Babel plugin that processes specially annotated functions or classes and exposes the names of their parameters as runtime-accessible metadata. This can be used by dependency injection containers to call the function or instantiate the class and automatically resolve dependencies.
To enable this metadata for a function or class, add the string @inject
in a leading comment. The plugin will add a $inject
property to the object
which contains an array of parameter names. For example, this source:
// @inject
function createThing(paramA, paramB) {
Is transformed into:
// @inject
function createThing(paramA, paramB) {
createThing.$inject = ['paramA', 'paramB'];
ES classes are also supported:
// @inject
class Thing {
constructor(paramA, paramB) { … }
Is transformed into:
// @inject
class Thing {
constructor(paramA, paramB) { … }
Thing.$inject = ['paramA', 'paramB'];
To use the plugin, first add the dependency to your project:
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-inject-args
Then enable the plugin in your Babel configuration, for example in a .babelrc
"plugins": ["inject-args"]
For information on understanding the plugin implementation, see