nippy as well as Transit. However, Transit does not directly support queues and does not distinguish between sorted maps and unsorted ones.

Transit remains pretty much the only available option when exchanging such data between Clojure and Clojurescript. The following package provides what is needed for using it with DSim. Transit-clj or Transit-cljs must be added to dependencies.

Clojars Project

(require '[dvlopt.dsim.transit :as dsim.transit])

(doc dsim.transit/reader-handlers)

(doc dsim.transit/writer-options)

Writer options provide :handlers for writer as well as the :transform function. Attention, when using Clojurescript, you must also explicitly add the latest version of Transit-js to dependencies. This is due to a current bug in the dependency pulling of Transit-cljs which import an earlier version which does not support :transform.

Async, parallelization, and optimization problems

Enforcing such strong and concrete notions about time presents us with a blessing seldom received. Following everything we have discussed, by definition, within given ranks, all paths are strictly independant. Meaning all paths can be executed in any order. Meaning it is garanteed they can run in parallel.

Were we bound to Clojure only, parallelization and handling asynchronous events would be almost trivial to implement. However, we strive to write code portable for Clojurescript and Javascript has no blocking semantics. Meaning that one event being asynchronous in our whole universe forces us to go full async.

Before committing to such a radical decision, we prefer waiting for feedback from the community.

Some use cases do not need anything special due to the fact that a ctx is completely immutable. Notably, optimization problems. The main purpose of simulation is to test likely outcomes given some initial parameters in the hope we can find the best parameters. It is a matter of exploration. At any interesting moment, we can take our current ctx, change a few things, and keep running different timelines in parallel, simply on another thread. This is impossible in simulation libraries were state is mutable. At least, it would involve full copying everytime.

Furthermore, when running massive simulations and testing many scenarios exhausting what a single machine can offer, implementing a distributed environment tends to be extremely time consuming. That is why we took great care into ensuring that a ctx is serializable at any moment (given you leverage the dvlopt/fdat library) and thus, easily shared between machines.

Writing your own specific engine

The ptime-engine is probably what you want and what we have discussed. A basic-engine also exists which has no concept of "points in time" nor flows, only events at ranks providing ordering.

They both built upon dvlopt.dsim/engine*. An advanced user could build another specific "time-based engine" as well.

Unless you are a mad scientist or maybe some crazy physicist modelling universes where time is multi-dimensional, you probably do not need to build your own thing.

Last few words

If you read the whole thing, these one thousand lines of README, sincere congratulations.

If you skipped to the end, well, congratulations for being a curious persona.

Believe it or not, there is even more to discover in the API. But rest assured that we have definitely covered a huge chunk of it. All of this would not have been possible without the semantics offered by the Clojure programming language, its immutability and extreme "dynamicity". We believe this library is a bit of a new twist when it comes to that sort of problems.

That was probably quite a few new concepts. We hope all this information will grant you any benefit at all even if you do not end up using DSim.

Running tests

On the JVM, using Kaocha:

$ ./bin/test/jvm/run
$ ./bin/test/jvm/watch

On NodeJS, using Kaocha-CLJS:

$ ./bin/test/node/run
$ ./bin/test/node/watch

In the browser, using Chui:

$ ./bin/test/browser/compile
# Then open ./resources/chui/index.html

# For testing an advanced build
$ ./bin/test/browser/advanced


Starting in Clojure JVM mode, mentioning an additional deps alias (here, a local setup of NREPL):

$ ./bin/dev/clojure :nrepl

Starting in CLJS mode using Shadow-CLJS:

$ ./bin/dev/cljs
# Then open ./resources/public/index.html


Copyright © 2019 Adam Helinski

Licensed under the term of the Mozilla Public License 2.0, see LICENSE.