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This is a lite version of HBBA.

For ROS1, please see the ros1 branch.

The main differences are :

  • Desires cannot have dependencies;
  • All Motivations modules are inside the same ROS node;
  • The filters can be integrated in ROS nodes;
  • Two kinds of filters exist: on/off and throttling;
  • It use Gecode instead of OR-Tools for the solver.


These dependencies need to be installed, in addition to ROS:

sudo apt install -y libgecode-dev


The following diagram illustrates how HBBA Lite works.

HBBA Lite Diagram


A hybrid robot architecture means that perceptual nodes can communicate with the behavior nodes and the planning modules.



In order to disable a node, a HBBA filter blocks all messages. Also, a filter can reduce CPU usage by letting pass 1 message out of N. An on-off filter lets pass all messages or blocks all messages. A throttling filter lets pass 1 message out of N or blocks all messages.

Perceptual Nodes

The perceptual nodes process sensor data to extract useful information from it. Generally, the subscriber has an on-off filter for audio data or a throttling filter for image data.

Behavior Nodes

The behavior nodes publish messages to perform actions. For example, a behavior node can move the robot in order to follow a person. Generally, the action message publisher has an on-off filter to disable the behavior.


A resource represents something limited in the robot. For example, a resource can be declared for each actuator to prevent multiple behavior nodes to use the same actuator. Also, a resource can be declared to represent the available processing time in percent.


A desire represents something to be fulffilled by the robot. A desire has an intensity value that representes the level of priority of the desire. Desires with the highest intensity are priotized. Also, it may have parameters used by the strategy.


A strategy represents a way to fulfill a desire. The strategy will accomplish the desire once the strategy is activated. At least one strategy is required for each desire type. If there are many strategies for a desire type, the strategy with the highest utility is prioritized. A strategy has a list of filters to enable and a list of resources required to be enabled. The resources can be used to prevent conflicts of actuators between strategies. If resources are used to manage the processing time in percent, the strategy resources can contain the estimated processing time in percent. So, HBBA will manage the processing time of the robot.

Desire Set

The desire set contains the current desires to fulfill. An observer pattern is implemented in the desire set to get notified of changes.


The motivations modify the content of the desire set to make the robot do something useful. Generally, the motivations subscribe to perceptual nodes in order to add or remove desires with respect to the robot surrounding.


Once the solver gets the content of the desire set, it will find the best desires to fulfill with the best strategies.

The solver steps are:

  1. For each type of desire in the set, find the most intense desire.
  2. Find the desire-strategy combinations that maximize the sum of intensity-utility products that respect the resource constraints.

Creating Motivation Modules

See the demos for the T-Top robot.

Creating Desires

The following example shows how to declare a simple desire that does not have any parameter.

class Camera3dRecordingDesire : public Desire
    explicit Camera3dRecordingDesire(uint16_t intensity = 1) : Desire(intensity) {}

    ~Camera3dRecordingDesire() override = default;

    // The following macro overrides the required methods to declare a Desire.

    // The macro is expanded to :
    // std::unique_ptr<Desire> clone() override { return std::make_unique<Camera3dRecordingDesire>(*this); }                            \
    // DesireType type() override { return DesireType::get<Camera3dRecordingDesire>(); }

The following example shows how to declare a desire that contains a parameter.

class TalkDesire : public Desire
    // Declare the desire parameters here.
    std::string m_text;

    // Add the desire parameters as arguments of the constructor.
    explicit TalkDesire::TalkDesire(string text, uint16_t intensity = 1) : Desire(intensity), m_text(move(text)) {}
    ~TalkDesire() override = default;

    // The following macro overrides the required methods to declare a Desire.

    // Add the getters of the desire parameters here.
    const std::string& text() const { return m_text; }

Creating Strategies

Strategies that only change the state of filters do not require creating a subclass of the strategy class. The following example shows how to create the strategy for the Camera3dRecordingDesire previously defined.

// The template argument of the class declares the desire type associated with the strategy.
auto strategy = make_unique<Strategy<Camera3dRecordingDesire>>(
        utility, // The utility of the strategy
        unordered_map<string, uint16_t>{}, // Declare the resources used by the strategy
        unordered_map<string, FilterConfiguration>{
            {"video_recorder_camera_3d/filter_state", FilterConfiguration::onOff()}}, // Declare the filters to enable and their type.
        move(filterPool)); // The instance of the class to change the filter state.

Generally, the previous code is put inside a function to simplify its use in other projects. The association between the desire and the strategy is done with the template argument of the Strategy class.

The following example shows how to create a subclass in order to publish a message when the strategy is enabled. Also, the strategy removes the desire of the set once the desire is completed.

// The template argument of the Strategy class declares the desire type associated with the strategy.
class TalkStrategy : public Strategy<TalkDesire>
    std::shared_ptr<DesireSet> m_desireSet;
    std::shared_ptr<rclcpp::Node> m_node;
    rclcpp::Publisher<behavior_msgs::msg::Text>::SharedPtr m_talkPublisher;
    rclcpp::Subscription<behavior_msgs::msg::Done>::SharedPtr m_talkDoneSubscriber;

        uint16_t utility,
        std::shared_ptr<FilterPool> filterPool,
        std::shared_ptr<DesireSet> desireSet,
        std::shared_ptr<rclcpp::Node> node)
        : Strategy<TalkDesire>(
              {{"sound", 1}},
              {{"talk/filter_state", FilterConfiguration::onOff()}},
        m_talkPublisher = node->create_publisher<behavior_msgs::msg::Text>(
        m_talkDoneSubscriber = node->create_subscription<behavior_msgs::msg::Done>(
            [this](const behavior_msgs::msg::Done::SharedPtr msg) { talkDoneSubscriberCallback(msg); });


    StrategyType strategyType() override
        return StrategyType::get<TalkStrategy>();

    void onEnabling(const TalkDesire& desire) override
        behavior_msgs::msg::Text msg;
        msg.text = desire.text(); =;

    void talkDoneSubscriberCallback(const behavior_msgs::msg::Done::SharedPtr msg)
        if (msg->id == desireId())

Using the Desire Set

The following subsections show how to use the desire set. The DesireSet class is thread-safe, so it can be called by any thread. Once a change has been made to the desire set, the solver will be run to update the filter states. To prevent this behavior, a transaction can be created, so the solver will be run when the transaction is destroyed.

Add a Desire

auto desire = make_unique<TalkDesire>("The text to say"); // Create the desire.
desireSet->addDesire(std::move(desire)); // Add the desire to the set.

If you don't need to have access to the desire instance, there is a simplified syntax.

auto id = desireSet->addDesire<TalkDesire>("The text to say"); // Create the desire, add the desire to the set and return the id.

Remove a Desire

desireSet->remove(id); // Remove the desire that has the provided id.

Remove All Desires

desireSet->clear(); // Remove all desires

Remove All Desires of a Specific Type

desireSet->removeAllDesiresOfType(DesireType::get<TalkDesire>()); // Remove all TalkDesire instances.

A simplied syntax exists.

desireSet->removeAllDesiresOfType<TalkDesire>(); // Remove all TalkDesire instances.

Check Whether the Set Contains a Desire

desireSet->contains(id); // Return a boolean indicating whether the set contains a desire that has the provided id.

Check Whether the Set Contains a Desire of a Specific Type

// Return a boolean indicating whether the set contains a desire of type TalkDesire.

A simplied syntax exists.

// Return a boolean indicating whether the set contains a desire of type TalkDesire.

How to Create a Transaction

The following example shows how to use transactions.

    auto transaction = desireSet->beginTransaction();

    // Change the desire set here.
// When the transaction is destroyed, the changes will be applied.

How to Use the Observer Pattern

The following example shows how to create and add an observer to the desire set.

#include <hbba_lite/core/DesireSet.h>
#include <iostream>

class LogDesireSetObserver : public DesireSetObserver
    void onDesireSetChanged(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Desire>>& desires) override
        for (auto& desire : desires)
            std::cout << desire->type().name() << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    LogDesireSetObserver observer;
    auto desireSet = make_shared<DesireSet>(); // Create the desire set.

    // All changes to the desire will be logged to the terminal.
    return 0;

Initializing HBBA Lite

The following examples show how to initialize the HBBA Lite.

Normal Usage

constexpr bool WAIT_FOR_SERVICE = true;

auto desireSet = make_shared<DesireSet>(); // Create the desire set.
// Create the filter pool useful to change the filter states.
// If WAIT_FOR_SERVICE is true, the pool will wait until the service become available.
auto filterPool = make_shared<RosFilterPool>(nodeHandle, WAIT_FOR_SERVICE);

vector<unique_ptr<BaseStrategy>> strategies;
// Add the strategies related to the application into the vector.

auto solver = make_unique<GecodeSolver>(); // Create the solver.
HbbaLite hbba(desireSet,
    {{"sound", 1}}, // The resource available on the robot.
    move(solver)); // The constructor starts a thread for the solver.

// Add desires to the set.

Strategy State Logger Usage

To log the strategy state changed of the strategy, you can use the RosLogStrategyStateLogger class.

constexpr bool WAIT_FOR_SERVICE = true;

auto desireSet = make_shared<DesireSet>(); // Create the desire set.
// Create the filter pool useful to change the filter states.
// If WAIT_FOR_SERVICE is true, the pool will wait until the service become available.
auto filterPool = make_shared<RosFilterPool>(nodeHandle, WAIT_FOR_SERVICE);

vector<unique_ptr<BaseStrategy>> strategies;
// Add the strategies related to the application into the vector.

auto solver = make_unique<GecodeSolver>(); // Create the solver.
HbbaLite hbba(desireSet,
    {{"sound", 1}}, // The resource available on the robot.
    move(solver), // The constructor starts a thread for the solver.

// Add desires to the set.

Filter State Logger Usage

To log the filter state changed of the strategy, you can use the RosLogFilterPoolDecorator class.

constexpr bool WAIT_FOR_SERVICE = true;

auto desireSet = make_shared<DesireSet>(); // Create the desire set.
// Create the filter pool useful to change the filter states.
// If WAIT_FOR_SERVICE is true, the pool will wait until the service become available.
auto rosFilterPool = make_unique<RosFilterPool>(nodeHandle, WAIT_FOR_SERVICE);
auto filterPool = make_shared<RosLogFilterPoolDecorator>(move(rosFilterPool));

vector<unique_ptr<BaseStrategy>> strategies;
// Add the strategies related to the application into the vector.

auto solver = make_unique<GecodeSolver>(); // Create the solver.
HbbaLite hbba(desireSet,
    {{"sound", 1}}, // The resource available on the robot.
    move(solver)); // The constructor starts a thread for the solver.

// Add desires to the set.

Adding a Filter to C++ Nodes


#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/Int8.h>

#include <hbba_lite/filters/Subscribers.h>

void callback(const std_msgs::msg::Int8::ConstPtr& msg)
    ROS_INFO("Data received : %i", static_cast<int>(msg->data));

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
    auto node = rclcpp::Node::make_shared("node_name");

    // Replace this
    auto sub = node->create_subscription<std_msgs::msg::Int8>("int_topic", 10, callback);

    // with this to add an on/off filter
    OnOffHbbaSubscriber<std_msgs::msg::Int8> sub(node, "int_topic", 10, &callback);

    // with this to add a throttling filter
    ThrottlingHbbaSubscriber<std_msgs::msg::Int8> sub(node, "int_topic", 10, &callback);

    return 0;


#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

#include <hbba_lite/filters/Publishers.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
    auto node = rclcpp::Node::make_shared("node_name");

    // Replace this
    auto pub = node->create_publisher<std_msgs::msg::Int8>("int_topic", 10);

    // with this to add an on/off filter
    OnOffHbbaPublisher<std_msgs::msg::Int8> pub(node, "int_topic", 10);

    // with this to add a throttling filter
    ThrottlingHbbaPublisher<std_msgs::msg::Int8> pub(node, "int_topic", 10);

    return 0;

Adding a Filter to Python Nodes


import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import Int8
import hbba_lite

def callback(data):
    rospy.loginfo('Data received : {}'.format(

def main():

    # Replace this
    sub = rospy.Subscriber("int_topic", Int8, callback)

    # with this to add an on/off filter
    sub = hbba_lite.OnOffHbbaSubscriber('int_topic', Int8, callback)

    # with this to add a throttling filter
    sub = hbba_lite.ThrottlingHbbaSubscriber('int_topic', Int8, callback)


if __name__ == '__main__':


import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import Int8
import hbba_lite

def main():

    # Replace this
    pub = rospy.Publisher('int_topic', Int8, queue_size=10)

    # with this to add an on/off filter
    pub = hbba_lite.OnOffHbbaPublisher('int_topic', Int8, queue_size=10)

    # with this to add a throttling filter
    pub = hbba_lite.ThrottlingHbbaPublisher('int_topic', Int8, queue_size=10)

if __name__ == '__main__':



This node applies priority arbitration to topics.


  • topics (string): The topic names.
  • priorities (int): The priority for each topic (int, lower means higher priority).
  • timeout_s (double): The timeout in seconds for each topic.

Published Topics

  • out (Any): The output topic.


This node applies an on/off filter on a topic.


  • input_topic (string): The input topic name.
  • output_topic (string): The filtered topic name.
  • state_service (string): The service name to change the filter state.


  • Defined by the parameter input_topic (Any): The input topic.
  • Defined by the parameter output_topic (Any): The filtered topic.



This node applies a throttling filter on a topic.


  • input_topic (string): The input topic name.
  • output_topic (string): The filtered topic name.
  • state_service (string): The service name to change the filter state.


  • Defined by the parameter input_topic (Any): The input topic.
  • Defined by the parameter output_topic (Any): The filtered topic.



Hybrid Behavior Based Architecture Lite Library







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