Releases: higress-group/higress-console
Releases · higress-group/higress-console
What's Changed
- feat: Support HTTP basic auth in API calls by @CH3CHO in #420
- feat: Support downloading AI dashboard configurations by @CH3CHO in #426
- feat: add search filter for routes in the route management page by @imp2002 in #423
- feat: Add a comment annotation to internal resources by @CH3CHO in #421
- feat: Support changing the controller service name in Helm chart by @CH3CHO in #422
- fix: Make sure AI route fallback resources can be deleted correctly by @CH3CHO in #425
- fix: Allow user to input any URL as a custom OpenAI endpoint by @CH3CHO in #427
- feat: Update Prometheus relabel_configs provided on the dashboard page by @CH3CHO in #428
- fix: Update the title of credential field in basic auth plugin by @CH3CHO in #424
- fix: Fix the incorrect upstream port value used when the ollama instance uses a custom port by @CH3CHO in #430
- feat: Improve the service list page by @CH3CHO in #431
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v2.0.4
What's Changed
- fix: Hide AI routes in the route list by @CH3CHO in #407
- feat: Show port info of MCP services by @CH3CHO in #408
- fix: llm domain by @cr7258 in #410
- feat: Support more LLM providers on the frontend by @CH3CHO in #412
- feat: Support customizing the redirection target of the index page by @CH3CHO in #413
- feat: Support customizing path, header and URL param predicates in AI Route by @CH3CHO in #414
- chore: add time unit for failover health check by @cr7258 in #416
- fix: Fix a bug in saving the fallback model of an AI Route by @CH3CHO in #417
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2
What's Changed
- update ai dashboard by @rinfx in #402
- fix: Fix bugs in AI console pages by @CH3CHO in #403
- feat: Update the version of all built-in plugins to 1.0.0 by @CH3CHO in #400
- feat: Enable ai-statistics plugin for AI routes by default by @CH3CHO in #405
- fix: Hide some built-in plugins for AI Route by @CH3CHO in #406
- fix: Not to log AuthExceptions by @CH3CHO in #404
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
What's Changed
- update request block doc by @johnlanni in #372
- feat: Support configuring protocol and SNI for service sources with static or dns type by @CH3CHO in #379
- feat: Re-integrate Swagger with SpringDoc by @CH3CHO in #380
- modify helm template containerPort to avoid svc ports impact deployment readnessProbe. by @ishells in #382
- fix: Fix the undefined schema issue when configuring custom plugins by @CH3CHO in #383
- feat: Enhance AI console functions by @CH3CHO in #365
- fix: Fix the swagger switch in the helm chart by @CH3CHO in #384
- Higress ai console by @xpy01xpy in #366
- feat: Allow connecting to a separate K8s server when running in a K8s cluster by @CH3CHO in #385
- Revert "fix: Hide AI related menu items" by @CH3CHO in #388
- update priority by @rinfx in #389
- fix default config of ai-cache plugin by @johnlanni in #391
- feat: Add AI dashboard page by @CH3CHO in #390
- feat: Enable gzip for responses larger than 2 KiB by @CH3CHO in #393
- fix: Disable the cache of front-end resources by @CH3CHO in #392
- fix: Use a better way to determine whether we have a built-in dashboard by @CH3CHO in #394
- fix: Perform minor tweak to AI console pages by @CH3CHO in #395
- feat: Add a new domain column to the route list by @CH3CHO in #397
- fix: Fix a possible dead-loop during initialization by @CH3CHO in #398
- feat: Support generating default routes pointing to the landing page by @CH3CHO in #399
- fix: Fix some issues in AI console by @CH3CHO in #396
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.4.6...v2.0.0
What's Changed
- update request block doc by @johnlanni in #372
- feat: Support configuring protocol and SNI for service sources with static or dns type by @CH3CHO in #379
- feat: Re-integrate Swagger with SpringDoc by @CH3CHO in #380
- modify helm template containerPort to avoid svc ports impact deployment readnessProbe. by @ishells in #382
- fix: Fix the undefined schema issue when configuring custom plugins by @CH3CHO in #383
- feat: Enhance AI console functions by @CH3CHO in #365
- fix: Fix the swagger switch in the helm chart by @CH3CHO in #384
- Higress ai console by @xpy01xpy in #366
- feat: Allow connecting to a separate K8s server when running in a K8s cluster by @CH3CHO in #385
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.4.6...v2.0.0-rc.1
What's Changed
- fix a typo in by @psxjoy in #351
- fix: Only show ingress related notes when ingress is enabled by @CH3CHO in #352
- feat: Add APIs for AI console feature by @CH3CHO in #354
- fix: Fix several bugs by @CH3CHO in #357
- feat: Update AI console function. by @CH3CHO in #360
- 【GLCC】Higress Console 支持通过表单配置 Wasm 插件 by @guluguluhhhh in #322
- feat: Add more functions to AI console APIs by @CH3CHO in #361
- fix: Use failStrategy FAILED_OPEN in all generated WasmPlugin resources by @CH3CHO in #363
- fix: Hide AI related menu items by @CH3CHO in #364
New Contributors
- @guluguluhhhh made their first contribution in #322
Full Changelog: v1.4.4...v1.4.5
What's Changed
- Update spec by @johnlanni in #339
- rename default phase by @johnlanni in #340
- feat:add unit test for KubernetesModelConverter by @psxjoy in #341
- 优化 AI 内容安全插件参数示例 by @mrhaoji in #342
- update plugins doc by @johnlanni in #343
- update specs by @rinfx in #346
- fix: Fix some bugs in header control configurations by @CH3CHO in #348
- fix: Fix the informal title and icon of traffic-tag plugin by @CH3CHO in #344
- fix: Fix the 500 error when submitting a route with a blank query or header match condition by @CH3CHO in #347
- fix: Update the "scope" field names used in Wasm spec.yaml files by @CH3CHO in #349
- fix: Fix a typo in higress_formatter.xml by @psxjoy in #350
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.4.3...v1.4.4
What's Changed
- feat: Upgrade Spring Boot and support Java 21 by @CH3CHO in #321
- feat: add new plugin by @cr7258 in #328
- feat: Support upgrading built-in Wasm plugins by @CH3CHO in #327
- feat: Use latest as the image tag for all plugins by @CH3CHO in #331
- update plugins' spec by @johnlanni in #337
- sync doc by @johnlanni in #338
Full Changelog: v1.4.2...v1.4.3