A TLS benchmarking tool for evaluating servers TLS handshake performance
This tool was born from the need to load test latencies of TLS-terminating services such as reverse proxies and load balancers.
This tool enables users to:
- Compare latencies for different TLS-terminating balancers or reverse proxies.
- Observe the impact of private key sizes on TLS handshake latencies and handshakes per second.
- Replicate traffic patterns where TCP connections are short-lived, yet TLS is still necessary. This includes scenarios like the "thundering herd" effect, often observed in services handling affiliate links or URL shorteners, where a sudden surge of requests demands rapid TLS handshakes.
- Long running tests without garbage collection pauses
Usage: tls-bench [OPTIONS] --endpoint <ENDPOINT>
-e, --endpoint <ENDPOINT>
Endpoint to run TLS benchmark against
Protocol to use when running TLS benchmark [default: tcp] [possible values: tcp, smtp]
TLS version number [default: tls12] [possible values: tls12, tls13]
-z, --zero-rtt
TLS Zero RTT boolean
-d, --duration <DURATION>
Duration of benchamrk test in seconds [default: 0]
-c, --concurrently <CONCURRENTLY>
Max concurrently running workers, defaults to available_parallelism [default: 10]
--timeout-ms <TIMEOUT_MS>
Timeout of tcp connection & tls handshake in miliseconds [default: 500]
-m, --max-handshakes-per-second <MAX_HANDSHAKES_PER_SECOND>
Maximum TLS handshakes per seconds [default: 1000]
-r, --ramp-up-sec <RAMP_UP_SEC>
Ramp up seconds, eatch step up per second is calculated = max_handshakes_per_second * elapsed_seconds / ramp_up_sec [default: 0]
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
Usage Example:
tls-bench -e -t tls13 -c 10 -d 10 -m 20
⢁ TLS handshakes: 644 | errors: 0 | throughput 158 h/s | duration 4.073427s | success ratio 100%
| Latencies | Min | AVG | 50%’ile | 95%’ile | 99%’ile | 99.9%’ile | Max |
| TLS Handshake | 34ms | 40.989132ms | 40ms | 47ms | 57.57ms | 61.357ms | 62ms |
| TCP Connect | 13ms | 20.18789ms | 20ms | 26ms | 36ms | 49ms | 49ms |
Get them here.
brew install hmilkovi/tap/tls-bench
Rough sketch of feature roadmap that will be implemented:
- Create Homebrew formula
- Prometheus support
- Add ramp-up
- Add load patterns
See MIT.