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Crack leaked password database

Here is the background information of task

As a governance analyst it is part of your duties to assess the level of protection offered by implemented controls and minimize the probability of a successful breach. To be successful at your job you often need to know the techniques used by hackers to circumvent implemented controls and propose uplifts to increase the overall level of security in an organization. Gaining valid credentials gives the attackers access to the organization’s IT system, thus circumventing most of perimeter controls in place.


Your job is to crack as many passwords as possible with available tools (e.g. use Hashcat). Here are your Task instructions:

1.Review the links provided in the additional resources (section 4) below to gain a background understanding of password cracking

2.Try to crack the passwords provided in the 'password dump' file below using available tools

3.Assess the 5 questions in the task instructions below in relation to the passwords provided (type of hashing algorithm, level of protection, possible controls that could be implemented, password policy, changes in policy)

4.Draft an email/memo briefly explaining your findings in relation to controls used by the organization and your proposed uplifts. We recommend spending about 1.5 hours on this task and keeping it at 1 page in length.

Your answer should be provided in the form of a draft email/memo explaining your findings and conclusions of controls currently used by an organization to prevent successful cracking of passwords and potential uplifts that you would propose to existing controls with justifications.

Objective :

What type of hashing algorithm was used to protect passwords?

What level of protection does the mechanism offer for passwords?

What controls could be implemented to make cracking much harder for the hacker in the event of a password database leaking again?

What can you tell about the organization’s password policy (e.g. password length, key space, etc.)?

What would you change in the password policy to make breaking the passwords harder?

sample data file containing hashes dumped together:

Resources :

Password cracking explained (techniques described in 2013 still haven’t changed)

Password salting

Hash functions

Password cracking tools

Password strength checker

Project Report and Observations:

Dear Sir/Ma’am,
I discovered multiple flaws in your password policy after attempting to break all of the stolen hashes, and this summary is all of my findings and recommendations for improving your password policy.
The main cryptographic hash algorithms for data security and authentication are Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) and Message Digest (MD5).
MD5, a weaker hash technique prone to collisions, was used in all of the passwords that were hacked.
Using and the rockyou.txt wordlist via terminal and online browsers, it was fairly simple to break.
To generate hashes for the password, I recommend using a highly strong password encryption technique based on SHA.

After breaking the passwords, we get the following information about the organization:
• The password must be at least six characters long.
• There are no precise requirements for creating a password. To construct a password, users can use any combination of words and characters.

You may add a few extra features to your password policy. My suggestions are as follows:
• In your password, avoid using popular phrases and character combinations.
• Longer passwords are preferable; 8 characters is a good start.
• Passwords should not be reused.
• In your password, include unusual characters, capital and small letters, and digits.
• Allow users to create passwords without using their username, real name, date of birth, or other sensitive information.
• To keep their passwords safe, teach your users to follow these principles.

Thanking you !
Rahul Kumar Civil Engineering


Security Algorithms used:
experthead:e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e – MD5
interestec:25f9e794323b453885f5181f1b624d0b – MD5
ortspoon:d8578edf8458ce06fbc5bb76a58c5ca4 –MD5
reallychel:5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 –MD5
simmson56:96e79218965eb72c92a549dd5a330112 – MD5
bookma:25d55ad283aa400af464c76d713c07ad – MD5
popularkiya7:e99a18c428cb38d5f260853678922e03 – MD5
eatingcake1994:fcea920f7412b5da7be0cf42b8c93759 – MD5
heroanhart:7c6a180b36896a0a8c02787eeafb0e4c – MD5
edi_tesla89:6c569aabbf7775ef8fc570e228c16b98 – MD5
liveltekah:3f230640b78d7e71ac5514e57935eb69 – MD5
blikimore:917eb5e9d6d6bca820922a0c6f7cc28b – MD5
johnwick007:f6a0cb102c62879d397b12b62c092c06 – MD5
flamesbria2001:9b3b269ad0a208090309f091b3aba9db – MD5
oranolio:1Fxu7L83m1qDUM84fvsrQN3iwEjaxeRLEy - MD5
spuffyffet:1f5c5683982d7c3814d4d9e6d749b21e - MD5
moodie:8d763385e0476ae208f21bc63956f748 - MD5
nabox:defebde7b6ab6f24d5824682a16c3ae4 - MD5
bandalls:bdda5f03128bcbdfa78d8934529048cf - MD5

Cracked Passwords:

MD5 Hash		                 Status  Result
e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e	Cracked	123456
25f9e794323b453885f5181f1b624d0b	Cracked	123456789
d8578edf8458ce06fbc5bb76a58c5ca4	Cracked	qwerty
5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99	Cracked	password
96e79218965eb72c92a549dd5a330112	Cracked	111111
25d55ad283aa400af464c76d713c07ad	Cracked	12345678
e99a18c428cb38d5f260853678922e03	Cracked	abc123
fcea920f7412b5da7be0cf42b8c93759	Cracked	1234567
7c6a180b36896a0a8c02787eeafb0e4c	Cracked	password1
6c569aabbf7775ef8fc570e228c16b98	Cracked	password!
3f230640b78d7e71ac5514e57935eb69	Cracked	qazxsw
917eb5e9d6d6bca820922a0c6f7cc28b	Cracked	Pa$$word1
f6a0cb102c62879d397b12b62c092c06	Cracked	bluered
9b3b269ad0a208090309f091b3aba9db	Cracked	Flamesbria2001
1Fxu7L83m1qDUM84fvsrQN3iwEjaxeRLEy	Cracked	Spuffyffet12
8d763385e0476ae208f21bc63956f748	Cracked	moodie00
defebde7b6ab6f24d5824682a16c3ae4	Cracked	nAbox!1
bdda5f03128bcbdfa78d8934529048cf	Cracked	Banda11s

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