A better use:enhance
experience with automatic state management.
Requires Svelte v5 and runes mode.
- Managed State: Tracks
, andsubmitted
states - Better UX: Ensures a minimum submission duration for loading spinners
- Intuitive DX: Provides
pnpm add svelte-form-enhanced -D
npm i svelte-form-enhanced -D
<script lang="ts">
import { enhance } from '$app/forms';
import { createFormHelper } from 'svelte-form-enhanced';
const f = createFormHelper();
<!-- Maintains submitting state for 1 second (customizable) -->
<form method="post" use:enhance={f.submitFunction}>
<!-- Use the submitting state to show loading UI: -->
<button disabled={f.state === 'submitting'} class="disabled:btn-spinner">
{f.state === 'submitting' ? 'Submitting' : 'Submit'}
type FormState = 'standby' | 'submitting' | 'submitted';
<script lang="ts">
import { createFormHelper } from 'svelte-form-enhanced';
import type { SubmitFunction } from './$types.js';
const f = createFormHelper<SubmitFunction>({
// The `ActionResult` object is now typed.
onAfterSubmit: ({ result }) => {}
const f = createFormHelper({ /* options */ });
type Options = Partial<{
minSubmitDuration: number; // defaults to 1000(ms)
onBeforeSubmit: (param) => void;
onAfterSubmit: (param) => void;
updateOptions: { reset?: boolean; invalidateAll?: boolean };
The function provided to the use:enhance
has been separated into two:
const f = createFormHelper({
onBeforeSubmit: () => {
console.log('Before submit');
onAfterSubmit: async ({ update }) => {
await update(); // default logic
console.log('After submit');
<form use:enhance={f.submitFunction}></form>
use:enhance={() => {
console.log('Before submit');
return async ({ update }) => {
await update(); // default logic
console.log('After submit');
When a form contains multiple submit buttons:
- All submit buttons are disabled during form submission
- Only the clicked submit button displays a loading spinner
<script lang="ts">
const f = createFormHelper({
onBeforeSubmit: ({ submitter }) => {
onAfterSubmit: async ({ submitter, update }) => {
await update();
<form method="post" use:enhance={f.submitFunction}>
<!-- Loading spinner only appears on the button that is clicked -->
<button disabled={f.state === 'submitting'} formaction="?/a">A</button>
<button disabled={f.state === 'submitting'} formaction="?/b">B</button>