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A proxy that serves up third party HTML pages with the Hypothesis client embedded, so you can annotate them.

Installing Via HTML in a development environment

You will need

Clone the git repo

git clone

This will download the code into a viahtml directory in your current working directory. You need to be in the viahtml directory from the remainder of the installation process:

cd viahtml

Start the development server

make dev

The first time you run make dev it might take a while to start because it'll need to install the application dependencies and build the assets.

This will start NGINX running on http://localhost:9085 and reverse proxying to UWSGI running the app. If you make changes to the app, you will need to restart it.

That's it! You’ve finished setting up your Via HTML development environment. Run make help to see all the commands that are available for running the tests, linting, code formatting, etc.


Environment variables:

Name Effect Example
CHECKMATE_URL The URL of the URL Checkmate instance to use
CHECKMATE_API_KEY API key to authenticate with Checkmate
CHECKMATE_ALLOW_ALL Whether to bypass Checkmate's allow-list (and use only the blocklist) true
CHECKMATE_IGNORE_REASONS Comma-separated list of Checkmate block reasons to ignore publisher-blocked,high-io
VIA_DEBUG Enable debugging logging in dev false
VIA_H_EMBED_URL The URL of the client's embed script
VIA_IGNORE_PREFIXES Prefixes not to proxy,
VIA_ROUTING_HOST The host to perform content based routing
VIA_DISABLE_AUTHENTICATION Disable auth for dev purposes false
NEW_RELIC_* Various New Relic settings. See New Relic's docs for details
SENTRY_* Various Sentry settings. See Sentry's docs for details

For details of changing the blocklist see:


Via HTML is composed of three compoments:

  • NGINX running on port 9085
  • UWSGI running a pywb based application
  • A docker container running supervisor to run the other two parts

The UWSGI app runs using a binary protocol, which means you can't directly contact it using a browser.

Static content is served directly from NGINX after being built using make build. This should happen for you automatically on first run. But if you change the content you may want to re-run it.