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Releases: intel/BDTK
Releases · intel/BDTK
Release Notes - BDTK - Version 0.9.0
- [Doc] One fix for developer doc
- [Code refactor] Remove CiderExecutionKernel from cider module
- [M2] [Integration] VeloxToSubstrait- support variadic function lookup
- Support partial avg check in Velox with old Cider data format
- Support complex data print in CiderBatch
- DISABLE_FAILED_UT option doesn't take affect
- [VP_Cider_Op_Fil_Proj_Integration] fix values node issue
- [VP_Cider_Op_Fil_Proj_Integration] Fix ciderbatch issue to allow mulit-rows results in filter/project cases
- [VP_Velox_plan_2_Substrait]Change the emit order of projectNode
- [Cider_Substrait_2_EU] Fix EU generator issue in filter case
- [ Cider_runtime_proj_fil_module]Fix CiderRuntimeModule bugs to get correct outBatch in filter case
- [ VP_Cider_data_format_convertor ] Fix bugs caused by changes from Velox, e.g., "cdvi::EMPTY_METADATA"
- Build fails with macro error in eu-mocker
- [VP_Cider_Op_Integration] Remove CiderPlan constructor with VeloxPlan as parameter
- [Bug] return wrong number of columns after processNextBatch
- Don't generate groupby skip mask code for project only case
- velox-plugin can't properly handle the representation of null in BDTK
- Set Column range bug for project case
- Set Column range bug for project case
- Different inner join behavior for JOIN ON clause and where clause
- Bug for query with multiple agg functions.
- [Velox2Substrait] fix convertor problems in project AS
- incorrect col index update
- Groupby result is empty when key is "CASE...WHEN.."
- CiderOperatorBenchmark change to use CiderVeloxPluginCtx transform plan
- Incorrect CiderOperator initialize
- Init folly in CiderOperatorTest
- Fix issues in String support
- Unsupport tinyint and smallint simple qual filter
- Mathematical Op divide zero and overflow
- Mathematical Op decimal constant support
- CiderBatch data lost after a turn around in simple method
- Fix the error about return value of partial avg
- Fix avg with null value
- Fix bug by TPC-H Q21
- fix bug 'Clone velox plannode:Not supported velox plannode type.'
- Not properly handled when fetchResults Return Empty CiderBatch
- Use join substrait plan converter instead of hardcode in cider op
- between...and... scalar function date type support
- enable some TPC-H queries
- verify_function_ir bugfix
- Incorrect non-encoding string conversion
- core dump when string op is used to filter
- fix bug of "not a scalar type! kind: ARRAY"
- fix bug in CiderAggHashTable::fillColsInfo, which group_target_offset_ calculation block not called
- incorrect filter result because of null varchar and len 0 varchar
- Fix bug of PlanPattern write race under multi-threading
- Fix bug of "Remove folly::split of function look up"
- Fix Old CiderBatch Memory Allocation for Group-By Result Fetching
- fix bug of construct col name in substrait to eu
- call loadedVector if DictionaryVector is a lazy vector
- Separate prototype code into different repos
- Substrait Plan Builder
- The convertor between velox and substrait
- RelAlgExecutionUnit generator based on substrait
- Data convertor
- Join - Velox plugin integration (including operator fusing)
- Modular_SQL test framework
- [Infrastructure] Support Join End 2 End in Cider (from presto_cpp to cider)
- [Infrastructure] Support Agg End 2 End in Cider (from presto_cpp to cider)
- [Infrastructure] Support filter/project End 2 End in Cider (from presto_cpp to cider)
- Function/type system support using Velox alpha release (TPC-H)
- [Functionality] Primary Data Type Support: integer,bigint,decimal,real,double,boolean
- [Functionality] Operation&Function Support: Logical Ops, Compare Ops etc.
- [Functionality] RelAlg Op Support: Filter, Project covering all TPC-H cases
- [Test] Testcase Development for MileStone1 Features
- [Infrastructure] Consolidate jit-engine branch with Cider
- [Customer] Integrate native functions provided by ADB into Codegen framework (e.g., expr eval)
- [Functionality] Primary Data Type Support:String,DataTime
- [Functionality] Operation&Function Support:Compare Op( between…and) etc.
- [Functionality] RelAlg Op Support:Agg with having etc.
- [ Upstream ] Velox-2-Substrait util to Velox repo
- [Infrastructure] Replace BDTK internal format representation with Velox format
- [ Infrastructure ] Implement an expr evaluation module
- [ Documentation ] Implement a API user doc
- Code Refacator
- [M2][Functionality][Expr-AggFunctions] Expr - Aggregate Functions
- [M2][Functionality][JoinOp] Join Ops
- [M2][Functionality][AggOp] Aggregate Ops
- [M2][Functionality][Expr-ScalarFunctions] Expr - Scalar Functions
- [M3] [Code Refactor][Placeholder] Product Improvement
- BDTK code gen module refactor design
- Arrow Data convertor impl of varchar/nested data type
- Port code from presto-java to presto-cpp
- BDTK Codegen deep dive
- Investigate agg in velox and BDTK
- CompileWorkUnit API impl
- Test Framework about Velox-Arrow-BDTK data type converter
- Parse the Presto query json log
- Presto performance projection per query w/ ops break down
- investigate/analyzing mapping info between velox Plan Node and substrait relations
- Support Q6 in Execution Unit generator
- Velox BDTK data transfer micro benchmark
- Integrate cider into velox UT
- Impl the IR converter between substrait and velox in SubstraitIRConverter.cpp
- abstract hash table from BDTK
- Investigate the velox-substrait plan node translation
- Support fallback in execution unit generator
- Data convertor(velox::RowVectorPtr -> BDTK )
- integration - Agg(blocking op) work flow
- CICD system setup
- Data Conversion Utils Implement for Velox and BDTK
- noisepage investigation
- Debug failing unit tests in velox and BDTK
- fix results of query/ data with Null value
- UT could pass but clean up stage have memory related issues.
- create getting started guidance for BDTK+velox
- create dockerfile for BDTK + velox
- rebase velox change to upstream latest
- presto tpch queries plan fragment pattern
- velox driver workflow
- Setup pre-commit check
- enable github actions for BDTK
- Seprate module into deifferent repo
- rebase the substrait code to align with upstream
- pre-commit check migration to github action for velox plugin
- check title and code style
- update substraitRel to meet our requirements
- Refine Cider module API
- check license header
- E2E workflow integration
- Design for substrait plan builder
- Support substrait FilterRel in RelAlgExecutionUnit generator passing "select l_suppkey, l_quantity from lineitem where l_orderkey > 10"
- fix bugs in pr-title-checker and license-header-checker
- Velox Plan Transformer: A Pattern Match - Rewriter Framework
- Code refactor in Substrait to Velox plan util seperate type, function,expr + operator convertors
- update dockerfile
- update velox URL for ci
- BDTK JOIN investigation
- Generate explanation document for the investigation result of Jacques’s code
- Arrow data convertor utils for timestamp support
- Detail design for velox BDTK hash join
- Rebase to substrait latest version and using index based
- Data convertor round trip string support Velox type to BDTK type (non-encoding)
- Group by prototype aggregation support (BDTK ResultSet provider, Velox hybrid operator integration)
- Complete TPC-H Q6 prototype to product (veloxPlugin->BDTK codegen API refactor and pass UTs )
- Test plan + execution plan + design for Modular_SQL (Presto Java + Presto_cpp + Velox_plugin + Velox)
- Generate a CiderOperator prototype with Hash Join with Velox Plan Node contains JoinNode validated by plan node mocking join bridge
- BDTK col_buffer internal layout investigation
- Data convertor code/API refactor with CiderBatch (new API adapter)
- BDTK Join API implements including code refactor to support build hash table with one use case
- Agg support in substrait2EU covering (agg + group by) without count distinct
- update submodule in ci
- Integration test with velox-substrait and substrait-eu: filter + project
- Special semantics support in substrait2EU (between/and, count(*))
- Upstream Velox-To-Substrait code to velox repo (filter+ project)
- Using Yaml File to do the Function Convertor in velox-substrait utils
- CI maintain
- Presto-cpp/velox-plugin/BDTK Integration TPC...