HLPDialog is a map navigation dialog framework for iOS. It includes utilities and UIs for dialog.
- Watson Developer Cloud Swift SDK (Apache 2.0)
- Install Carthage.
- Add below to your
github "hulop/HLPDialog"
- In your project directory, run
carthage update HLPDialog
This framework communicates Conversation Service. You should choose one of these service.
- https://github.com/hulop/ConversationService
- https://github.com/hulop/ConversationServiceWatson
Set Conversation Service credential.
let config = ["conv_server": "your server host name",
"conv_api_key": "your API key",
"conv_client_id": "client ID"]
DialogManager.sharedManager().config = config
If you want to receive Conversation Service availability changed event, define notification named DialogManager.DIALOG_AVAILABILITY_CHANGED_NOTIFICATION
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(dialogStatusChanged), name: DialogManager.DIALOG_AVAILABILITY_CHANGED_NOTIFICATION, object: nil)
dialogHelper = DialogViewHelper()
let scale:CGFloat = 0.75
let size = (113*scale)/2
let x = size+8
let y = self.view.bounds.size.height - (size+8)
if let dh = dialogHelper {
dh.subColor = UIColor.black.cgColor
dh.mainColor = UIColor.green.cgColor
dh.scale = scale
dh.setup(self.view, position:CGPoint(x: x, y: y))
dh.delegate = self
implementation defines button tapped event.
func dialogViewTapped() {
// your code
let dialogView = DialogViewController()
/* set delegate for text to speech (TTSProtocol implementation) */
dialogView.tts = DummyTTS()
/* if you want to recycle DialogViewHelper instance, set it to baseHelper.
dialog view will inherit colors of microphone button.
dialogView.baseHelper = dialogHelper
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(dialogView, animated: true)
readonly - Is dialog view appearedconfig
- Set Conversation Service setting- Setting keys:
- Server host name"conv_api_key"
- API Key"conv_client_id"
- Client ID (such as Device ID)
- Setting keys:
(default: true) - Use HTTPS to access serveruserMode
- Set the names of dialog scripts- These script names are available
- For blind usersuser_wheelchair
- For wheel chair usersuser_general
(default) - For all sighted users
- These script names are available
readonly - Is Conversation Service availablesharedManager()
- Get DialogManager instance
- Pause dialog
- Toggle dialog on/off
- Finish dialog and go back previous view
- Set current location
- Set current building
This Human Scale Localization Platform library is intended solely for use with an Apple iOS product and intended to be used in conjunction with officially licensed Apple development tools and further customized and distributed under the terms and conditions of your licensed Apple developer program.