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IPFS pinning consortium
gipc [flags]
gipc [command]
Available Commands:
add Add hash to IPFS
db-dump Dumps the database
db-init Initializes the database
help Help about any command
init Initialize ipfsc
ls Info of local ens
rm Remove hash to IPFS
sync-loop Looping sync forever
sync-once Sync one shot
--config string config file
-h, --help help for gipc
--verbose string verbose level (default "INFO")
Use "gipc [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Pre-alpha stuff for now
- Install golang, see https://golang.org/
- Install goic with the following command
go get github.com/ipfsconsortium/go-ipfsc
- binary should be installed in
- binary should be installed in
account: <account to use, e.g: 0xda4224ea7910d9c56d2f947d63088a556437da41>
path: <path to the keystore, eg: /Users/hello/Library/Ethereum/keystore>
passwd: <password of the keystore, eg : 1111 >
network: <network to use, 1 for maninnet>
local: <your ENS domain>
- <ENS domain containing IPFS manifest 1>
- <ENS domain containing IPFS manifest 2>
- ...
path: <where do you want to have the local database, e.g. /tmp/goicdb>
apiurl: <the URL of the IPFS api, eg: http://localhost:5001>
timeout: <time of IPFS connection timeout, e.g. 60s>
<networkid, 1 for mainnet>: //
maxgasprice: <max gas price to pay, e.g. 4000000000=4GWei>
rpcurl : <URL of WEB3 HTTP API>
ensroot : <where ENS root is located, 0x314159265dd8dbb310642f98f50c066173c1259b for mainnet>
port: <port for the api web service, like 8991>
Note: to create a keystore you can use geth account new
gipc db-init
gipc init
gipc add <ipfs hash>
orgipc add <file path>
gipc rm <ipfs hash>
gipc rm <ipfs hash>
gipc sync-loop
(sync continuosuly)gipc sync-once
(sync one time)
- go to