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Releases: ianleeduckworth/eazy-e2e


04 Feb 20:35
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EazyE2E 1.0.5 Release Notes

  1. Updated documenation and copyrights


04 Feb 20:27
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EazyE2E 1.0.4 Release Notes

  1. Updated EzProcess.Argumets property to be a getter only. Also modified EzProcess.StartProcess to include an optional string to pass arguments when the process is started
  2. Added new EzProcess constructor which creates an EzProcess instance based on a System.Diagnostics.Process
  3. Added a new method to EzProcess called AttachToExistingProcess. It is static so it can be used to create an instance of EzProcess
  4. Added comments to EzMouseFunctions and EzKeyboardFunctions classes
  5. Updated EzkeyboardFunctions to include: SendWithWait, RepeatKey, ShiftCombination, CtrlCombination, AltCombination


04 Mar 01:54
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EazyE2E 1.0.3 Release Notes
1. Added xml comments to all classes
2. Added corrected license information
3. Updated project URL


04 Mar 01:53
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EazyE2E 1.0.2 Release Notes

  1. Fixed InvalidOperationException that would occur every time EzElement.Parent was accessed
  2. Fixed issue where if invokePattern was not set on EzElement that clicks would fail silently. Now, if invokePattern is not set, an exception will be thrown
  3. Added summery comment to EzElement.ControlType (was missed during initial release)


04 Mar 01:52
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Fixed bug where querying for elements would throw an exception when an element was not found instead of returning null.