Data professional; physical scientist; scholar; critic.
I have an M.S. in applied statistics and a Ph.D. in physics from Purdue University. I was a biostatistician from 2002-2024.
I am proud to be a life member of the American Geophysical Union since 2012.
A list of my selected publications and abstracts may be found here. However, please note that the vast majority of my work (including code) is proprietary and will never be published.
I am slowly building a website to encourage physicists to learn some fluid mechanics, including resources to get started. The (somewhat disorganized) prototype site may be found here.
Some perspectives on applied statistics that have influenced my thinking are assembled here. A slowly growing list of statistics quotes (thoughtful, entertaining, and outrageous) have been collected here.
I consider myself a follower of Daniel, not Jacob, Bernoulli :-)
"If we stop teaching, learning, it is like we are dead. I want to be alive. If this is a crime, I want to commit it."
-- Unnamed teacher at a secret, illegal school for girls, Kabul, Afghanistan (quoted in an article by Saeed Shah, Wall Street Journal, March 22, 2023)
"We like to think of the universe as simple and comprehensible, but the universe is under no obligation to live up to our expectations."
-- Joel Primack, quoted in "Crisis in the Cosmos" by Sam Flamsteed, Discover Magazine (March 1995), p. 77.