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nestjs-cucumber-kit seamlessly integrates NestJS with CucumberJS, enhancing the experience of writing BDD-style end-to-end tests in NestJS applications.


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@nestjs-cucumber-kit seamlessly integrates NestJS with CucumberJS, enhancing the experience of writing BDD-style end-to-end tests in NestJS applications. It simplifies the setup and execution of Cucumber tests, allowing developers to focus on writing test scenarios instead of configuration.

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Using npm:

npm install @nestjs-cucumber-kit/core --save-dev

Using Yarn:

yarn add @nestjs-cucumber-kit/core --dev

Quick Start

Follow these steps to integrate @nestjs-cucumber-kit/core into your NestJS project:

1. Setup Cucumber in your NestJS project:

In cucumber.js file at the root of the project:

const args = [
  '--format progress',
  '--parallel 1',
  '--require-module ts-node/register/transpile-only',
  '--require features/setup/**/*.ts',

module.exports = { default: args.join(' ') };

In package.json:

  "scripts": { 
    "test:e2e": "cucumber-js" 

File structure at the root of the project:

  data/               # Data needed for testing
    config.ts         # Configure lib
    setup.ts          # Setup world and lib
    world.ts          # Add custom world
  step-definitions/   # Custom step definitions

Configuration files:

import { INestApplication, ValidationPipe } from '@nestjs/common';
import * as path from 'path';
import { FixtureSteps, HttpSteps, StorageSteps, ICucumberKitConfig } from '@nestjs-cucumber-kit/core';

export const config: ICucumberKitConfig = {
  steps: [HttpSteps, StorageSteps, FixtureSteps],
  dataDir: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'data'),
  appConfigure: (app: INestApplication) => {
    app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe());
import { AbstractWorld } from '@nestjs-cucumber-kit/core';
import { AppModule } from '../app/app.module';
import { config } from './config';

export class CustomWorld extends AbstractWorld {
  constructor() {
    super(AppModule, config);
import { setWorldConstructor } from '@cucumber/cucumber';
import { configureSteps } from '@nestjs-cucumber-kit/core';
import { config } from './config';
import { CustomWorld } from './world';


HTTP Example:


Feature: HTTP
  Scenario: Send Request with custom header
    Given I store the key "accessToken" with the value "token"
    Given I store the key "itemName" with the value "New Item"
    Given I set the request header "Authorization" to "Bearer {{accessToken}}"
    When I send a POST request to API "/item" with JSON:
      { "name": "{{itemName}}" }
    Then the response code should be 201
    And the response should contain JSON:
      { "_id": "*", "name": "{{itemName}}" }

Complete http example.


HTTP Steps

Sending HTTP Requests

Sends an HTTP request to a specified API endpoint using the given method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).


Given I send a GET request to API "/api/path"

Sending HTTP Requests with JSON Body

Sends an HTTP request with a JSON payload to a specified endpoint.


Given I send a POST request to API "/api/path" with JSON:
  { "key": "value" }

Setting Request Headers

Sets a specific header for subsequent HTTP requests.


Given I set the request header "Content-Type" to "application/json"

Uploading Files in Form

Attaches a file to the request for endpoints expecting file uploads.


Given I upload file "path/to/file.jpg" as form field "image"

Sending GraphQL Requests

Facilitates sending GraphQL queries or mutations.


Given I send a GraphQL request to "/graphql" with the payload:
  query {
    user(id: "123") {

Storing Response in a Key

Stores the entire response body in a shared storage under a specified key.


Then I store the response in key "userResponse"

Asserting Response Code

Checks if the response status code matches the expected value.


Then the response code should be 200

Asserting Response Content

Validates if the response content matches the expected string, boolean, or number.


Then the response should be string "Success"
Then the response should be boolean true
Then the response should be number 42

Validating Exact Match with JSON

Asserts if the response JSON exactly matches the expected structure.


Then the response should exactly match JSON:
  { "key": "expected value" }

Validating Partial Match with JSON

Checks if the response JSON contains the expected fields and values.


Then the response should contain JSON:
  { "key": "expected partial value", "wildcard": "*" }

Storage Steps

Storing Key-Value Pairs

  • Store a Simple Value: Stores a simple value (string, number, etc.) in shared storage under a specified key.


    Given I store the key "username" with the value "JohnDoe"
  • Store JSON Data: Stores a JSON object in shared storage.


    Given I store the key "user" with the JSON data:
      { "name": "John Doe", "age": 30 }
  • Load Data from JSON File: Loads key-value pairs from a JSON file into shared storage.


    Given I load key-value pairs from the JSON file "path/to/data.json"

Asserting Stored Values

  • Assert Exact Value: Asserts that the value stored under a specific key matches the expected value.


    Then the key "username" should have the value "JohnDoe"
  • Assert Exact JSON Match: Asserts that the JSON stored under a specific key exactly matches the expected JSON structure.


    Then the key "user" should exactly match JSON:
      { "name": "John Doe", "age": 30 }
  • Assert JSON Partial match: Asserts that the JSON stored under a specific key contains the expected partial JSON data.


    Then the key "user" should contain JSON:
      { "name": "John Doe" }
  • Assert Truthy Value: Asserts that the value stored under a specific key is truthy.


    Then the key "isUserLoggedIn" should be truthy
  • Assert Falsy Value: Asserts that the value stored under a specific key is falsy.


    Then the key "isUserLoggedIn" should be falsy

Fixture Steps

Loading and Applying Fixtures

  • Load Fixture from File: This step loads and applies a fixture from a specified file. Fixtures are used to set up a specific state in your application or database before the actual tests are executed. A fixture could be anything from seeding a database with specific data to configuring certain application states.


    Given I load fixture from the file "path/to/fixture"

    Example: Suppose you have a fixture file at data/fixture/user.fixture.ts that seeds users into your database. The file might look something like this:

    // data/fixture/user.fixture.ts
    import { Model } from 'mongoose';
    import { getModelToken } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
    import { BaseFixture } from '@nestjs-cucumber-kit/core';
    import { User, UserDocument, UserRole } from 'src/user';
    import { EncryptionService } from 'src/common';
    export default class UserFixture extends BaseFixture {
      async apply(): Promise<void> {
        const userModel: Model<UserDocument> =;
        const hashedPassword = await EncryptionService.hash('ProductAPI@999');
        const users: User[] = [
            _id: '1', 
            email: '[email protected]',
            firstName: 'customer',
            lastName: 'customer',
            password: hashedPassword,
            role: UserRole.customer,
        await userModel.insertMany(users);

    To load and apply this fixture in a test, you would use:

    Given I load fixture from the file "data/fixture/user.fixture"

Providers in @nestjs-cucumber-kit

Providers in the @nestjs-cucumber-kit play a crucial role in extending and customizing the functionality of the testing framework. They are modular components that can be plugged into the kit to provide additional capabilities, specifically tailored for different aspects of a NestJS application.

Available Providers

Each provider in the @nestjs-cucumber-kit is targeted towards a specific area or technology, enhancing the toolkit's ability to handle a variety of testing scenarios in a NestJS application.

  1. MongoDB Provider:

    • Purpose: Facilitates testing with MongoDB, including setting up an in-memory MongoDB instance for integration testing.
  2. (Additional Providers):

    • More providers will be added soon

Mongodb provider


Using npm:
npm install @nestjs-cucumber-kit/mongodb --save-dev
Using Yarn:
yarn add @nestjs-cucumber-kit/mongodb --dev


Add mongodb provider and steps in config.

// Example configuration snippet for MongoDB Provider
import { MongoDBProvider, MongoDBSteps } from '@nestjs-cucumber-kit/mongodb';

export const config = {
  // ...other configurations
  providers: [MongoDBProvider],
  steps: [MongoDBSteps],
  // ...other configurations

MongoDB Steps

Performing Database Operations
  • Find or FindOne with JSON and Store in Key: Executes a find or findOne operation on a specified model with JSON criteria and stores the result in shared storage under a specified key.


    Then I find in model "User" with JSON and store in "userData":
      { "name": "John Doe" }
  • Find or FindOne with JSON: Similar to the above, but stores the result in a default key for subsequent assertions.


    Then I findOne in model "User" with JSON:
      { "name": "John Doe" }
Asserting Database Operation Results
  • Assert Result Contains JSON: Asserts that the result from the previous database operation contains the expected JSON data.


    Then the result should contain JSON:
      { "email": "[email protected]" }
  • Assert Result Exactly Matches JSON: Asserts that the result from the database operation exactly matches the expected JSON structure.


    Then the result should exactly match JSON:
      { "_id": "123", "name": "John Doe", "email": "[email protected]" }
  • Assert Result is Truthy: Asserts that the result of the database operation is truthy.


    Then the result should be truthy
  • Assert Result is Falsy: Asserts that the result of the database operation is falsy.


    Then the result should be falsy


nestjs-cucumber-kit seamlessly integrates NestJS with CucumberJS, enhancing the experience of writing BDD-style end-to-end tests in NestJS applications.




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