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💫 A coroutines-driven Low & Slow traffic sender, written in Rust


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You are seeing a high-performant, coroutines-driven, and fully customisable implementation of Low & Slow load generator designed for real-world pentesting. Its complete undetectability is achieved by connecting through Tor.



  • Coroutines-driven. Finshir uses coroutines (also called lightweight threads) instead of ordinary threads, which lets you open many more connections with fewer system resources.

  • Generic. Unlike other Low & Slow utilities, Finshir lets you transmit arbitrary data sets over the TCP protocol. It may be partial HTTP headers, empty spaces, and so on.

  • Written in Rust. How you can see, all the logic is written completely in Rust, which means that it leverages bare-metal performance and high-level safety (no SIGSEGV, SIGILL, and other "funny" stuff).


Currently, this project requires unstable standard library features, so this is why you must switch to the nightly channel to avoid compilation errors:

$ rustup override set nightly-2019-04-25

Building from

$ cargo install finshir

Building from sources

$ git clone
$ cd finshir
$ cargo build --release

Pre-compiled binaries

The easiest way to run Finshir on your system is to download the pre-compiled binaries from the existing releases, which doesn't require any external software (unlike the two previous approaches).


finshir 0.1.0
Temirkhan Myrzamadi <[email protected]>
A coroutines-driven Low & Slow traffic sender, written in Rust

    finshir [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --receiver <SOCKET-ADDRESS>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
        --use-tor    Torify all sockets by connecting to a SOCKS5 proxy running
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --connect-timeout <TIME-SPAN>
            If a timeout is reached and a socket wasn't connected, the program
            will retry the operation later.
            Note that this option currently doesn't work on sockets which are
            trying to connect through Tor. [default: 30secs]
    -c, --connections <POSITIVE-INTEGER>
            A number of connections the program will handle simultaneously. This
            option also equals to a number of coroutines [default: 1000]
        --date-time-format <STRING>
            A format for displaying local date and time in log messages. Type
            `man strftime` to see the format specification [default: %X]
        --failed-count <POSITIVE-INTEGER>
            A number of failed data transmissions used to reconnect a socket to
            a remote web server [default: 5]
        --ip-ttl <UNSIGNED-INTEGER>
            Specifies the IP_TTL value for all future sockets. Usually this
            value equals a number of routers that a packet can go through
    -f, --portions-file <LOCATION>
            A file consisting of a custom JSON array of data portions, specified
            as strings
    -r, --receiver <SOCKET-ADDRESS>
            A receiver of generator traffic, specified as an IP address and a
            port number, separated by a colon
    -d, --test-duration <TIME-SPAN>
            A whole test duration, after which all spawned coroutines will stop
            their work [default: 64years 64hours 64secs]
    -v, --verbosity <LEVEL>
            Enable one of the possible verbosity levels. The zero level doesn't
            print anything, and the last level prints everything [default: 3]
            [possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    -w, --wait <TIME-SPAN>
            A waiting time span before test execution used to prevent a launch
            of an erroneous (unwanted) test [default: 5secs]
        --write-periodicity <TIME-SPAN>
            A time interval between writing data portions. This option can be
            used to modify test intensity [default: 30secs]
        --write-timeout <TIME-SPAN>
            If a timeout is reached and a data portion wasn't sent, the program
            will retry the operation later [default: 30secs]

By default, Finshir generates 100 empty spaces as data portions. If you want to
override this behaviour, consider using the `--portions-file` option.

For more information see <>.


Minimal command

The following command spawns 1000 coroutines, each trying to establish a new TCP connection. When connections are established, it sends empty spaces every 30 seconds, thereby order a server to wait as long as it can:

# Specify one of the Google's IP addresses as a target web server
$ finshir --receiver=

Using the Tor network

You can do this by specifying the --use-tor flag. It connects to your local SOCKS5 proxy running on 9050 port, which is typically used by Tor proxies. Also consider modifying the default configuration file located in /etc/tor/torrc.

# Connect to the Google's address through your local Tor proxy
$ finshir --receiver= --use-tor

Test intensity

Low & Slow techniques assume to be VERY SLOW, which means that you typically send a couple of bytes every N seconds. For instance, Finshir uses the 30 seconds interval by default, but it's modifiable as well:

# Test the Google's server sending data portions every one minute
$ finshir --receiver= --write-periodicity=1min

Connections count

The default number of parallel connections is 1000. However, you can modify this limit using the --connections option, but be sure that you system is able to handle such amount of file descriptors:

# Modify the default limit of file descriptors to 17015
$ sudo ulimit -n 17015

# Test the target server using 17000 parallel TCP connections
$ finshir --receiver= --connections=17000

Custom data portions

By default, Finshir generates 100 empty spaces as data portions to send. You can override this behaviour by specifying your custom messages as a file, consisting of a single JSON array. This example is focused on Google:

# Send partial HTTP headers to Google using `--portions-file`
$ finshir --receiver= --portions-file files/google.json

Logging options

Consider specifying a custom verbosity level from 0 to 5 (inclusively), which is done by the --verbosity option. There is also the --date-time-format option which tells Finshir to use your custom date-time format.

# Use a custom date-time format and the last verbosity level
$ finshir --receiver= --date-time-format="%F" --verbosity=5




Being verbose


You are always welcome for any contribution to this project! But before you start, you should read the appropriate document to know about the preferred development process and the basic communication rules.

Target platform

Like most of pentesting utilities, this project is developed, tested, and maintained for only Linux-based systems. If you are a Windows user, you probably need a virtual machine or another computer with GNU/Linux.

Legal disclaimer

Finshir was developed as a means of testing stress resistance of web servers, and not for hacking, that is, the author of the project IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for any damage caused by your use of his program.

Project links


Temirkhan Myrzamadi <[email protected]> (the author)


💫 A coroutines-driven Low & Slow traffic sender, written in Rust



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