Logs the full string representation of the incoming request.
$ npm install
$ npm start
You can control the port by setting the PORT
environment variable, default is 8080
Start up the http-dumper
and start making requests against it.
$ curl -X POST --user 'user:password' 'http://localhost:8080/please?help=me' -d '{"hej": "hopp"}' 15:11:23
Request logged!
Results in the following log:
HTTP Dumper started @ http://localhost:8080
POST /please?help=me HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==
User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 15
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
{"hej": "hopp"}