wrapdisc is a Python 3.10 package to wrap a discrete optimization objective such that it can be optimized by a continuous optimizer such as in scipy.optimize
It maps the discrete variables into a continuous space, and uses an in-memory cache over the discrete space.
Both discrete and continuous variables are supported, and are motivated by Ray Tune's search spaces.
- The use of an unbounded in-memory cache over the original objective function imposes a memory requirement. If multiple workers are used, each worker has its own such cache, thereby using additional memory for each worker. This cache prevents duplicated calls to the original objective function in a worker.
- The ability to support constraints such as
is unclear. A constraint can however be modeled by returninginf
upon its violation in the original objective function.
Caption | Link |
Repo | https://github.com/impredicative/wrapdisc/ |
Changelog | https://github.com/impredicative/wrapdisc/releases |
Package | https://pypi.org/project/wrapdisc/ |
Python ≥3.10 is required. To install, run:
pip install wrapdisc
No additional third-party packages are required or installed.
The following classes of variables are available:
Space | Usage | Description | Decoder | Examples |
Discrete | ChoiceVar(items) | Nominal (unordered categorical) | one-hot via max | • fn(["USA", "Panama", "Cayman"]) |
Discrete | GridVar(values) | Ordinal (ordered categorical) | round | • fn([2, 4, 8, 16]) • fn(["good", "better", "best"]) |
Discrete | RandintVar(lower, upper) | Integer from lower to upper , both inclusive |
round | • fn(0, 6) • fn(3, 9) • fn(-10, 10) |
Discrete | QrandintVar(lower, upper, q) | Quantized integer from lower to upper in multiples of q |
round to a multiple | • fn(0, 12, 3) • fn(1, 10, 2) • fn(-10, 10, 4) |
Continuous | UniformVar(lower, upper) | Float from lower to upper |
passthrough | • fn(0.0, 5.11) • fn(0.2, 4.6) • fn(-10.0, 10.0) |
Continuous | QuniformVar(lower, upper, q) | Quantized float from lower to upper in multiples of q |
round to a multiple | • fn(0.0, 5.1, 0.3) • fn(-5.1, -0.2, 0.3) |
import operator
from typing import Any
import scipy.optimize
from wrapdisc import Objective
from wrapdisc.var import ChoiceVar, GridVar, QrandintVar, QuniformVar, RandintVar, UniformVar
def your_mixed_optimization_objective(x: tuple, *args: Any) -> float:
return float(sum(x_i if isinstance(x_i, (int, float)) else len(str(x_i)) for x_i in (*x, *args)))
wrapped_objective = Objective(
ChoiceVar(["foobar", "baz"]),
ChoiceVar([operator.index, abs, operator.invert]),
GridVar([0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100]),
GridVar(["good", "better", "best"]),
RandintVar(-8, 10),
QrandintVar(1, 10, 2),
UniformVar(1.2, 3.4),
QuniformVar(-11.1, 9.99, 0.22),
bounds = wrapped_objective.bounds
optional_fixed_args = ("arg1", 2, 3.0)
optional_initial_decoded_guess = ("foobar", operator.invert, 10, "better", 0, 8, 2.33, 8.8)
optional_initial_encoded_guess = wrapped_objective.encode(optional_initial_decoded_guess)
result = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(wrapped_objective, bounds=bounds, seed=0, args=optional_fixed_args, x0=optional_initial_encoded_guess)
cache_usage = wrapped_objective.cache_info
encoded_solution = result.x
decoded_solution = wrapped_objective.decode(encoded_solution)
assert result.fun == wrapped_objective(encoded_solution, *optional_fixed_args)
assert result.fun == your_mixed_optimization_objective(decoded_solution, *optional_fixed_args)
>>> bounds
((0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0), (-0.49999999999999994, 4.499999999999999), (-0.49999999999999994, 2.4999999999999996), (-8.499999999999998, 10.499999999999998), (1.0000000000000002, 10.999999999999998), (1.2, 3.4), (-11.109999999999998, 10.009999999999998))
>>> result
fun: 23.21
jac: array([0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ,
0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.00000009,
0. ])
message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
nfev: 7944
nit: 47
success: True
x: array([ 0.22045614, 0.95317493, 0.22747255, 0.53879713,
0.18086281, 0.222759 , 0.33591717, -8.29118977,
1.77128301, 1.2 , -10.97230444])
>>> decoded_solution
('baz', <built-in function abs>, 0.01, 'good', -8, 2, 1.2, -11.0)
>>> your_mixed_optimization_objective(decoded_solution, *optional_fixed_args)
>>> cache_usage
CacheInfo(hits=146, misses=7798, maxsize=None, currsize=7798)