High Definition mod for Flare fantasycore
Flare 1.0 comes with a fantasycore mod that is set at a base 640x480 resolution. There is also minicore which reduces it by half, 320x240 resolution for mobile devices.
This optional mod called "hdcore" uses 1280x960 resolution, double the fantasycore size. It only overwrites the images and related settings of fantasycore, thus still requiring fantasycore for most game data.
Place the hdcore folder inside your Flare mods folder. When running Flare, enable hdcore in the Configuration menu, Mods tab. It should be listed after fantasycore.
The folder art_src contains the raw Blender or Gimp files, or unpacked sprite sheets, unique to the hdcore mod. This folder is not needed during gameplay.
Where the Blender files are not substantially different from fantasycore (e.g. only the render resolution % was changed), those files are not copied here. See the flare-game repo, art_src folder for those files.