(aka coconut, juice), an automatic DevOps metrics analysis tool.
case studies: Coco cases
Online Demos:
OS: macOS, Windows, GNU/Linux
- install or download Coco components from release, and download ctags: windows
- use
coco init
to generate config file - config
- optional: use
coco plugins
to download plugins - run Coco
, gather data from sourcevisual
, visualization of datasuggest
, generate suggestion
- download plugins (optional)
- coco_container,container analysis
- coco_pipeline,pipeline analysis
- coco_struct,model analysis by ctags
- coco_swagger,Swagger API Analysis
visual URL:
- all:
- explorer:
Offline usage:
- download
e``xec file - download
with platform - extract
coco 0.5.3
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-b, --branches <branches> With all branches [default: true]
--commits <commits> With all commits [default: true]
-c, --config-file <config-file> Config file .yml [default: coco.yml]
-d, --debug <debug> Debug mode [default: false]
-f, --file-history <file-history> Scan file change list from git & cloc [default: false]
-y, --git-years <git-years> Set git commits scan years, default 1, [default: 1.0]
-t, --tags <tags> With all tags [default: true]
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
init Create default coco.yml files
plugins Download plugins from GitHub
coco --file-history=true --git-years=3
# 代码库
- url: https://github.com/coco-rs/coco.fixtures
- url: https://github.com/coco-rs/coco.fixtures2
- url: .
languages: [Rust]
- url: https://github.com/datum-lang/scie
- url: https://github.com/projectfluent/fluent-rs
languages: [Rust, JavaScript] # set languages for struct analysis
- name: swagger
- name: struct
- key: ctags # set location for macOS ctags path
value: /usr/local/bin/ctags
local: true # true will use `git clone`, false will use libgit2
Bilibili: 研发效能分析工具 Coco 第一次线上讨论
- git analysis
- branch
- changes
- commits
- cloc analysis
- summary
- file arch
- framework analysis
- architecture analysis
- file/directory organization
- html reporter
- json output
- query api?
- AST Parser:
- Web Server:
- CLI:
- git analysis
- merge code from coca
- local repo support
- project calendar view https://observablehq.com/@d3/calendar-view
- change
- line change
- changed file
- commit number
- git branch analysis
- branch history
- branch visual. such as https://app.gfc.io/github/nvie/gitflow
- ahead vs behind https://github.com/BenoitZugmeyer/git-branches-overview
- git commit time analysis
- storage all commits
- working night count
- cloc analysis
- spike cloc tools Tokei
- history cloc changes
- commit cloc changes
- framework analysis.
- framework detector
- merge from scie-detector
- framework output
- tech stack generate
- cloud native
- module analysis
- base framework for directory
- gitignore support
- code flower
- include analysis
- code parser: pest
- languages support.
- base framework for directory
- team analysis
- join time & life time
- 以加入时间开始度量平均提交:上手成本分析
- 平均加入时长
- 成员加入时间点
- member growth
- count system size & learning curve
- join time & life time
- commit analysis
- commit times analysis (hours)
- rule regex support in config
- participle(分词)
- tags generate
- suggestion API
- document manage system
- suggest to ledge
- suggest to cases
- suggest to coco.server?
- online suggest ?
- link daily checking
- architecture design rules
- architecture
- tech stack version check (more than 3 years ?)
- Maven Center
- NPM Server
- Go Server
- tech stack version check (more than 3 years ?)
tools config identify -
tools suggest (identify old tools) -
cloud-native config
- case study
- homepage: https://github.com/inherd/cases
- auto clone and auto deploy
- todo scan
- merge from coca
- multiple platform support
- macOS
- GNU/Linux
- Windows
- fix tests
- make it works
- C4 Model
- PUML for call chain
- symbol design - IsA, Use-In-The-Interface, Uses-In-The-Implementation
- PUML for call chain
- plugin
- struct analysis
- ctags
- visual
- uml
- swagger
- Jenkinsfile
- struct analysis
Visual and Reporter
- visual api
- static files server
- http server: actix_web
- static server: Rust Embed
- export assets
- cli prompt for projects
- query JSON API
- static files server
- visual web
- spike d3.js code organization
- typescript with frontend framework
- use Deno ?
- architecture
- first demo
- code flower 1, D3.js code flower
- circle
- git
- branch history
- commits in years/month
- examples: gilot average committer in month
- changes in years/month
- graph support for velocity
- code commits by daily
PR times by daily
- story velocity
- commit message analysis
- story spend days
- advanced code flower, Polyglot Code Explorer
- source code: https://github.com/kornysietsma/polyglot-code-explorer/tree/master/src
- Weighted Voronoi diagram
- Age since last change
- Creation date
- Unique changers
- Temporal Coupling
- reporter
- framework
- cloc
- git
- architecture
DevOps pipeline
- Jenkinsfile of Coco's examples
Tech Debt Integration
- Git 2
- Code check with: https://github.com/kornysietsma/polyglot-code-scanner
- Integration Sonarqube ?
Refs: Libgit2 Documents
Download Coco to your Mac from release
Move it(Coco) to your preferred directory,such as:
mkdir ~/.coco
mv ~/Downloads/coco_macos ~/.coco/
Set up an alias to make it easier to use,such as:
export 'alias coco="~/.coco/coco_macos"' >> ~/.zshrc
Try to use execute it by alias coco
coco -h
If it show no permission,you can execute the following command:
chmod -R u=rwx,g=rw,o=r ~/.coco/coco_macos
Then retry:
coco -h
Good luck!
ctags analysis based on https://github.com/dalance/ptags with MIT, see in src
ctags parser rewrite from Golang's https://github.com/ruben2020/tags2uml with Apache License.
@ 2020~2021 This code is distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
in this directory.