Wordcrypt is a simple yet powerful string encryption tool for text files.
It can encrypt or decrypt some specific words, lines or the entire text in a text file.
This project has been inspired by a scene in the movie "Inception"
Wordcrypt uses AES-128 encryption algorithm which is known to be one of the safest
and strongest way to encrypt. It will come handy when maintaining a confidential document.
In order to run wordcrypt, you need [ Python v2.6+ ] and [ PyCrypto library ] installed.
To install PyCrypto libarary,
Linux - Ubuntu based: $ sudo apt-get install python-crypto
Linux - RedHat based: $ sudo yum install python-crypto
1. Go to http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml#pycrypto
2. Download and install "PyCrypto 2.6 for Python 2.6 32bit" or "64bit"
Usage: python wordcrypt.py [Option1] [] [File ...]
1. -e : Encrypt (program defaults to -e if user does not input -e or -d), mutually exclusive with -d
2. -d : Decrypt, mutually exclusive with -e
3. -p : Provide password (If no -p switch, user will be prompted to type password)
4. -s : Encrypt only the specific strings ex) -s "str1" "str2" "str3"
5. -l : Encrypt the lines containing the specific strings ex) -l "str1" "str2" "str3"
6. -i : Input file (if no -i switch, the program will read from the standard input)
7. -o : Outout file (if no -o switch, the program will write to the standard output)
For example,
If you would like to encrypt some specific phone numbers contained in a text file you can do:
python wordcrypt.py -s "540-9876-5432" "571-1111-2222" -i sample.txt
If you would like to encrypt every line that contains phone numbers you can do:
python wordcrypt.py -l "Phone" -i sample.txt
Currently, handling specific strings or lines is supported for encryption only.
To save the result in clipboard, add the following at the end of the command line after a space
| xsel -ib
It requires installation of xsel. To install,
Linux - Ubuntu based: $ sudo apt-get install xsel
Linux - RedHat based: $ sudo yum install xsel
To highlight the encrypted strings, add the following at the end of command line after a space
| grep --color -E '\_\_\[.*\]\_\_|$'
In this project, we tried to show some design philosopy of UNIX including (but not limited to):
- Rule of Composition (can easily interact with other programs through pipe)
- Rule of Silence (does not print unnecessary output)
Contributors to this project:
[email protected]
[email protected] (Fork:https://github.com/PengK/wordcrypt-1)