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Accessing Shape Billing UI

John Jensen edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 8 revisions


You have a ticket to update the billing portion of the Shape app and you need access to it. How do you get it?

Getting Access

Use rails console to:

  • find yourself in the database
  • find the organization you're associated with
  • add yourself to the admin role for that group
your_user = User.find_by_email "[email protected]"
org = your_user.organizations[0]
your_user.add_role(Role::ADMIN, org.admin_group)

Congratulations, you should now have access to the Billing menu item!

Adding Stripe API key

We use Stripe to process payments, so you'll need the API key to interact with related forms. Ask another engineer for the Stripe API key and add it to your .env file.



Some of the UI elements for billing and payments come from the Network React Components library, and the INA (SSO Profile app) handles some of the Stripe interactions.

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