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IPLD Resolver patch API #66

daviddias opened this issue Nov 1, 2016 · 3 comments

IPLD Resolver patch API #66

daviddias opened this issue Nov 1, 2016 · 3 comments
api-review exp/expert Having worked on the specific codebase is important P4 Very low priority status/ready Ready to be worked


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We've discussed a patch API, but we haven't settled on how it gets implemented and/or if it gets implemented at this level of IPLD.

tl'dr the patch API would enable the set of values withing an IPLD path, bubbling up the changes and returning the new root CID, very much like object patch API, but for any IPLD Format, which means that interface-ipld-format would have to have a local scope patch function too, and that knows how to traverse objects.


  • These can be very expensive operations, the longer the path the more nodes it touch (more network round trips, more disk accesses), we need to account, just like MFS, options for : flush/no flush
  • It might be or not important to have at this level, an API to commit/revert (very much like what @wanderer built for Ethereum with
  • Note that this API is inevitable to exist, it is just a question if we can make something that serves all the potential use cases, or if it gets built application by application (just like MFS has its own)
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wanderer commented Nov 1, 2016

It might be or not important to have at this level, an API to commit/revert

I'm planning on replacing the merkle-tree with this merkle-trie (module naming help anyone?). In the new merkle-trie there is simpler interface. All the commit/revert is replaced by a cache that can be copied instead of checkpointed. The copies don't effect each other so you can use them instead of checkpoints. Then you flush the cache to the store when you are the finished state.

These can be very expensive operations, the longer the path the more nodes it touch (more network

yep! the way im handling this now by creating a tree of operations to apply to the store. It is implemented here The bacth method works as follows.

  1. First it looks up the root vertex in ops tree
  2. it recursively looks up all the changed sub-vertices of the root node in the ops trie
  3. once a leaf op vertices is reached the operation is applied to the real vertex and hashed
  4. once all the sub-vertices return hashes then hash the current vertices and so on

There end result is a tree of promises that resolves when all the work is done. I think its kinda nice, and i would be willing to port to the resolver directly if desired.

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@diasdavid i'm becoming more convinced we cant have a generalized API for this. It might be possible within a single encoding style (like, just for cbor ipld, or just for protobuf dags), but doing things generically for all types is gonna be really hard. We will have to implement the logic separately for each type (extending the interfaces), and even then it becomes hard to actually make things work exactly the way you want to, like does /a/1/c refer to 'c' inside a map that is '1' inside a map that is 'a' in some object? or is the '1' an array index? Theres a bunch of weird edges cases...

@whyrusleeping whyrusleeping removed their assignment Dec 12, 2016
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jbenet commented Dec 12, 2016

@whyrusleeping it depends entirely on the underlying data model. just like there's tree and resolve you can make put/patch. Some will be well-defined. some will not.

# this makes sense
dag patch $cborobj/foo {}
dag patch $cborobj/foo/bar []
dag patch $cborobj/foo/bar/0 a
dag patch $cborobj/foo/bar/1 b
dag patch $cborobj/foo/bar/2 c
dag get $cborobj/foo/bar
# ["a", "b", "c"]

# this is ambiguous in cbor (map or array?) so fine to error from the codec
dag patch $cborobj/foo {}
dag patch $cborobj/foo/bar/0 a
# error: foo/bar is undefined (is bar a map or an array?)

This is what happens in general programming languages, and is already addressed generically for many formats. Extending to IPLD is actually easier, because most data structures are constrained (so can do even less).

@kumavis kumavis mentioned this issue Dec 12, 2016
6 tasks
@daviddias daviddias added exp/expert Having worked on the specific codebase is important and removed js-ipfs-ready labels Jan 29, 2017
@daviddias daviddias added status/deferred Conscious decision to pause or backlog and removed status/ready Ready to be worked labels Jun 21, 2017
@daviddias daviddias added status/ready Ready to be worked P3 Low: Not priority right now and removed status/deferred Conscious decision to pause or backlog labels Oct 17, 2017
@daviddias daviddias added status/deferred Conscious decision to pause or backlog and removed status/ready Ready to be worked labels Mar 21, 2018
@daviddias daviddias added status/ready Ready to be worked and removed status/deferred Conscious decision to pause or backlog labels Jun 4, 2018
@vmx vmx added P4 Very low priority and removed P3 Low: Not priority right now labels Nov 14, 2018
@vmx vmx added the api-review label Nov 21, 2018
vmx added a commit that referenced this issue Nov 22, 2018
The whole IPLD APIs get a review to make them more consistent and
easier to use.

Changes to compared to the current spec:

 - No more callbacks, everything is Promises.
 - `get()`:
   - Is renamed to `resolve()` to indicate that it also takes a mandatory
     path argument.
   - Doesn’t have a `cid` in the return value anymore. That use case is
     covered by returning all objects that were traversed. Their `value`
     will always be the CID of the next one to traverse. So if you want
     to know the CID of the current IPLD Node, just look at the `value`
     of the previously returned IPLD Node.
   - Doesn’t return a single value, but an iterator.
   - `localResolve` option is removed. If you want to resolve a single IPLD
      Node only, just stop the iterator after the first item.
 - `getStream()` is removed without replacement. Use `resolve()` which uses
    async iterators instead.
 - `getMany()` is renamed to `get()`:
   - takes an iterable of CIDs as parameter.
 - `put()`:
   - takes an iterable of CIDs as parameter.
   - Doesn’t take `cid` as an option anymore. The CID is always calculated
   - The options don’t take the `format` (which is a string), but the `codec`
     (which is a `multicodec`) (#175).
   - the `version` option always defaults to `1`.
 - `.treeStream()` is removed without replacement (the only current user seems
   to be the IPFS DAG API tree command and the ipld-explorer-cli). IPLD Nodes
   are just normal JavaScript objects, so you can call `Object.keys()`
   recursively on a IPLD Node to get all its resolvable paths. If you want to
   follow all the CIDs, write the tree traversal yourself. This could perhaps
   be an example bundled with js-ipld.
 - `remove()`:
   - takes an iterable of CIDs as parameter.
 - `.support.add()` is renamed to `.addFormat()`.
 - `.support.rm()` is renamed to `.removeFormat()`.

Almost all open issues in regards to the IPLD API got adressed. One bigger
thing is the Patch API, which also isn’t part of the current specification.
Here’s an overview of the issues:

 - #66
   - [ ] IPLD Resolver `patch` API: There is no patch API yet
 - #70
   - [x] lazu value lookups: Can be done as IPLD Formats is pure JavaScript
   - [x] get external / local paths only: @vmx doesn’t know what this is,
         considers it a “won’t fix”
   - [x] toJSON + fromJSON - roundtrip: A roundtrip is not a goal anymore
         => won’t fix
   - [ ] put + patch api #66: Patch API is still missing
   - [x] text summary: @vmx doesn’t see a strong use case for this => “won’t fix”
   - [x] globbing: Out of scope for js-ipld
 - #175
   - [x] Deprecate passing a CID to `ipld.put`?: Current spec doesn’t allow
         `put()` with a CID
 - #182
   - [x] API Review: Links to many other issues, I list the individual issues
 - #183
   - [x] getting the merkle proof with resolver.resolve: `resolve()` returns
         all CIDs along the traversed path
 - #184
   - [ ] Pass down the `options` object to resolver.resolve(): This needs a
         custom resolver. @vmx isn’t sure if the js-ipld API should make this
         possible, or of it should just be easy enough to create your own
   - [x] The `dag` API - One API to manipulate all the IPLD Format objects:
         Interesting discussion, but not relevant anymore.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
   - [x] dag api: add {ls, tree}: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld anymore as
         the IPLD Nodes are just JavaScript objects which you can easily traverse
         if you like. Though `tree()`-like functionality might be added as an
         example or separate module.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
   - [x] `dag get --localResolve` vs `dag resolve`: This is solved by the new
         `resolve()` API
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
   - [x] add `level` option to ipfs.dag.tree: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld
         anymore. It should be considered if `tree()` is implemented (probably
         as an example or separate module)

Closes #182.
@vmx vmx mentioned this issue Nov 22, 2018
15 tasks
vmx added a commit that referenced this issue Nov 26, 2018
The whole IPLD APIs get a review to make them more consistent and
easier to use.

Changes to compared to the current spec:

 - No more callbacks, everything is Promises.
 - `get()`:
   - Is renamed to `resolve()` to indicate that it also takes a mandatory
     path argument.
   - Doesn’t have a `cid` in the return value anymore. That use case is
     covered by returning all objects that were traversed. Their `value`
     will always be the CID of the next one to traverse. So if you want
     to know the CID of the current IPLD Node, just look at the `value`
     of the previously returned IPLD Node.
   - Doesn’t return a single value, but an iterator.
   - `localResolve` option is removed. If you want to resolve a single IPLD
      Node only, just stop the iterator after the first item.
 - `getStream()` is removed without replacement. Use `resolve()` which uses
    async iterators instead.
 - `getMany()` is renamed to `get()`:
   - takes an iterable of CIDs as parameter.
 - `put()`:
   - takes an iterable of CIDs as parameter.
   - Doesn’t take `cid` as an option anymore. The CID is always calculated
   - The options don’t take the `format` (which is a string), but the `codec`
     (which is a `multicodec`) (#175).
   - the `version` option always defaults to `1`.
 - `.treeStream()` is removed without replacement (the only current user seems
   to be the IPFS DAG API tree command and the ipld-explorer-cli). IPLD Nodes
   are just normal JavaScript objects, so you can call `Object.keys()`
   recursively on a IPLD Node to get all its resolvable paths. If you want to
   follow all the CIDs, write the tree traversal yourself. This could perhaps
   be an example bundled with js-ipld.
 - `remove()`:
   - takes an iterable of CIDs as parameter.
 - `.support.add()` is renamed to `.addFormat()`.
 - `.support.rm()` is renamed to `.removeFormat()`.

Almost all open issues in regards to the IPLD API got adressed. One bigger
thing is the Patch API, which also isn’t part of the current specification.
Here’s an overview of the issues:

 - #66
   - [ ] IPLD Resolver `patch` API: There is no patch API yet
 - #70
   - [x] lazu value lookups: Can be done as IPLD Formats is pure JavaScript
   - [x] get external / local paths only: @vmx doesn’t know what this is,
         considers it a “won’t fix”
   - [x] toJSON + fromJSON - roundtrip: A roundtrip is not a goal anymore
         => won’t fix
   - [ ] put + patch api #66: Patch API is still missing
   - [x] text summary: @vmx doesn’t see a strong use case for this => “won’t fix”
   - [x] globbing: Out of scope for js-ipld
 - #175
   - [x] Deprecate passing a CID to `ipld.put`?: Current spec doesn’t allow
         `put()` with a CID
 - #182
   - [x] API Review: Links to many other issues, I list the individual issues
 - #183
   - [x] getting the merkle proof with resolver.resolve: `resolve()` returns
         all CIDs along the traversed path
 - #184
   - [ ] Pass down the `options` object to resolver.resolve(): This needs a
         custom resolver. @vmx isn’t sure if the js-ipld API should make this
         possible, or of it should just be easy enough to create your own
   - [x] The `dag` API - One API to manipulate all the IPLD Format objects:
         Interesting discussion, but not relevant anymore.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
   - [x] dag api: add {ls, tree}: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld anymore as
         the IPLD Nodes are just JavaScript objects which you can easily traverse
         if you like. Though `tree()`-like functionality might be added as an
         example or separate module.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
   - [x] `dag get --localResolve` vs `dag resolve`: This is solved by the new
         `resolve()` API
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
   - [x] add `level` option to ipfs.dag.tree: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld
         anymore. It should be considered if `tree()` is implemented (probably
         as an example or separate module)

Closes #182.
vmx added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 7, 2019
The whole IPLD APIs get a review to make them more consistent and
easier to use.

Changes to compared to the current spec:

 - No more callbacks, everything is Promises.
 - `get()`:
   - Is renamed to `resolve()` to indicate that it also takes a mandatory
     path argument.
   - Doesn’t have a `cid` in the return value anymore. That use case is
     covered by returning all objects that were traversed. Their `value`
     will always be the CID of the next one to traverse. So if you want
     to know the CID of the current IPLD Node, just look at the `value`
     of the previously returned IPLD Node.
   - Doesn’t return a single value, but an iterator.
   - `localResolve` option is removed. If you want to resolve a single IPLD
      Node only, just stop the iterator after the first item.
 - `getStream()` is removed without replacement. Use `resolve()` which uses
    async iterators instead.
 - `getMany()` is renamed to `get()`:
   - takes an iterable of CIDs as parameter.
 - `put()`:
   - takes an iterable of CIDs as parameter.
   - Doesn’t take `cid` as an option anymore. The CID is always calculated
   - The options don’t take the `format` (which is a string), but the `codec`
     (which is a `multicodec`) (#175).
   - the `cidVersion` option always defaults to `1`.
 - `.treeStream()` is renamed to `.tree()` and returns an async iterator.
 - `remove()`:
   - takes an iterable of CIDs as parameter.
 - `.support.add()` is renamed to `.addFormat()`.
 - `.support.rm()` is renamed to `.removeFormat()`.
 - `options.loadFormat()` is no longer callback based but is using an async

Almost all open issues in regards to the IPLD API got adressed. One bigger
thing is the Patch API, which also isn’t part of the current specification.
Here’s an overview of the issues:

 - #66
   - [ ] IPLD Resolver `patch` API: There is no patch API yet
 - #70
   - [x] lazy value lookups: Can be done as IPLD Formats is pure JavaScript
   - [x] get external / local paths only: @vmx doesn’t know what this is,
         considers it a “won’t fix”
   - [x] toJSON + fromJSON - roundtrip: A roundtrip is not a goal anymore
         => won’t fix
   - [ ] put + patch api #66: Patch API is still missing
   - [x] text summary: @vmx doesn’t see a strong use case for this => “won’t fix”
   - [x] globbing: Out of scope for js-ipld
 - #175
   - [x] Deprecate passing a CID to `ipld.put`?: Current spec doesn’t allow
         `put()` with a CID
 - #182
   - [x] API Review: Links to many other issues, I list the individual issues
 - #183
   - [x] getting the merkle proof with resolver.resolve: `resolve()` returns
         all CIDs along the traversed path
 - #184
   - [ ] Pass down the `options` object to resolver.resolve(): This needs a
         custom resolver. @vmx isn’t sure if the js-ipld API should make this
         possible, or of it should just be easy enough to create your own
   - [x] The `dag` API - One API to manipulate all the IPLD Format objects:
         Interesting discussion, but not relevant anymore.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
   - [x] dag api: add {ls, tree}: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld anymore as
         the IPLD Nodes are just JavaScript objects which you can easily traverse
         if you like. Though `tree()`-like functionality might be added as an
         example or separate module.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
   - [x] `dag get --localResolve` vs `dag resolve`: This is solved by the new
         `resolve()` API
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
   - [x] add `level` option to ipfs.dag.tree: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld
         anymore. It should be considered if `tree()` is implemented (probably
         as an example or separate module)

Closes #70, #175, #182, #183
Closes ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
Closes ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
Closed ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
@vmx vmx mentioned this issue Feb 7, 2019
15 tasks
warpfork added a commit to ipld/go-ipld-prime that referenced this issue Feb 12, 2019
I think this is as much as I can write about this for now.

Regarding that last bit about not having total migration magic:
I'd certainly be neato to offer more auto-migration tools, based on
perhaps a "patch"ing approach as outlined in
ipld/js-ipld#66 (comment) ,
or on generalized recursion schemes, or a combination.
However... that's a tad downstream of the present ;)

Signed-off-by: Eric Myhre <[email protected]>
vmx added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 21, 2019
The whole IPLD APIs get a review to make them more consistent and
easier to use.

Changes to compared to the current spec:

 - No more callbacks, everything is Promises.
 - `get()`:
   - Is renamed to `resolve()` to indicate that it also takes a mandatory
     path argument.
   - Doesn’t have a `cid` in the return value anymore. That use case is
     covered by returning all objects that were traversed. Their `value`
     will always be the CID of the next one to traverse. So if you want
     to know the CID of the current IPLD Node, just look at the `value`
     of the previously returned IPLD Node.
   - Doesn’t return a single value, but an iterator.
   - `localResolve` option is removed. If you want to resolve a single IPLD
      Node only, just stop the iterator after the first item.
 - `getStream()` is removed without replacement. Use `resolve()` which uses
    async iterators instead.
 - `getMany()` is renamed to `get()`:
   - takes an iterable of CIDs as parameter.
 - `put()`:
   - takes an iterable of CIDs as parameter.
   - Doesn’t take `cid` as an option anymore. The CID is always calculated
   - The options don’t take the `format` (which is a string), but the `codec`
     (which is a `multicodec`) (#175).
   - the `cidVersion` option always defaults to `1`.
 - `.treeStream()` is renamed to `.tree()` and returns an async iterator.
 - `remove()`:
   - takes an iterable of CIDs as parameter.
 - `.support.add()` is renamed to `.addFormat()`.
 - `.support.rm()` is renamed to `.removeFormat()`.
 - `options.loadFormat()` is no longer callback based but is using an async

Almost all open issues in regards to the IPLD API got adressed. One bigger
thing is the Patch API, which also isn’t part of the current specification.
Here’s an overview of the issues:

 - #66
   - [ ] IPLD Resolver `patch` API: There is no patch API yet
 - #70
   - [x] lazy value lookups: Can be done as IPLD Formats is pure JavaScript
   - [x] get external / local paths only: @vmx doesn’t know what this is,
         considers it a “won’t fix”
   - [x] toJSON + fromJSON - roundtrip: A roundtrip is not a goal anymore
         => won’t fix
   - [ ] put + patch api #66: Patch API is still missing
   - [x] text summary: @vmx doesn’t see a strong use case for this => “won’t fix”
   - [x] globbing: Out of scope for js-ipld
 - #175
   - [x] Deprecate passing a CID to `ipld.put`?: Current spec doesn’t allow
         `put()` with a CID
 - #182
   - [x] API Review: Links to many other issues, I list the individual issues
 - #183
   - [x] getting the merkle proof with resolver.resolve: `resolve()` returns
         all CIDs along the traversed path
 - #184
   - [ ] Pass down the `options` object to resolver.resolve(): This needs a
         custom resolver. @vmx isn’t sure if the js-ipld API should make this
         possible, or of it should just be easy enough to create your own
   - [x] The `dag` API - One API to manipulate all the IPLD Format objects:
         Interesting discussion, but not relevant anymore.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
   - [x] dag api: add {ls, tree}: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld anymore as
         the IPLD Nodes are just JavaScript objects which you can easily traverse
         if you like. Though `tree()`-like functionality might be added as an
         example or separate module.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
   - [x] `dag get --localResolve` vs `dag resolve`: This is solved by the new
         `resolve()` API
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
   - [x] add `level` option to ipfs.dag.tree: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld
         anymore. It should be considered if `tree()` is implemented (probably
         as an example or separate module)

Closes #70, #175, #182, #183
Closes ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
Closes ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
Closed ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
vmx added a commit that referenced this issue Mar 18, 2019
The whole IPLD APIs get a review to make them more consistent and
easier to use.

Changes to compared to the current spec:

 - No more callbacks, everything is Promises.
 - `get()`:
   - Is renamed to `resolve()` to indicate that it also takes a mandatory
     path argument.
   - Doesn’t have a `cid` in the return value anymore. That use case is
     covered by returning all objects that were traversed. Their `value`
     will always be the CID of the next one to traverse. So if you want
     to know the CID of the current IPLD Node, just look at the `value`
     of the previously returned IPLD Node.
   - Doesn’t return a single value, but an iterator.
   - `localResolve` option is removed. If you want to resolve a single IPLD
      Node only, just stop the iterator after the first item.
 - `getStream()` is removed without replacement. Use `resolve()` which uses
    async iterators instead.
 - `getMany()` takes an iterable as input now.
 - `put()`:
   - Doesn’t take `cid` as an option anymore. The CID is always calculated
   - The options don’t take the `format` (which is a string), but the `codec`
     (which is a `multicodec`) (#175).
   - the `cidVersion` option always defaults to `1`.
 - `.treeStream()` is renamed to `.tree()` and returns an async iterator.
 - `.support.add()` is renamed to `.addFormat()`.
 - `.support.rm()` is renamed to `.removeFormat()`.
 - `options.loadFormat()` is no longer callback based but is using an async
 - `putMany()` and `removeMany()` are introduced which both take an iterable
   as input.

Almost all open issues in regards to the IPLD API got adressed. One bigger
thing is the Patch API, which also isn’t part of the current specification.
Here’s an overview of the issues:

 - #66
   - [ ] IPLD Resolver `patch` API: There is no patch API yet
 - #70
   - [x] lazy value lookups: Can be done as IPLD Formats is pure JavaScript
   - [x] get external / local paths only: @vmx doesn’t know what this is,
         considers it a “won’t fix”
   - [x] toJSON + fromJSON - roundtrip: A roundtrip is not a goal anymore
         => won’t fix
   - [ ] put + patch api #66: Patch API is still missing
   - [x] text summary: @vmx doesn’t see a strong use case for this => “won’t fix”
   - [x] globbing: Out of scope for js-ipld
 - #175
   - [x] Deprecate passing a CID to `ipld.put`?: Current spec doesn’t allow
         `put()` with a CID
 - #182
   - [x] API Review: Links to many other issues, I list the individual issues
 - #183
   - [x] getting the merkle proof with resolver.resolve: `resolve()` returns
         all CIDs along the traversed path
 - #184
   - [ ] Pass down the `options` object to resolver.resolve(): This needs a
         custom resolver. @vmx isn’t sure if the js-ipld API should make this
         possible, or of it should just be easy enough to create your own
   - [x] The `dag` API - One API to manipulate all the IPLD Format objects:
         Interesting discussion, but not relevant anymore.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
   - [x] dag api: add {ls, tree}: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld anymore as
         the IPLD Nodes are just JavaScript objects which you can easily traverse
         if you like. Though `tree()`-like functionality might be added as an
         example or separate module.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
   - [x] `dag get --localResolve` vs `dag resolve`: This is solved by the new
         `resolve()` API
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
   - [x] add `level` option to ipfs.dag.tree: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld
         anymore. It should be considered if `tree()` is implemented (probably
         as an example or separate module)

Closes #70, #175, #182, #183
Closes ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
Closes ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
Closed ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
vmx added a commit that referenced this issue Mar 18, 2019
The whole IPLD APIs get a review to make them more consistent and
easier to use.

Changes to compared to the current spec:

 - No more callbacks, everything is Promises.
 - `get()`:
   - Is renamed to `resolve()` to indicate that it also takes a mandatory
     path argument.
   - Doesn’t have a `cid` in the return value anymore. That use case is
     covered by returning all objects that were traversed. Their `value`
     will always be the CID of the next one to traverse. So if you want
     to know the CID of the current IPLD Node, just look at the `value`
     of the previously returned IPLD Node.
   - Doesn’t return a single value, but an iterator.
   - `localResolve` option is removed. If you want to resolve a single IPLD
      Node only, just stop the iterator after the first item.
 - `getStream()` is removed without replacement. Use `resolve()` which uses
    async iterators instead.
 - `getMany()` takes an iterable as input now.
 - `put()`:
   - Doesn’t take `cid` as an option anymore. The CID is always calculated
   - The options don’t take the `format` (which is a string), but the `codec`
     (which is a `multicodec`) (#175).
   - the `cidVersion` option always defaults to `1`.
 - `.treeStream()` is renamed to `.tree()` and returns an async iterator.
 - `.support.add()` is renamed to `.addFormat()`.
 - `.support.rm()` is renamed to `.removeFormat()`.
 - `options.loadFormat()` is no longer callback based but is using an async
 - `putMany()` and `removeMany()` are introduced which both take an iterable
   as input.

Almost all open issues in regards to the IPLD API got adressed. One bigger
thing is the Patch API, which also isn’t part of the current specification.
Here’s an overview of the issues:

 - #66
   - [ ] IPLD Resolver `patch` API: There is no patch API yet
 - #70
   - [x] lazy value lookups: Can be done as IPLD Formats is pure JavaScript
   - [x] get external / local paths only: @vmx doesn’t know what this is,
         considers it a “won’t fix”
   - [x] toJSON + fromJSON - roundtrip: A roundtrip is not a goal anymore
         => won’t fix
   - [ ] put + patch api #66: Patch API is still missing
   - [x] text summary: @vmx doesn’t see a strong use case for this => “won’t fix”
   - [x] globbing: Out of scope for js-ipld
 - #175
   - [x] Deprecate passing a CID to `ipld.put`?: Current spec doesn’t allow
         `put()` with a CID
 - #182
   - [x] API Review: Links to many other issues, I list the individual issues
 - #183
   - [x] getting the merkle proof with resolver.resolve: `resolve()` returns
         all CIDs along the traversed path
 - #184
   - [ ] Pass down the `options` object to resolver.resolve(): This needs a
         custom resolver. @vmx isn’t sure if the js-ipld API should make this
         possible, or of it should just be easy enough to create your own
   - [x] The `dag` API - One API to manipulate all the IPLD Format objects:
         Interesting discussion, but not relevant anymore.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
   - [x] dag api: add {ls, tree}: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld anymore as
         the IPLD Nodes are just JavaScript objects which you can easily traverse
         if you like. Though `tree()`-like functionality might be added as an
         example or separate module.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
   - [x] `dag get --localResolve` vs `dag resolve`: This is solved by the new
         `resolve()` API
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
   - [x] add `level` option to ipfs.dag.tree: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld
         anymore. It should be considered if `tree()` is implemented (probably
         as an example or separate module)

Closes #70, #175, #182, #183
Closes ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
Closes ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
Closed ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
vmx added a commit that referenced this issue Mar 19, 2019
The whole IPLD APIs get a review to make them more consistent and
easier to use.

Changes to compared to the current spec:

 - No more callbacks, everything is Promises.
 - `get()`:
   - Is renamed to `resolve()` to indicate that it also takes a mandatory
     path argument.
   - Doesn’t have a `cid` in the return value anymore. That use case is
     covered by returning all objects that were traversed. Their `value`
     will always be the CID of the next one to traverse. So if you want
     to know the CID of the current IPLD Node, just look at the `value`
     of the previously returned IPLD Node.
   - Doesn’t return a single value, but an iterator.
   - `localResolve` option is removed. If you want to resolve a single IPLD
      Node only, just stop the iterator after the first item.
 - `getStream()` is removed without replacement. Use `resolve()` which uses
    async iterators instead.
 - `getMany()` takes an iterable as input now.
 - `put()`:
   - Doesn’t take `cid` as an option anymore. The CID is always calculated
   - The options don’t take the `format` (which is a string), but the `codec`
     (which is a `multicodec`) (#175).
   - the `cidVersion` option always defaults to `1`.
 - `.treeStream()` is renamed to `.tree()` and returns an async iterator.
 - `.support.add()` is renamed to `.addFormat()`.
 - `.support.rm()` is renamed to `.removeFormat()`.
 - `options.loadFormat()` is no longer callback based but is using an async
 - `putMany()` and `removeMany()` are introduced which both take an iterable
   as input.

Almost all open issues in regards to the IPLD API got adressed. One bigger
thing is the Patch API, which also isn’t part of the current specification.
Here’s an overview of the issues:

 - #66
   - [ ] IPLD Resolver `patch` API: There is no patch API yet
 - #70
   - [x] lazy value lookups: Can be done as IPLD Formats is pure JavaScript
   - [x] get external / local paths only: @vmx doesn’t know what this is,
         considers it a “won’t fix”
   - [x] toJSON + fromJSON - roundtrip: A roundtrip is not a goal anymore
         => won’t fix
   - [ ] put + patch api #66: Patch API is still missing
   - [x] text summary: @vmx doesn’t see a strong use case for this => “won’t fix”
   - [x] globbing: Out of scope for js-ipld
 - #175
   - [x] Deprecate passing a CID to `ipld.put`?: Current spec doesn’t allow
         `put()` with a CID
 - #182
   - [x] API Review: Links to many other issues, I list the individual issues
 - #183
   - [x] getting the merkle proof with resolver.resolve: `resolve()` returns
         all CIDs along the traversed path
 - #184
   - [ ] Pass down the `options` object to resolver.resolve(): This needs a
         custom resolver. @vmx isn’t sure if the js-ipld API should make this
         possible, or of it should just be easy enough to create your own
   - [x] The `dag` API - One API to manipulate all the IPLD Format objects:
         Interesting discussion, but not relevant anymore.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
   - [x] dag api: add {ls, tree}: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld anymore as
         the IPLD Nodes are just JavaScript objects which you can easily traverse
         if you like. Though `tree()`-like functionality might be added as an
         example or separate module.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
   - [x] `dag get --localResolve` vs `dag resolve`: This is solved by the new
         `resolve()` API
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
   - [x] add `level` option to ipfs.dag.tree: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld
         anymore. It should be considered if `tree()` is implemented (probably
         as an example or separate module)

Closes #70, #175, #182, #183
Closes ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
Closes ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
Closed ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
vmx added a commit that referenced this issue Mar 21, 2019
The whole IPLD APIs get a review to make them more consistent and
easier to use.

Changes to compared to the current spec:

 - No more callbacks, everything is Promises.
 - `get()`:
   - Is renamed to `resolve()` to indicate that it also takes a mandatory
     path argument.
   - Doesn’t have a `cid` in the return value anymore. That use case is
     covered by returning all objects that were traversed. Their `value`
     will always be the CID of the next one to traverse. So if you want
     to know the CID of the current IPLD Node, just look at the `value`
     of the previously returned IPLD Node.
   - Doesn’t return a single value, but an iterator.
   - `localResolve` option is removed. If you want to resolve a single IPLD
      Node only, just stop the iterator after the first item.
 - `getStream()` is removed without replacement. Use `resolve()` which uses
    async iterators instead.
 - `getMany()` takes an iterable as input now.
 - `put()`:
   - Doesn’t take `cid` as an option anymore. The CID is always calculated
   - The options don’t take the `format` (which is a string), but the `codec`
     (which is a `multicodec`) (#175).
   - the `cidVersion` option always defaults to `1`.
 - `.treeStream()` is renamed to `.tree()` and returns an async iterator.
 - `.support.add()` is renamed to `.addFormat()`.
 - `.support.rm()` is renamed to `.removeFormat()`.
 - `options.loadFormat()` is no longer callback based but is using an async
 - `putMany()` and `removeMany()` are introduced which both take an iterable
   as input.

Almost all open issues in regards to the IPLD API got adressed. One bigger
thing is the Patch API, which also isn’t part of the current specification.
Here’s an overview of the issues:

 - #66
   - [ ] IPLD Resolver `patch` API: There is no patch API yet
 - #70
   - [x] lazy value lookups: Can be done as IPLD Formats is pure JavaScript
   - [x] get external / local paths only: @vmx doesn’t know what this is,
         considers it a “won’t fix”
   - [x] toJSON + fromJSON - roundtrip: A roundtrip is not a goal anymore
         => won’t fix
   - [ ] put + patch api #66: Patch API is still missing
   - [x] text summary: @vmx doesn’t see a strong use case for this => “won’t fix”
   - [x] globbing: Out of scope for js-ipld
 - #175
   - [x] Deprecate passing a CID to `ipld.put`?: Current spec doesn’t allow
         `put()` with a CID
 - #182
   - [x] API Review: Links to many other issues, I list the individual issues
 - #183
   - [x] getting the merkle proof with resolver.resolve: `resolve()` returns
         all CIDs along the traversed path
 - #184
   - [ ] Pass down the `options` object to resolver.resolve(): This needs a
         custom resolver. @vmx isn’t sure if the js-ipld API should make this
         possible, or of it should just be easy enough to create your own
   - [x] The `dag` API - One API to manipulate all the IPLD Format objects:
         Interesting discussion, but not relevant anymore.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
   - [x] dag api: add {ls, tree}: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld anymore as
         the IPLD Nodes are just JavaScript objects which you can easily traverse
         if you like. Though `tree()`-like functionality might be added as an
         example or separate module.
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
   - [x] `dag get --localResolve` vs `dag resolve`: This is solved by the new
         `resolve()` API
 - ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
   - [x] add `level` option to ipfs.dag.tree: `tree()` is not part of js-ipld
         anymore. It should be considered if `tree()` is implemented (probably
         as an example or separate module)

Closes #70, #175, #182, #183
Closes ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#121
Closes ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#125
Closed ipfs-inactive/interface-js-ipfs-core#137
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6 participants