This is a Kubernetes Controller to notify a change of Argo CD Application status.
In the GitOps way, you merge a pull request to deploy a change to Kubernetes cluster. argocd-commenter allows you to receive a notification comment after merging.
When an Application is syncing, synced or healthy, argocd-commenter will create a comment.

When the sync was failed, argocd-commenter will create a comment.

See the examples in e2e-test fixtures.
Here is the sequence diagram of the deployment flow.
actor User
User ->>+ GitHub Repository: git push
GitHub Repository -->>- User: pushed
loop Argo CD reconciler
Argo CD Application ->>+ GitHub Repository: git checkout
GitHub Repository -->>- Argo CD Application: manifest
note over Argo CD Application: Out of Sync
Argo CD Application ->>+ Kubernetes Deployment: kubectl apply
note over Argo CD Application: Syncing
Kubernetes Deployment -->>- Argo CD Application: applied
note over Argo CD Application: Synced
loop Kubernetes reconciler
Kubernetes Deployment ->>+ Kubernetes Pod: create
note over Argo CD Application: Progressing
Kubernetes Pod -->>- Kubernetes Deployment: ready
note over Argo CD Application: Healthy
In a complex deployment flow, you can receive a notification using GitHub Deployments API. For example, when you deploy a preview environment for a pull request, you can receive the deployment statuses.
To receive a deployment status, set the following annotation to the Argo CD Application:
kind: Application
Here is an example of workflow to deploy a preview environment:
# Create a deployment
- uses: int128/deployment-action@v1
id: deployment
# Generate the manifests for a preview environment
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: your/manifests-repository
path: manifests-repository
token: # PAT or GitHub App token is required to write
- run: |
cp -a manifests "manifests-repository/pr-${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}"
cd "manifests-repository/pr-${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}"
sed -e 's|DEPLOYMENT_URL|${{ steps.deployment.outputs.url }}|g' applications/*.yaml
# Push the manifests for a preview environment
- run: |
git add .
git commit -m 'Deploy pr-${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}'
git push manifests-repository main
When the Application status is changed, argocd-commenter will create a deployment status.
See the e2e test for details.
Here is the sequence diagram of the deployment flow.
actor User
User ->>+ Application Repository: git push
Application Repository -->>- User: pushed
Application Repository ->>+ GitHub Actions: start
GitHub Actions ->>+ GitHub Deployment: create
GitHub Deployment -->>- GitHub Actions: created
note over GitHub Deployment: Pending
GitHub Actions ->>+ Manifest Repository: git push
Manifest Repository -->>- GitHub Actions: pushed
GitHub Actions -->>- Application Repository: success
loop Argo CD reconciler
Argo CD Application ->>+ Manifest Repository: git checkout
Manifest Repository -->>- Argo CD Application: manifest
note over Argo CD Application: Out of Sync
note over GitHub Deployment: Queued
Argo CD Application ->>+ Kubernetes Deployment: kubectl apply
note over Argo CD Application: Syncing
Kubernetes Deployment -->>- Argo CD Application: applied
note over Argo CD Application: Synced
note over GitHub Deployment: In progress
loop Kubernetes reconciler
Kubernetes Deployment ->>+ Kubernetes Pod: create
note over Argo CD Application: Progressing
Kubernetes Pod -->>- Kubernetes Deployment: ready
note over Argo CD Application: Healthy
note over GitHub Deployment: Active
Argo CD is running in your Kubernetes cluster.
To deploy the manifest:
kubectl apply -f
You need to create either Personal Access Token or GitHub App.
- Personal Access Token
- Belong to a user
- Share the rate limit in a user
- GitHub App
- Belong to a user or organization
- Have each rate limit for an installation
- Open
- Generate a new token
- Create a secret as follows:
kubectl -n argocd-commenter-system create secret generic controller-manager \ --from-literal="GITHUB_TOKEN=$YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN"
- Create your GitHub App from either link:
- For a user:
- For an organization: (replace
with your organization)
- Get the App ID from the setting page
- Download a private key of the GitHub App
- Set a custom badge for the GitHub App
- Logo of Argo CD is available in CNCF Branding
- Install your GitHub App on your repository or organization
- Get the Installation ID from the URL, like
- Create a secret as follows:
kubectl -n argocd-commenter-system create secret generic controller-manager \ --from-literal="GITHUB_APP_ID=$YOUR_GITHUB_APP_ID" \ --from-literal="GITHUB_APP_INSTALLATION_ID=$YOUR_GITHUB_APP_INSTALLATION_ID" \ --from-file="GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY=/path/to/private-key.pem"
Make sure the controller is running.
kubectl -n argocd-commenter-system rollout status deployment argocd-commenter-controller-manager
Set the environment variable GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_URL
kubectl -n argocd-commenter-system create secret generic controller-manager \
This is an open source software. Feel free to contribute to it.