Note CPM is not being actively maintained. I plan on keeping the website active but don't plan on making further modifications to the codebase. If anyone is interested in moving the project forward please contact me (iauns) by sending an e-mail or opening an issue.
A C++ Package Manager based on CMake and Git.
CPM is designed to promote small, well-tested, composable C++ modules. CPM allows you to link against multiple different versions of the same static library without symbol conflicts. You can include other C++ modules that may depend on older or newer versions of the same modules you are using. Additionally, CPM will automatically download and build C++ modules for you. To explore CPM's ecosystem head over to the CPM website: .
You can manage C or C++ libraries that do not utilize CPM. A number of 'external' modules are already listed on the website. These modules abstract away the details of downloading, building, and linking against various projects. Just be aware that you cannot statically link against multiple different versions of these 'external' modules because they are not built as CPM modules and do not manage symbols like real CPM modules do.
For an example of a module with various interdependencies, check out cpm-es-render. Here's an example dependency graph that the cpm website automatically generated for this module:
Table of Contents
- Brief Example
- Using CPM
- Building CPM Modules
- CPM Function Reference
- Miscellaneous Issues and Questions
Below is a sample of a CMakeLists.txt file that uses 3 modules. These modules are: platform specific OpenGL headers, an axis aligned bounding box implementation, and G-truc's GLSL vector math library. See the next section for a full explanation of how to use CPM. The following CMakeLists.txt is self-contained and will build as-is:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7 FATAL_ERROR)
# Required CPM Setup - no need to modify - See:
message(FATAL_ERROR "CPM requires Git.")
if (NOT EXISTS ${CPM_DIR}/CPM.cmake)
message(STATUS "Cloning repo (")
message(FATAL_ERROR "CPM failed to get the hash for HEAD")
# CPM Modules
# ++ MODULE: OpenGL platform
GIT_TAG "1.3.5")
# ++ MODULE: aabb
GIT_TAG "1.0.3")
GIT_TAG "1.0.2"
# Setup source
# NOTE: Feel free to ignore this section. It simply creates a main.cpp source
# file from scratch instead of relying on the source being present. This is
# done only to keep this CMakeLists.txt self-contained.
file(WRITE src/main.cpp "#include <iostream>\n")
file(APPEND src/main.cpp "#include <glm-aabb/AABB.hpp>\n")
file(APPEND src/main.cpp "#include <glm/glm.hpp>\n\n")
file(APPEND src/main.cpp "namespace glm_aabb = CPM_AABB_NS;\n\n")
file(APPEND src/main.cpp "int main(int argc, char** av)\n")
file(APPEND src/main.cpp "{\n")
file(APPEND src/main.cpp " glm_aabb::AABB aabb(glm::vec3(-1.0), glm::vec3(1.0));\n")
file(APPEND src/main.cpp " aabb.extend(glm::vec3(-2.0, 3.0, -0.5));\n")
file(APPEND src/main.cpp " glm_aabb::AABB aabb2(glm::vec3(1.0), 1.0);\n")
file(APPEND src/main.cpp " std::cout << \"AABB Interesction: \" << aabb.intersect(aabb2) << std::endl;\n")
file(APPEND src/main.cpp " return 0;\n")
file(APPEND src/main.cpp "}\n")
set(Sources src/main.cpp)
# Setup executable
set(EXE_NAME cpm-test)
add_executable(${EXE_NAME} ${Sources})
target_link_libraries(${EXE_NAME} ${CPM_LIBRARIES})
To use CPM in your C++ project, include the following at the top of your CMakeLists.txt:
# Required CPM Setup - no need to modify - See:
message(FATAL_ERROR "CPM requires Git.")
if (NOT EXISTS ${CPM_DIR}/CPM.cmake)
message(STATUS "Cloning repo (")
message(FATAL_ERROR "CPM failed to get the hash for HEAD")
# CPM Modules
# TODO: Include any modules here...
Then add the ${CPM_LIBRARIES}
variable to your target_link_libraries
similar to the following:
target_link_libraries(my_project ${CPM_LIBRARIES})
And you're done. You will be able to start using CPM modules right away by adding the following snippet to the CPM Modules section of your CMakeLists.txt:
GIT_TAG "1.0.2")
This snippet will automatically download, build, and link version 1.0.2 of a
simple axis aligned bounding box implementation named aabb
. A new namespace
is generated for aabb
and a preprocessor definition for this namespace is
automatically added to your project. The preprocessor namespace definition
always follows the form CPM_<NAME>_NS
where <NAME>
is the capitalized
first argument of your call to CPM_AddModule
For example, in the 'aabb' snippet above, the first argument to
was "aabb" so the preprocessor definition CPM_AABB_NS
would be added to our project. This declares the namepsace under which CPM has
bound the 'aabb' module. For instance, aabb's only class is named AABB
. So
the fully qualified name for the AABB
class would be: CPM_AABB_NS::AABB
You may want to rename the namespace to something more appropriate:
namespace glm_aabb = CPM_AABB_NS;
. But that's entirely up to you.
Depending on your needs, using the CPM namespace as-is may be all you need.
Be sure to place all calls to CPM_AddModule
before your call to
. The # TODO: Include any modules here...
section mentioned in the first snippet indicates where you should place calls
to CPM_AddModule
Why even bother with these preprocessor namespace definitions? The reason is so that we can leverage multiple different versions of a single CPM module in the same static linkage unit. Why would we want to let users utilize multiple versions of our module in the first place? In many cases, users won't know that they are actually using multiple different versions of your module. For example, a more recent version of your module may be included directly by the user, but an older version of your module may be pulled in as a dependency of another module the user is relying on. If you're interested, you can see CPM's dependency graph for your project.
Every module's root directory will be added to your include path. It is common that every module's github page describes what file or files you should include in your project. The paths to these files will be relative to the module's root directory. So you can copy the include directive directly from the module's github page into your code. For example, to access AABB's functionality we would include its interface header file like so:
#include <glm-aabb/AABB.hpp>
If you have compiler flags you wish to apply to all modules, then add them
directly before the CPM section in your CMakeListst.txt. Since each call to
uses add_subdirectory
internally, every module will inherit
your compiler flags (for good or bad).
If the library you are interested in isn't a CPM module, try browsing through
the CPM externals listed on Just use CPM_AddModule
as you
would with any other module. Note that you will likely want to use the
parameter to CPM_AddModule
in conjunction with external
If you don't find a formula for your favorite library, kindly consider contributing one to our CPM modules repository.
While it may be tempting to use the origin/master
tag to track the most
recent changes to a module, it is not recommended. Using version tags for a
module (such as 1.0.2
) and upgrading modules when necessary will save you
time in the long run. If you track origin/master
and upstream decides to
release a major version which includes significant API changes then your
builds will likely break immediately. But if versioned tags are used, you
will maintain your build integrity even through upstream version upgrades.
- Automatically manages code retrieval and building of CPM modules and externals.
- Allows the use of multiple different versions of the same statically linked module in the same executable.
- Built entirely in CMake. Nothing else is required.
- All CPM module code will be included in any generated project solution.
- Will automatically detect preprocessor naming conflicts.
- Optionally cache downloaded modules and repositories to a central directory.
- Only supports git (with very limited support for SVN).
If you only want to use pre-existing CPM modules and aren't interested in building modules yourself, feel free to skip this section. But, if you are interested in building CPM modules then please read on as some guidelines and requirements are listed below.
There must be a CMakeLists.txt at the root of your module project and this
CMakeLists.txt file must contain all relevant CPM directives and code (see
below). Do not use issue calls to CPM (CPM_*
) in a subdirectory
Add the following to the top of the CMakeLists.txt for your module:
# CPM configuration
set(CPM_MODULE_NAME <name>)
message(FATAL_ERROR "CPM requires Git.")
if (NOT EXISTS ${CPM_DIR}/CPM.cmake)
message(STATUS "Cloning repo (")
message(FATAL_ERROR "CPM failed to get the hash for HEAD")
# Include CPM modules or externals here (with CPM_AddModule).
Be sure to update the <name>
at the beginning of the snippet. <name>
is placed in the namespace preprocessor definition for your module. For example,
if <name>
is 'spire' then the preprocessor definition that will be added
to your project will be CPM_SPIRE_NS
. Use this definition as a wrapper
around your code and namespaces. Don't worry about users using the same name in
their call to CPM_AddModule
as the name you choose in your call to
. CPM will automatically handle this for you. Also use
as the name of your library in add_library
and include
in target_link_libraries
for your static library. Example:
# Our CPM module library
add_library(${CPM_LIB_TARGET_NAME} ${Source})
target_link_libraries(${CPM_LIB_TARGET_NAME} ${CPM_LIBRARIES})
Here is an example class that demonstrates the namespace wrapping:
namespace CPM_SPIRE_NS {
... code here ...
} // namespace CPM_SPIRE_NS
If you used the code snippet above make sure that your generated library target
. This will ensure your library target name
matches with what CPM is expecting. But, if you can't name your target
for any reason, use CPM_ExportAdditionalLibraryTarget
instead in order name your target whatever you would like. See the function
reference below.
CPM allows multiple different versions of the same module to be statically
linked into the same target . As such, when you are building a module for CPM
(not when you are using CPM modules!), you should either surround your
top-level namespaces in CPM_[module name]_NS
tags or use CPM_[module name]_NS
as your top level namespace, like so:
namespace CPM_[module name]_NS {
} // namespace CPM_[module name]_NS
The first argument given to CPM_InitModule
becomes [module name]
in your
Note that this is not required but it is heavily recommended when you are building CPM modules. You must include this if you want your users to be able to use multiple versions of your module within the same static linkage unit.
In order to avoid header name conflicts CPM modules adhere to the directory following structure:
Root of [module name]
|-> CMakeLists.txt
|-> test
|-> [module name]
|-> [public headers go here]
|-> src
|-> [private headers and source code]
Using this structure users would include your public headers using:
#include <[module name]/interface.h>
By default, the root of your project is added to the include path. If you need
to expose more directories to the consumer of your module use the
function to add directories to the
consumer's include path. The first and only argument to
is the directory you want to add to the
path. Be sure to clearly document any changes you make to the include path in
your module's README.
Just as with the include paths above you can set preprocessor definitions for
the consumer. Use the function CPM_ExportAdditionalDefinition
, like below:
If you have additional targets, or don't want to use the target name that
CPM generates for you, you can use the CPM_ExportAdditionalLibraryTarget
function that comes with CPM.
This target will be added to the target_link_libraries
call issued by the
consumer of your module.
Once you have finished writing your module, add your repository to the ecosystem using the CPM website. A dependency graph will be automatically generated for your module, and you will be able to see others using your module.
Note that this step is not mandatory. You can use your module without registering it by pointing CPM to the URL of your git repository. Module registration is recommended because it makes it easier for others to find.
If you are wrapping non-CPM code then you are likely building a CPM external. Building an external is just like building a module except for a call to:
somewhere in your module's CMakeLists.txt file. This function ensures exactly one (and only one) version of your module is ever statically linked.
In addition to this, you should reference the original repository in your cpm-modules JSON file by adding the 'externalURL' key/value pair. The key being 'externalURL' and the value being be a URL locating the repository for which you have created this external. Also set the 'external' key to 'true' in your JSON file so that the CPM website knows you have built an external. For an example see: CPM External for Google Test.
All CMake functions that CPM exposes are listed below.
Adds a CPM module to your project. All arguments except <name>
are optional.
Additionally, one of either the GIT_REPOSITORY
must be present in your call to CPM_AddModule
. Should be called before
either CPM_Finish
or CPM_InitModule
CPM_AddModule(<name> # Required - Module target name. Used to generate your
# preprocessor definition.
[GIT_REPOSITORY repo] # Git repository that corresponds to a CPM module.
# If this argument is not specfied, then SOURCE_DIR must be set.
[GIT_TAG tag] # Git tag to checkout. Tags, shas, and branches all work.
[USE_EXISTING_VER truth] # If set to true, and an existing version of this module is
# found then the existing version of this module is used
# instead of the version indicated by GIT_TAG.
[SOURCE_DIR dir] # Uses 'dir' as the source directory instead of cloning
# from a repo. If this is not specified, then
# GIT_REPOSITORY must be specified.
[SOURCE_GHOST_GIT_REPO repo] # Ghost repository when using SOURCE_DIR.
# Used to correctly correlate SOURCE_DIR modules with their
# correct upstream repository.
[SOURCE_GHOST_GIT_TAG tag] # Ghost git tag when using SOURCE_DIR.
[EXPORT_MODULE truth] # If true, then this module's (<name>) definitions and includes
# will be exported to any consumer of your module.
[FORWARD_DECLARATION truth] # If true, then only the module's preprocessor definition
# (that the <name> argument above is used to generate)
# is exported to the consumer of the module. This is useful
# for situations where you only need to forward declare a
# module's classes in your interface classes and not actually
# include the target module's interface headers. This is
# preferred over EXPORT_MODULE.
A utility function that allows you to download and ensure that some repository is up to date and present on the filesystem before proceeding forward with CMakeLists.txt processing. Useful for building CPM externals. You can use this function outside of any call to CPM_Finish or CPM_InitModule
[TARGET_DIR dir] # Required - Directory in which to place repository.
[GIT_REPOSITORY repo] # Git repository to clone and keep up to date.
[GIT_TAG tag] # Git tag to checkout.
[SVN_REPOSITORY repo] # SVN repository to checkout.
[SVN_REVISION rev] # SVN revision.
[SVN_TRUST_CERT 1] # Trust the Subversion server site certificate
[USE_CACHING 1] # Enables caching of repositories if the user
# has specified CPM_MODULE_CACHING_DIR.
# Not enabled by default.
This function is for the top-level application only. Call when you are
finished issuing calls to CPM_AddModule
The functions listed in this section are used exclusively for constructing modules. If you use one of these functions in non-module code, a CMake warning will be generated and the function call will be ignored.
This function is the module's counterpart to CPM_Finish
. Call this to
indicate to CPM that you have finished issuing calls to CPM_AddModule
The only argument indicates the name of the module. This name will only be
used for generating the preprocessor definition you should use for your
When building modules, this exports an additional definition in the module consumer's scope. Use sparingly. Primarily used to expose mandatory external project definitions.
Exposes an additional include directory to the consumer of a module. Use sparingly. Primarily used to expose external project directories to module consumers.
Note, for this function, do not quote lists of include directories. Pass the list in as-is.
This function is mostly used to avoid having to name targets per the
convention in CPM. For an example of its use see Google test itself generates its own
target name when included as a subdirectory so we must use that name.
Below are some common issues users encounter and solutions to them.
During the CMake configure step. No repository cloning or fetching occurs during the build step.
Some modules require the ability to expose classes from other modules through
public headers. This is allowed by tagging the module that you plan on
exporting with EXPORT_MODULE TRUE
just like:
GIT_TAG "origin/master"
EXPORT_MODULE TRUE # Use EXPORT_MODULE sparingly. We expose GLM's interface
) # through our own interface hence why we export it.
In this case, GLM's definitions and include paths will be exported to the direct consumer of your module. It will not export this module to any parents of your consumer.
CPM allows you the flexibility of selecting the most recently used version of a
particular module instead of the version you requested. This is useful when you
are working with externals or modules that require you to only use one version.
in your call to CPM_AddModule
. An
example of this is given above in the section on exposing foreign module
For example, if a module you added (lets call this module B
) requested
version v0.9.5
of module A
, and you subsequently requested v0.9.1
module A
, then your version would be upgraded to v0.9.5
to comply with the
pre-existing version of the module if you specified USE_EXISTING_VER TRUE
when adding module A
. It is considered best practice to set
when adding externals (not regular modules) to
your project. Especially when building modules for others to use. But also be
aware that your version can be downgraded in the same manner. You can
generally avoid being downgraded by re-arranging the order of your calls to
When adding regular non-external modules, you may consider using this option to reduce the size of your executable if multiple different versions of the same module are being used. Just be weary of compiler errors due to version conflicts. In most cases, this option should be avoided when using regular, non-external, CPM modules.
As pointed out in the externals section you may force all consumers, indirect
or direct, of your module to use only one version. Most module creators won't
need to worry about this corner case, but it is required that all externals
use this. Include a call to CPM_ForceOnlyOneModuleVersion
anywhere in
your module's CMakeLists.txt file to enforce this. Usually this call is made
directly before calling CPM_InitModule
If you do this, you should indicate that your module is an 'external' in your module's JSON file. Even if you don't use any external code. It is important to separate these modules from 'regular' modules, and the nomenclature we have chosen for these types of modules are 'externals'.
CPM provides a utility function that allows you to download repositories at
configuration time. This function is: CPM_EnsureRepoIsCurrent
. This function
will also ensure the tag you specify is up to date and the repo is present
before continuing execution of CMakeLists.txt. You can download both git
repositories and SVN repositories using this function. For a reference
regarding the function's parameters, see the comments at the top of CPM.cmake.
For examples of using this function, see the google test CPM external.
CPM supports cached repositories and modules by setting either the
CMake variable or the CPM_CACHE_DIR
variable to an appropriate cache directory (such as ~/.cpm_cache
). When
set, a search will be performed in the cache directory for all modules that
don't already exist in your project's build directory. If the module is not
found in the cache directory, CPM will download the module into the cache
directory. This is useful if you find yourself with no or limited internet
access from time to time as your cache directory will be searched before
attempting to download the repository from the internet.
Here's a quick example of using this variable from the command line:
cmake -DCPM_MODULE_CACHE_DIR=~/.cpm_cache ...
The cache directory is searched only when a module is not found in your project's build directory. If the module is then found in the cache directory, the cache directory will be updated using the appropriate SCM and its directory contents will be copied into your project's build directory. Any subsequent invokation of CMake will find the module in your project's build directory and will not search in the cache directory. Unless you have cleaned the project or removed the build directory's modules.
Use the following code snippet instead of the one given above. This snippet checks to see if CPM exists in the cache directory before attempting to download it.
# Required CPM Setup - See:
message(FATAL_ERROR "CPM requires Git.")
if (EXISTS "${CPM_MODULE_CACHE_DIR}/github_iauns_cpm")
message(STATUS "Found cached version of CPM.")
file(COPY "${CPM_MODULE_CACHE_DIR}/github_iauns_cpm/" DESTINATION ${CPM_DIR})
if (NOT EXISTS ${CPM_DIR}/CPM.cmake)
message(STATUS "Cloning repo (")
message(FATAL_ERROR "CPM failed to get the hash for HEAD")
# Modules go here...
When building your project define: CPM_SHOW_HIERARCHY=TRUE
On the command line this would look something like
It is best to run this command after you have successfully built your project so the output is not muddied by status messages.
If you get errors similar to:
The binary directory
/Users/jhughes/me/cpp/cpm/modules/ ... /bin
is already used to build a source directory. It cannot be used to build
source directory.
This means that there exists a circular module reference which is not allowed in CPM. The module graph must not contain cycles. For example, if Module A adds Module B, and Module B adds Module A, you will get this error.
There are a number of options here. You could rename the CPM_<NAME>_NS
the top of your implementation files:
namespace Spire = CPM_SPIRE_NS;
Or you can build a header that renames all of the module namespaces for you. Something akin to the following:
// 'Forward declaration' of CPM module namespaces.
namespace CPM_SPIRE_NS {}
namespace CPM_SPIRE_SCIRUN_NS {}
... (more forward declarations) ...
// Renaming the namespaces in our top level namespace.
namespace my_namespace {
namespace Spire = CPM_SPIRE_NS;
namespace SpireSR = CPM_SPIRE_SCIRUN_NS;
Be careful with the latter header based approach since there are some pitfalls. For example, the increased possibility of header guard confilcts and namespace conflicts. In general, renaming the namespace at the source level is the recommended way to go.