A collection of terminal commands of Linux and windows that are related to github
change directory:
$cd [the path of the directory]
check the contents of a directory:
$ls [-a][-l]
create a directory:
$mkdir [name of the directory]
delete a file/directory:
$rm [file_name]
Copy the repository from the remote to the local:
$git clone [url][name of local directory(optional)]
Operations for the remote:
$git remote
$git remote show [name of the remote]
$git remote add [name of the remote] [url]
$git remote rm [name of the remote]
$git remote rename [old name of the remote] [new name of the remote]
Fetch branches and/or tags from one or more other repositories, along with the objects necessary to complete their histories.
$git fetch [name of the remote] [name of the branch(optimal)]
Pull back the updates of the branches from the remote, then merge them with the local branches.
$git pull [name of the remote][name of the branch on remote]:[name of the local branch]
Example1: pull back the branch1 on the remote named origin to local and merge it with a local branch named branch2
$git pull origin branch1:branch2
Example2: pull back the branch1 on the remote named origin to local and merge it with the current branch
$git pull origin branch1
Upload the updates of local branch to the remote.
$git push [name of the remote][name of the local branch]:[name of the remote branch]
Upload the updates of local branch to the remote branch whose name is same to the local branch.
$git push [name of the remote][name of the local branch]
Change the current working branch
$git checkout [name of the branch]
Create a local branch and then change to that branch
$git checkout [-b] [name of the branch]
Create a new local branch
$git branch [name of the new branch]
To show the existing branches
$git branch
$git branch -r # show the remote branch
$git branch -a # show all branch (i.e., local + remote)
To show the changes in the current branch
$git status
To add the change into Index
$git add [name of the changed file]
Add all the changes
$git add .
$git add *
To commit to the changes into repository
$git commit [-a][m] "some message about the changes"
To merge the current branch with another branch
$git merge [name of another branch]
To initialize the local directory for github
$cd [the directory you want to initialize for git]
$git init
$git remote add origin [URL of the github repository]