This plugin downloads/installs Node and NPM locally for your project, runs NPM install, Grunt and/or gulp and/or Karma. It's supposed to work on Windows, OS X and Linux.
- Let you keep your frontend and backend builds as separate as possible, by reducing the amount of interaction between them to the bare minimum; using only 1 plugin.
- Let you use Node.js and its libraries in your build process without installing Node/NPM globally for your build system
- Let you ensure that the version of Node and NPM being run is the same in every build environment
- Not meant to replace the developer version of Node - frontend developers will still install Node on their laptops, but backend developers can run a clean build without even installing Node on their computer.
- Not meant to install Node for production uses. The Node usage is intended as part of a frontend build, running common javascript tasks such as minification, obfuscation, compression, packaging, testing etc.
Include the plugin as a dependency in your Maven project.
Have a look at the example project, to see how it should be set up!
The default The working directory is where you've put package.json
, and either Gruntfile.js
or gulpfile.js
etc. The default working directory is your project's base directory (the same directory as your pom.xml
). You can change the working directory if you want:
<!-- optional -->
The versions of Node and npm are downloaded from, extracted and put into a node
folder created in your working directory. (Remember to gitignore the node
folder, unless you actually want to commit it)
Node/npm will only be "installed" locally to your project. It will not be installed globally on the whole system (and it will not interfere with any Node/npm installations already present.)
<!-- optional: you don't really need execution ids,
but it looks nice in your build log. -->
<id>install node and npm</id>
<!-- optional: default phase is "generate-resources" -->
<!-- optional: where to download node and npm from. Defaults to -->
Proxy settings: If you need to download Node/npm through a proxy: configure your Maven proxy settings in ~/.m2/settings.xml. This plugin will use the same proxy settings as Maven.
All npm modules will be installed in the node_modules
folder in your working directory.
By default, no colors will be shown in the log.
<id>npm install</id>
<!-- optional: default phase is "generate-resources" -->
<!-- optional: The default argument is actually
"install", so unless you need to run some other npm command,
you can remove this whole <configuration> section.
It will run Grunt according to the Gruntfile.js
in your working directory.
By default, no colors will be shown in the log.
<id>grunt build</id>
<!-- optional: the default phase is "generate-resources" -->
<!-- optional: if not specified, it will run Grunt's default
task (and you can remove this whole <configuration> section.) -->
Very similar to the Grunt execution. It will run gulp according to the gulpfile.js
in your working directory.
By default, no colors will be shown in the log.
<id>gulp build</id>
<!-- optional: the default phase is "generate-resources" -->
<!-- optional: if not specified, it will run gulp's default
task (and you can remove this whole <configuration> section.) -->
<id>javascript tests</id>
<!-- optional: the default plase is "test". Some developers
choose to run karma in the "integration-test" phase. -->
<!-- optional: the default is "karma.conf.js" in your working directory -->
Skipping tests: If you run maven with the -DskipTests
flag, karma tests will be skipped.
Why When using Karma, you should have two separate
configurations: karma.conf.js
. (The second one should inherit configuration
from the first one, and override some options. The example project shows you how to set it up.)
The idea is that you use karma.conf.js
while developing (using watch/livereload etc.), and
when building - for example, when building, it should only run karma once,
it should generate xml reports, it should run only in PhantomJS, and/or it should generate
code coverage reports.
Running Karma through Grunt or gulp: You may choose to run Karma directly through Grunt or through gulp instead,
as part of the grunt
or gulp
execution. That will help to separate your frontend and backend builds even more.
During development, it's convenient to have the "npm", "grunt", "gulp" and "karma" commands available on the command line. If you want that, use those helper scripts!
mvn clean install
Please post any issues on the Github's Issue tracker. Pull requests are welcome!
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