React JSON Viewer Component, Extracted from redux-devtools. Supports iterable objects, such as Immutable.js.
import JSONTree from 'react-json-tree'
// If you're using Immutable.js: `npm i --save immutable`
import { Map } from 'immutable'
// Inside a React component:
const json = {
array: [1, 2, 3],
bool: true,
object: {
foo: 'bar'
immutable: Map({ key: 'value' })
<JSONTree data={ json } />
Check out examples directory for more details.
You can pass a theme
prop containing base16 theme data to change the theme. The example theme data can be found here.
(The theme data is also used by redux-devtools, and extracting it to a separate npm package is a TODO).
const theme = {
scheme: 'monokai',
author: 'wimer hazenberg (',
base00: '#272822',
base01: '#383830',
base02: '#49483e',
base03: '#75715e',
base04: '#a59f85',
base05: '#f8f8f2',
base06: '#f5f4f1',
base07: '#f9f8f5',
base08: '#f92672',
base09: '#fd971f',
base0A: '#f4bf75',
base0B: '#a6e22e',
base0C: '#a1efe4',
base0D: '#66d9ef',
base0E: '#ae81ff',
base0F: '#cc6633'
<div style={{ backgroundColor: theme.base00 }}>
<JSONTree data={ data } theme={ theme } />
- All credits to Dave Vedder ([email protected]), who wrote the original code as JSONViewer.
- Extracted from redux-devtools, which contained ES6 + inline style port of JSONViewer by Daniele Zannotti ([email protected])
- Iterable support thanks to Daniel K.
- npm package created by Shu Uesugi ([email protected]) per this issue.